Uncollected ch2.1. Sparky Boss TOO defensive?

I've been stuck on that Stark spiderman boss in uncollected ch. 2.1 and have noticed that he is more aggressive and fights more normally when on his passive +300% fury buff. However, when he switches to his passive +300% armor up buff, he becomes incredibly defensive and refuses to attack me and he remains in a blocked state. This causes some serious issues due to his passive regen buff when he isn't hit. Vote on the poll and comment what you think (unless you are just someone who will post something useless like blame RNG)
Uncollected ch2.1. Sparky Boss TOO defensive? 101 votes
Haven't noticed this because I'm a god and have all the god-tier champs to pull me through
@TheSquish671 and yes it is
I was playin as CapIW and let him degen into hell, but it was exactly same as Emma did. Armor stage, defensive af and throw sp from nowhere, Just like emma, Well fury stage is obvious. I personally don’t think this is worth looking into.
Oscillate node changes the AI behavior.
The question is.. why should AI behavior be predictable to the community?
Is there anything wrong with an AI that just blocks through the entire fight without launching an attack? There isn’t.
Just because you’re not used to fighting this AI doesn’t mean it’s a bug.
There are no other regular fights in this game where the AI drifts between ONLY those 2 extremes (unless that it is stated by a node, which Oscillate does not state AI change will occur).
TL:DR - Too many speed variants.
Hyperion should be fine, the armor honestly isn't that bad, build up furies then spam his sp1 so the incinerate counters the regen he gains while you bait out specials. His natural crits plus fury gain plus incinerate will deal enough damage to take him out, even easier since he's cosmic and shuts down hi AI. Stark spiderman should also be able to do this fight pretty easily especially if he's awakened, more than enough damage and taunt allows you to bait specials quicker so his regen doesn't stack to crazy amounts.10 poise charges and a big sp2 should melt him pretty quickly. I didn't use any armor break champs to get him down, I can't remember all the champs I used to take him out but one fight I used a ramped up 6* star sabretooth and starky or hyperion should match his damage output and get him down.
Also this isn't the only node that changes AI behaviour, that one node that only allows champions to gain power by blocking also makes the AI more prone to block. I don't think they have to disclose when AI changes it's just a learn and adapt kind of thing, it makes sense the AI would be programmed to use the nodes effectively. The same is with mordo who goes defensive when his powergain is up, the venom AI is generally more aggressive than others etc. It isn't even that extreme I didn't even notice it until my third run through his quest.
In the end I did it with 5/50 Void.