2015 rank up gems [Merged Threads]



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Especially now, after the fact, when a fix has been pushed.
  • AromaticCoffeeAromaticCoffee Member Posts: 34
    How can you let people keep this? It gives players wity already sizeable rosters and tons of optiona an even greater advantage over those of us who already have to work harder to get these things completed. Anyone who was able to plow through this difficult content that fast doesnt need the new champs ranked up as they would clearly already have a roster of great champs that enabled them to get through this quest so quickly. So again you just simply turn a blind eye to the biggest and greatest accounts and allow the gap between the top alliances and the rest of us to grow greater and greater.
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    This is garbage I haven’t even thought about doing the event yet because I’ve been waiting to the strategies to come out but I would have definitely bum rushed it if I had know doing so would provide me with 4 r3tor4 gems instead of just 1 and then 3 for the garbage 2015 champs. This decision to not reverse rewards is garbage we need continuity in content like this. From my standpoint I believe kabam needs to adjust the rewards for everyone who completes this content
  • Sirnoob2Sirnoob2 Member Posts: 289 ★★
    edited November 2018
    Calling It an exploit doesn't account for people that just played the Quest and used their Items. Not everyone was aware it was intended for 2015 Champs alone. Exploiting something implies knowledge that it's not intended. It's just a tricky situation is all. I get that some people feel it's unfair, but it's equally unfair to try and Derank people who had no knowledge and just used the Items. Nor do I think it would be a feasible solution. It was something that was caught fairly quickly and fixed, so we're not talking a large number of people who used them. I don't see how it's an issue, considering the people capable of earning those shouldn't be short of the Resources to R4 in general. That just leaves people wanting the same freedom, but that's equally not feasible because it would be asking them to reinstate a bug after it's fixed. It's just not an easy situation to address.

    So is every other time kabam banned people for something like this wrong to u as well?
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  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    If only I finished 2 days ago, I could’ve r4’d omega red. Instead I get to r4 red magneto.
  • Campo4Campo4 Member Posts: 141
    When the Venom quest came out, people spent money to exploit a glitch to get tons of 5* shards.

    There was another quest last year that kept giving t2a fragments and people spent money to keep completing to get an edge.

    Both of those exploits got rolled back.

    And yet this time, essentially 12 t2a are mistakenly given out to players who have spent to complete Back Issue 1 and not even a consideration of rolling back rank ups? I know Kabam has the technology to do so.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,126 ★★★★★
    McKay420 wrote: »
    SmOkEuDeD wrote: »
    Very unfair to allow the people that used the rank up gems on new champs keep the rank ups and not allow people that complete it later. Need consistency, either rank down the champs that were done that weren't supposed to be or allow everyone to use them in the same manner.

    Lol such a child like mentality, oh they got it so I want it too. It’s life, some people get better **** then others and better deals, it happens, but you can’t expect consistency for everyone it just doesn’t happen. If I bought a car today for $20000 and tomorrow you buy the same car on sale for $15000 am I gonna get my money back? No! Deal with it! Oh mommy that boy got his gem to work, I want mine to work too. Lol if you are a kid, then lesson 1 of life has just started..if not then time to grow up ;)

    U made a new account to make write this

    Before the event even started all the rewards was stated for the event.

    Obviously the people who 100% first are gona benefit it by baving these resources first and obvioisly they wanted to 100% and get the rewards that was posted by kabam before the event started.

    Nowhere did it say
    It was not gonna be a 2015 rank up gem.

    It stated it would be 2015 rank up gems and not a rank up gem for any champion in fine print before the event started.

    You need Grow up and stop hiding
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Let's cut thru the bs pls

    Top players are the ones who have finished this already.
    Coincidentally, top players also know exactly what the rewards are and fully understand how those rewards work before they enter a quest. Hell, they already know how to exploit the game in several other ways and are allowed to do so daily.

    Pretending like ignorance played any role in this is asinine. They simply took a chance. It was worth the VERY SMALL risk even if it was rolled back. Either a champ is deranked or they get lucky. You think that potentially losing one ranked champ matters when you already have 5 r5?

    The message is clear: 99.9% of the player base doesn't matter. And this isn't even a spending thing. Ppl might have dropped $200 to clear it. Their accounts are monsters, mostly because they exploit the game every step of the way. Yeah, they're really good at the game too, but so are tons of others who just chose to not cheat.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Let's cut thru the bs pls

    Top players are the ones who have finished this already.
    Coincidentally, top players also know exactly what the rewards are and fully understand how those rewards work before they enter a quest. Hell, they already know how to exploit the game in several other ways and are allowed to do so daily.

    Pretending like ignorance played any role in this is asinine. They simply took a chance. It was worth the VERY SMALL risk even if it was rolled back. Either a champ is deranked or they get lucky. You think that potentially losing one ranked champ matters when you already have 5 r5?

    The message is clear: 99.9% of the player base doesn't matter. And this isn't even a spending thing. Ppl might have dropped $200 to clear it. Their accounts are monsters, mostly because they exploit the game every step of the way. Yeah, they're really good at the game too, but so are tons of others who just chose to not cheat.

    This isn’t a spending thing. This isn’t protecting the whales.

    I know whales that have dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars on this game over 3+ years that didn’t rush to 100% this and take advantage of the exploit because they were convinced kabam would either roll it back or ban them.

    This is just scum players that exploit every aspect of the game in their quest for e-glory continuing to be scum, and kabam allowing them to get away with it.
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  • iKillUx2iKillUx2 Member Posts: 23
    that’s not fair!! U guys (kabam) always punishes players for exploiting bugs and now u guys just slide this one! Heck no!! We are the people and we all are the same!! So that means everything should be the same for everybody!! So be fair and update those crystals for everybody!! I hope u don’t want to get more people angry like last time u guys nerf champs and start getting bad game rating and all that **** (u know what im taking about) so I suggested to give the same rewards to everybody!!
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  • kish_akish_a Member Posts: 21
    Bottom line ...

    I agree not the fault of pluaers who finished it early and were surprised to find that gen worked on all champs ..

    But it still should be reversed ... Knowingly or unknowingly someone cannot be given advantage over others in the game .. whatever tier they are in ... That's the definition of the word "fair"...

    Kabam said it was going to be 2015 champs only so ppl who used it on other champs shouldn't be surprised that their rank ups r gonna be reversed ..

    Be fair to ur user base kabam ... Stuff like this open u up for lawsuits even ..

  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 876 ★★★★
    So some guys got to rank their Domino's and Emma's and you have to rank Storm or Cyclops?
    GET OVER IT. They get resources much faster than you, so those rank-ups were inevitable.
    Im an end-game player and I dont care about this. I dont care about that quest all that much either
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  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    like always i think we are already used to such bs it's an obvious unfair for this community revert their rank ups it should be easy but why not ? and you are still taking about making this game enjoyable
  • Harvey1980Harvey1980 Member Posts: 30
    Totally disagree with this decision. Only the best end game players will have gone through the quest quickly enough to exploit this glitch. You are showing a complete lack of respect to the rest of the community here. There were no prizes advertised for finishing quickly yet this is a huge prize.
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