Parrying right after a 5 hit combo seems broken.

AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
I'm not sure what's going on exactly. But it seems like it's impossible to parry an enemy when they immediately attack after a 5 hit combo. I've pushed the timing as close as I think and feel to be possible, without getting hit, with over a year and about eight, nine months of experience playing this game.


  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    edited July 2017
    Like... don't get me wrong. It happens sometimes, but it seems it's just really really off. :neutral:
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    The timing has changes in the past few updates but with a bit of practicing I can still land parries 90% of time when they attack against most AIs. AQ is the only place where I significantly see a difference in amount of parries landed after a combo probably something with AI recovery time being different.
  • Goose_81Goose_81 Member Posts: 111
    It seemed to change for me after 12.0. I found if I do a 5 hit combo ending with a light I can still parry most of the time if they attack immediately. I used to be able to end with a medium and parry, but not since 12.0.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    The timing has changes in the past few updates but with a bit of practicing I can still land parries 90% of time when they attack against most AIs. AQ is the only place where I significantly see a difference in amount of parries landed after a combo probably something with AI recovery time being different.

    Yes. Ending a combo with a light attack is an easy parry. Even when the enemy backs up and goes for a medium attack it's easy. Contributing to your said 90% rate. But straight after a 5 hit combo ending with a medium attack and the enemy attacking u immediately afterwards no matter how close I cut it. It doesn't parry. And when it does it seems like it shouldn't of.

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