Who should be my first 5* r4?

I know this has been asked a million times, but it's so tough. My other r4 will be gwenpool. I'm mainly wanting to focus on 100% uncollected every month and the initial completion of act 5. Would love your reason why also. Thanks in advance!
Both would be excellent choices for AQ and honestly any champ is.
Both are excellent choices for questing (Acts 1-5, special monthly Uncollected quest, etc). In fact, I primarily used my Corvus to clear most of this month's Uncollected (already 100%).
For Labyrinth, Hyperion is the better option though I have Blade, SL, and Starky and they are much better options than Hyp here. This is the one glaring weakness of CG, he isn't a good option for very, very long fights.
Corvus is the current darling in AW and at the highest levels is way more common than Hyp. Hyp feeds MD and this can be very problematic, though if you avoid MOST mystics he is still an excellent choice for AW.
Both unduped
I voted hype because of his overall utility..corvus though great suffers from a massive drawback of hitting like a noodle once his charges are over and that makes him not so good in long fights where ur R4 might not be able to finish opponent in those 20 hits whereas hype is great for all content of the game..
So I must be bugged then. I'll put in a ticket. And thanks. I'm working on making out assassin so his sp2 should really do nice damage once I got them close to death on this high health people.
Hype dosnt really need to be awakened to use him effectively.
Corvus is a hard hitting immortal that has very unique abilities and utility. His fighting style is very fluid and fun to play & his persistent charges are a plus.
Learn his playstyle and complete the missions in attributes to see him shine.
Once awakened, he cannot die while his Glaive is not broken.
This is also the only champion that has synergy with another champion written into his ability, Powerful match if you pair these with Proxima.
He will serve you well.
Great pulls.