Uncollected ch2.1. Sparky Boss TOO defensive?

I've been stuck on that Stark spiderman boss in uncollected ch. 2.1 and have noticed that he is more aggressive and fights more normally when on his passive +300% fury buff. However, when he switches to his passive +300% armor up buff, he becomes incredibly defensive and refuses to attack me and he remains in a blocked state. This causes some serious issues due to his passive regen buff when he isn't hit. Vote on the poll and comment what you think (unless you are just someone who will post something useless like blame RNG)

Uncollected ch2.1. Sparky Boss TOO defensive? 101 votes

Yes, I too have noticed this same exact issue! Thanks for the post!
Jh_DezThebgj01Timone147LaserbreakDrenlinJwallace25MaximumCrashIron_SkywalkervinniegainzAhitlawMrTicTac19992008MalanJyotishkaCaliGirlCGCupidDR_MantisToboggan1YashasweevardhanVoltolosMrwarren96Woozie 24 votes
Haven't noticed this because I'm a god and have all the god-tier champs to pull me through
ShrimkinsthemikiezgoingKobster84gage201205The_Boss9Cosmicspiderman777 7 votes
Probably nothing, but worth looking into
HendrosssbdjdkKRONOSDOUBLEJayCeeFooshblalala 5 votes
Not an issue, just A.I. doing A.I. things
Vdh2008BigPoppaCBONEsamalasravanLeNoirFaineantweavilerealiTicSungjCoBfan1987Anonymous346SarcasticTaurusSp3edD3m0nLilMaddogHTSpiderCoolsRixobKillerBee_samaOrdalcaWorknprogressPizzabeatrockykostontaojay1 40 votes
You suck
Skeleton777xNigbattleoneSpity68DidzeeSpeedbumpFoxhero007hendroidsvNemesis666Rooney_NationPawnyExpressTurguzRasilovercx23433jilanibuxJohn757Shadow_PhoneixB_Dizzle_01RakeYoungAvengers320 25 votes


  • SknZnSknZn Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    It’s AI behaviour.
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Is that the oscillate node? That's exactly how emma frost behaved in her EQ, aggressive on fury mode, defensive on armor mode
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    If all he's doing is blocking, why not just hit him with a heavy?
    Probably nothing, but worth looking into
    @SknZn maybe, but that's why I made a post. Some of my alliance members have said they noticed the same thing, so now I'm extending my thoughts to the community. And if other are noticing the same thing as me, then that means that the sparky is bugged, or at worst he was designed to perform that way in order to make things harder (which would be fine if they had specified it)

    @TheSquish671 and yes it is
  • gage201205gage201205 Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    Haven't noticed this because I'm a god and have all the god-tier champs to pull me through
    Use void and watch the magic work as he starts to get Regen buffs
    Probably nothing, but worth looking into
    @gage201205 if my void was higher than 2/20, I would definitely use him, guess I should rank him up then
  • gage201205gage201205 Member Posts: 576 ★★★
    Haven't noticed this because I'm a god and have all the god-tier champs to pull me through
    @KRONOSDOUBLE void has so many uses in the game and agression Regen is one he owns I believe it was ghost's node on uncollected when she came out too just build up fear of the void then sit back and watch his life fade away
    Probably nothing, but worth looking into
    @gage201205 good tip. I know everyone says void is awesome, guess I should finally start taking the hint and level him up haha
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Not an issue, just A.I. doing A.I. things
    What champs are you using against him, I noticed he's a bit defensive but I think it is programmed that way and it wasn't much of a problem. The regen was fine because I ended up out damaging it. Since he's only the 3rd boss his hp pool isn't that large so while the fight lasted longer it still wasn't that bad.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    That’s how oscillate works. Fury=aggressive Armor=Defensive
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    edited November 2018
    Probably nothing, but worth looking into
    @Sungj The champ I have the highest chance of beating him with is hyperion because his sp2 has armor break. My other 4 4/55 champs (rhino, stark spiderman, and magik, Ultron) don't have armor break and cant deal enough damage quick enough, atleast not enough to make a dent big enough that cant be regenerated as quick. My 6* guillotine is my next best chance due to her sp2 reversing regen, but its a gamble because he has to build up a higher regen count before hitting him with sp2
    Probably nothing, but worth looking into
    @Hammerbro_64 if that really is the way it works, then they need to specifically add that to the information given on the oscillate node
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    True Kronos
  • SknZnSknZn Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    @SknZn maybe, but that's why I made a post. Some of my alliance members have said they noticed the same thing, so now I'm extending my thoughts to the community. And if other are noticing the same thing as me, then that means that the sparky is bugged, or at worst he was designed to perform that way in order to make things harder (which would be fine if they had specified it)

    @TheSquish671 and yes it is

    I was playin as CapIW and let him degen into hell, but it was exactly same as Emma did. Armor stage, defensive af and throw sp from nowhere, Just like emma, Well fury stage is obvious. I personally don’t think this is worth looking into.
    Probably nothing, but worth looking into
    @SknZn I understand, but it is definitely worth getting the attention of mods/admins so they can put in a good word with the devs in order to make this potential secondary effect of oscillate node known to everyone, that way there aren't people like me posting questions like this on forums
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    You suck
    It’s the node. The same was with Emma Frost a few months back.

    Oscillate node changes the AI behavior.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    You suck
    @SknZn I understand, but it is definitely worth getting the attention of mods/admins so they can put in a good word with the devs in order to make this potential secondary effect of oscillate node known to everyone, that way there aren't people like me posting questions like this on forums

    The question is.. why should AI behavior be predictable to the community?

    Is there anything wrong with an AI that just blocks through the entire fight without launching an attack? There isn’t.

    Just because you’re not used to fighting this AI doesn’t mean it’s a bug.
    Probably nothing, but worth looking into
    @xNig average AI behavior isn't the problem. The problem is when there is a node that doesn't state that the AI's behavior will be different depending on what cycle is currently on. All I am asking for is 2 things; 1.) Clarify on the node that the AI behavior will change when cycling between effects (Oscillate Node) or 2.) Prevent the AI from only drifting between extremely aggressive and extremely defensive.

    There are no other regular fights in this game where the AI drifts between ONLY those 2 extremes (unless that it is stated by a node, which Oscillate does not state AI change will occur).
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    I've been wanting to post about it for some time, but I've held my tongue on it. The timings are all over the place. The AI either holds Block until you move, or it's super aggro. Specials are Blocked almost instantly. Heavies are automatically Intercepted. The window we have to respond is getting smaller and smaller. In harder Fights, the AI moves a few seconds after the usual beats, and it is as if it just waits to Whiff you. It's no longer predictable. Now, I'm not getting into the debate about bugs versus design. Whether it's intentional or not. All I know is it's getting ridiculously frustrating because the timings are always shifting. I'm not a fan. I also suspect that it's contributing to the lag people are experiencing because some devices and OS Builds aren't capable of keeping up with the timing shifts on top of the other things going on like graphics and Abilities interacting.
    TL:DR - Too many speed variants.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Not an issue, just A.I. doing A.I. things
    @Sungj The champ I have the highest chance of beating him with is hyperion because his sp2 has armor break. My other 4 4/55 champs (rhino, stark spiderman, and magik, Ultron) don't have armor break and cant deal enough damage quick enough, atleast not enough to make a dent big enough that cant be regenerated as quick. My 6* guillotine is my next best chance due to her sp2 reversing regen, but its a gamble because he has to build up a higher regen count before hitting him with sp2

    Hyperion should be fine, the armor honestly isn't that bad, build up furies then spam his sp1 so the incinerate counters the regen he gains while you bait out specials. His natural crits plus fury gain plus incinerate will deal enough damage to take him out, even easier since he's cosmic and shuts down hi AI. Stark spiderman should also be able to do this fight pretty easily especially if he's awakened, more than enough damage and taunt allows you to bait specials quicker so his regen doesn't stack to crazy amounts.10 poise charges and a big sp2 should melt him pretty quickly. I didn't use any armor break champs to get him down, I can't remember all the champs I used to take him out but one fight I used a ramped up 6* star sabretooth and starky or hyperion should match his damage output and get him down.

    Also this isn't the only node that changes AI behaviour, that one node that only allows champions to gain power by blocking also makes the AI more prone to block. I don't think they have to disclose when AI changes it's just a learn and adapt kind of thing, it makes sense the AI would be programmed to use the nodes effectively. The same is with mordo who goes defensive when his powergain is up, the venom AI is generally more aggressive than others etc. It isn't even that extreme I didn't even notice it until my third run through his quest.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Not an issue, just A.I. doing A.I. things
    Hype kills him pretty quick. Did fight him with a B team once and no cosmic and he was more of a pain than I expected. The AI behavior is just the node though.
  • themikithemiki Member Posts: 60
    Haven't noticed this because I'm a god and have all the god-tier champs to pull me through
    Seems like that’s the Sparky way.
  • StabbinbuttsStabbinbutts Member Posts: 39
    Yes, I too have noticed this same exact issue! Thanks for the post!
    I just used my duped 4 star cap iw paired with synergies like thor and tech Spidey. That armor break along with s2 made easy work of him.
  • PawnyExpressPawnyExpress Member Posts: 52
    You suck
    I would suggest bringing any cosmic champ and getting better with your parry, I destroyed him in 20 hits with my Hyperion but any cosmic champ will turn off his ai
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Haven't noticed this because I'm a god and have all the god-tier champs to pull me through
    Good ol corvus glaive
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I quit this quest 7 times because I refused to spend revives on it.
    In the end I did it with 5/50 Void.
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  • Rooney_NationRooney_Nation Member Posts: 65
    You suck
    Why not just beat it instead of complaining. Then again, they’ve already dumbed down the difficulty of act 4 drastically when the 12.0 update came out (I.e. caltrops juggernaut in 4.3.3, all of spiked armor 4.3.2 & caltrops 4.3.3, or even the venom boss in 4.3.6), why not make act 5 easy too?
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