Bring Back Duels!

TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
This is something that may get some initial laughs but before the end hopefully people will like it enough!

There are new people to the game that would benefit from the system of the duels (free shards and fighting practice).

Then there are the veterans of the game that have no time for such menial rewards. But if they bump them up and the difficulty then that would be awesome! We still get duel credits, I just sell mine I don't even use them because dueling a champion isn't enough incentive for me. I gain nothing from playing a simple champion. There are some champions like Emma and IMIW that may require some extra practice for people. So here is my idea!

Uncollected Duels - You have the added benefit of a weekly duel that is tuned up to AW standards. Machoism, Buffet, etc.... Make the matches the hardest champions in the game to fight! The ones that we all know are hard to fight. We all know that Joe FixIt, Spider Gwen, Electra etc.... aren't hard to fight at all. Some good thought went into all the champions mechanics (except Spider Gwen, seriously update the SP1 to something cool). But some enhanced Uncollected Duels for some good rewards for such alliances.

Some of the rewards for milestones could include 4* shards, 5* shards, BC, gold and maybe a new crystal to drop just boosts?

That would be a good start to bring back an old event and make it better for the veterans of the game.


  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Duels were just a waste of time and not just because of low rewards.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    You can still duel people if you need to practice, no need to bring back this awful event
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
    Actually can people keep not reading what the event would be and keep slagging it so Kabam actually reads it and brings it back based on your hate. Please that would help a brother out. I appreciate all you reading the title only and not reading the body of the text. :wink:
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    OMG - The worst event with the worst rewards.... No, thank you.

    read the post I am asking for increased difficulty and better rewards.

    The new rewards you posted could not be incorporated, which is why I ignored them... Don't assume I didn't read...

    This was an ALLIANCE event. Not everyone in an alliance is Uncollected... therefore, the rewards could not be awarded in any consistency on an alliance basis. Rather than point this out, I rather say flat no as the rewards would have to for EVERYONE and this could give smaller alliance an unbalanced reward structure that your idea of Uncollected was trying to prevent.
  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
    The_One wrote: »
    You can still duel people if you need to practice, no need to bring back this awful event

    Just think about how fun it would be to play a Node 29 version tuned up Killmonger for better rewards. I am not saying have the old rewards, I am calling for tuned up champions to fight for better rewards for uncollected people.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Actually can people keep not reading what the event would be and keep slagging it so Kabam actually reads it and brings it back based on your hate. Please that would help a brother out. I appreciate all you reading the title only and not reading the body of the text. :wink:

    I did read it thanks.
    Still no
  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
    OMG - The worst event with the worst rewards.... No, thank you.

    read the post I am asking for increased difficulty and better rewards.

    The new rewards you posted could not be incorporated, which is why I ignored them... Don't assume I didn't read...

    This was an ALLIANCE event. Not everyone in an alliance is Uncollected... therefore, the rewards could not be awarded in any consistency on an alliance basis. Rather than point this out, I rather say flat no as the rewards would have to for EVERYONE and this could give smaller alliance an unbalanced reward structure that your idea of Uncollected was trying to prevent.

    They already have tiered crystals for people who have completed certain content. And who said it had to be an alliance feature? It could be a your own personal daily event.

    But hey, I am just thinking outside the box here.
  • Agent_TAgent_T Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Actually can people keep not reading what the event would be and keep slagging it so Kabam actually reads it and brings it back based on your hate. Please that would help a brother out. I appreciate all you reading the title only and not reading the body of the text. :wink:

    I read it but my opinion is still the same. It was a waste of time. Plus like another person stated, you can still duel people if you need practice. And I don’t think buffing the rewards and reworking the event the way you stated would be enough to get others interested again.

  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    OMG - The worst event with the worst rewards.... No, thank you.

    read the post I am asking for increased difficulty and better rewards.

    The new rewards you posted could not be incorporated, which is why I ignored them... Don't assume I didn't read...

    This was an ALLIANCE event. Not everyone in an alliance is Uncollected... therefore, the rewards could not be awarded in any consistency on an alliance basis. Rather than point this out, I rather say flat no as the rewards would have to for EVERYONE and this could give smaller alliance an unbalanced reward structure that your idea of Uncollected was trying to prevent.

    They already have tiered crystals for people who have completed certain content. And who said it had to be an alliance feature? It could be a your own personal daily event.

    But hey, I am just thinking outside the box here.

    Most thought Duels were a waste of time. Arena events have the same connotation, it is a grind fest and is very boring to say the least.

    Unlike say Villian or X-Men or Avenger events which promote using a specific type of champion in arena or content to generate points for much higher rewards. This is pretty much the replacement of the Duel event and promotes using different champs to clear content and get points.

    It also has a better reward list.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Ok how are your Korg fights doing? Domino? Iron Man Infinity war. If you are a 1000% ready for these fights, then you have an argument. But for me and even the most skilled players I know, we use these as the back bone to preparing ourselves for war. Or a difficult challenge we are about to face. I don't think there goes an attack phase where I don't use duels. And on off days I'm constantly using them as well

    My advice to you if you want engaged difficulty is join a line group out there that does duel challenges. These are a lot of fun, and best of all you learn new counters and abilities that you may not have known about. Check Reddit for those such groups and get invited by one of their mods. Good luck
  • xX4ST1NXxxX4ST1NXx Member Posts: 13
    OMG - The worst event with the worst rewards.... No, thank you.

    read the post I am asking for increased difficulty and better rewards.

    The new rewards you posted could not be incorporated, which is why I ignored them... Don't assume I didn't read...

    This was an ALLIANCE event. Not everyone in an alliance is Uncollected... therefore, the rewards could not be awarded in any consistency on an alliance basis. Rather than point this out, I rather say flat no as the rewards would have to for EVERYONE and this could give smaller alliance an unbalanced reward structure that your idea of Uncollected was trying to prevent.

    They already have tiered crystals for people who have completed certain content. And who said it had to be an alliance feature? It could be a your own personal daily event.

    But hey, I am just thinking outside the box here.

    Most thought Duels were a waste of time. Arena events have the same connotation, it is a grind fest and is very boring to say the least.

    Unlike say Villian or X-Men or Avenger events which promote using a specific type of champion in arena or content to generate points for much higher rewards. This is pretty much the replacement of the Duel event and promotes using different champs to clear content and get points.

    It also has a better reward list.

    I like how you talk about the arena event being a grind fest, but you proceed to say you've gotta do arena for Villian, X-Men, & Avengers. You might be able to do regular content to get rewards, but it's still grinding. Having to complete act 4-5? Grinding. Completing eq? Grinding.
  • ICE_ICE_BABYICE_ICE_BABY Member Posts: 218
    This is something that may get some initial laughs but before the end hopefully people will like it enough!

    There are new people to the game that would benefit from the system of the duels (free shards and fighting practice).

    Then there are the veterans of the game that have no time for such menial rewards. But if they bump them up and the difficulty then that would be awesome! We still get duel credits, I just sell mine I don't even use them because dueling a champion isn't enough incentive for me. I gain nothing from playing a simple champion. There are some champions like Emma and IMIW that may require some extra practice for people. So here is my idea!

    Uncollected Duels - You have the added benefit of a weekly duel that is tuned up to AW standards. Machoism, Buffet, etc.... Make the matches the hardest champions in the game to fight! The ones that we all know are hard to fight. We all know that Joe FixIt, Spider Gwen, Electra etc.... aren't hard to fight at all. Some good thought went into all the champions mechanics (except Spider Gwen, seriously update the SP1 to something cool). But some enhanced Uncollected Duels for some good rewards for such alliances.

    Some of the rewards for milestones could include 4* shards, 5* shards, BC, gold and maybe a new crystal to drop just boosts?

    That would be a good start to bring back an old event and make it better for the veterans of the game.

  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Please god no
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    It wasn't the duels, so much as the HORRIBLY clunky interface for setting up each and every duel.

    For every single duel, you have to:
    1) Push search
    2) Type in a name.
    3) Select name
    4) Select Duel
    5) Hit Continue
    6) Select your Champ, hit Start

    Now, you finish the match, can you just hit "Rematch" or something, immediately fighting the same guy using your same champ?

    Nope, you are kicked back to the home screen, and you have to start from step #1.

    Fix that, and then duels won't be so reviled.
  • Twisted_cookieTwisted_cookie Member Posts: 27
    I read it! Simply put I'm with everyone saying No.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Duels are great for practicing against new champs. It is very hard to find targeted champs for duels now with the new profile pics and issues with the Summoner leaderboards tho. Now the event itself was kind of lane, but dueling say an R5/65 Korg or Emma Frost right before you have to face them in aw can be very useful.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    xX4ST1NXx wrote: »
    OMG - The worst event with the worst rewards.... No, thank you.

    read the post I am asking for increased difficulty and better rewards.

    The new rewards you posted could not be incorporated, which is why I ignored them... Don't assume I didn't read...

    This was an ALLIANCE event. Not everyone in an alliance is Uncollected... therefore, the rewards could not be awarded in any consistency on an alliance basis. Rather than point this out, I rather say flat no as the rewards would have to for EVERYONE and this could give smaller alliance an unbalanced reward structure that your idea of Uncollected was trying to prevent.

    They already have tiered crystals for people who have completed certain content. And who said it had to be an alliance feature? It could be a your own personal daily event.

    But hey, I am just thinking outside the box here.

    Most thought Duels were a waste of time. Arena events have the same connotation, it is a grind fest and is very boring to say the least.

    Unlike say Villian or X-Men or Avenger events which promote using a specific type of champion in arena or content to generate points for much higher rewards. This is pretty much the replacement of the Duel event and promotes using different champs to clear content and get points.

    It also has a better reward list.

    I like how you talk about the arena event being a grind fest, but you proceed to say you've gotta do arena for Villian, X-Men, & Avengers. You might be able to do regular content to get rewards, but it's still grinding. Having to complete act 4-5? Grinding. Completing eq? Grinding.

    I didn't say you gotta do arena to qualify for the those events, just that it is one way to get points. You can also do events and storyline content. You just have to use champs from that faction. it is still grinding, but at least you get a lot more than duels... Duels gave you very little gold and and BC. The rewards for the Duel event were mainly PHC shards at best.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    dkatryl wrote: »
    It wasn't the duels, so much as the HORRIBLY clunky interface for setting up each and every duel.

    For every single duel, you have to:
    1) Push search
    2) Type in a name.
    3) Select name
    4) Select Duel
    5) Hit Continue
    6) Select your Champ, hit Start

    Now, you finish the match, can you just hit "Rematch" or something, immediately fighting the same guy using your same champ?

    Nope, you are kicked back to the home screen, and you have to start from step #1.

    Fix that, and then duels won't be so reviled.

    There is that too... Each duel was a labor to conduct for the pitiful rewards.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Duels are exactly how they should be. A tool for people to practice fighting certain champs. As an event is it mind numbing and tedious. The game design to do duels is utterly annoying and even after going through 10 steps to even complete a duel, they don’t give you any option to rematch or at least even repopulate the search you did. Until they make the dueling system more user friendly, I’m happy never seeing that event again.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    If they can add a duel again button and up the rewards then maybe... problem is now with the profile pics the concept doesn’t work because hard to find duel targets
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    The_One wrote: »
    You can still duel people if you need to practice, no need to bring back this awful event

    Just think about how fun it would be to play a Node 29 version tuned up Killmonger for better rewards. I am not saying have the old rewards, I am calling for tuned up champions to fight for better rewards for uncollected people.

    I'd love to have duels with node 29 Killmonger, Boss node Medusa, etc. Don't think they will do it because they want us buying potions, but it would be good.
  • MeniscusMaster2MeniscusMaster2 Member Posts: 92
    Actually can people keep not reading what the event would be and keep slagging it so Kabam actually reads it and brings it back based on your hate. Please that would help a brother out. I appreciate all you reading the title only and not reading the body of the text. :wink:

    I read the whole thing and think its a great idea
  • Beargames_2ndBeargames_2nd Member Posts: 5
    I like how there's so many "no" in this cement section
  • This content has been removed.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    I've also proposed something similar to this in the past @TheRealApoc . Overhauling the Duel system to include choosing Node Buffs. Perhaps do away with the system as it stands (going after someone's top Champion) and allow players to choose the champion with, tier, rank, and sig ability on or off.

    This would likely have to be a Solo Event. A weekly Duel Challenge if you will. Complete X number of duels with Y number of Buffs. Or perhaps make the weekly Buff part of the Challenge. It would be like giving the players a functional 'Danger Room' in essence. Personally, I love this concept. The rewards would ideally be tiered to the highest progression title the player has.

    Number of points could increase per the tier champ you utilize for the fight. So those who really got the skills to break out their 2 and 3* champs for a rough battle would better be rewarded for such. Higher tier champs award less points. In turn, giving new uses for those lower tier champs collecting dust in some players rosters. Hey, it's a fun idea IMO. No one would be holding a gun to your head to complete it. You can choose to NOT do things in this game after all, lol.
  • Mqc19Mqc19 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    NO! Waste of time unless rewards are greatly buffed. Duel on your own time if you need practice.

    They should have a area to search champs and practice who you want though... totally all for that.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Mqc19 said:

    NO! Waste of time unless rewards are greatly buffed. Duel on your own time if you need practice.

    They should have a area to search champs and practice who you want though... totally all for that.

    Did you bother to read the whole of the OP's idea before making that comment? Gonna guess no. This thread was A, old and resurrected, and B isn't talking about bringing back Duel Skirmish. This would be something new and relatively useful. Classic case of reading a headline and not reading the body of the message. New rewards because of an entirely new system. The original suggestion is similar to what I was thinking about too. Scroll up to get a better idea of what's being proposed. No one wants the old Duel Skirmish back. It's useless. That goes without saying, lol. Also, question, when else would one duel besides 'on their own time?'
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