Kabam, you've gone too far - The champions clash



  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    Blade still can crush him with parry bleeds and L2s. He isn’t the only one that can do it. His regen doesn’t matter if you’re taking off huge chunks whenever he isn’t Indestructible. You don’t need god-tier champs for that, you just can’t rush in like a herb and expect him to lay down and die. There’s no time limit on the fight, so watch for his buff cues and don’t go for extra hits. His specials are super punishable and consistent.
  • hendroidsvhendroidsv Member Posts: 60
    Weird, I recently complete chapter 2 with Blade, magik and corvus team, I revive 3 or 4 times with the champ (lvl 1 revives tou), my strategic was enter with corvus depleted my charges and quit. AA is a better option, sadly mine was in AWD, and I don't feel like redo all the paths later.
  • DragonsniperRhQDragonsniperRhQ Member Posts: 78
    I had the same problem that you encountered. I had Cap IW, Magik, Killmonger, Iron Man IW and Hulk Rag. All of them got destroyed then it was all down to Cap with 5k health left and he took down that 40k+ The Champion. Might rank up my SW but she isn't awakened which is such a bummer 😐
  • monomuggmonomugg Member Posts: 312 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    I think awakened Loki is an even better option. He steals buffs 100% of the time with SP1, and awakened Loki gains power faster up to the first bar. So he can cycle SP1 faster than the Champion can cycle up to his buffs, keeping him basically permanently nullified. As a bonus, you get all of the buffs you steal except for unstoppable which can't be transferred (but it can be nullified when SP1 steals buffs). In terms of this fight, Loki is a more predictable SW.

    agree with you. loki worked perfectly fine with sp1. plus you get class advantage
  • Vinitlalka1988Vinitlalka1988 Member Posts: 269
    On a side note...Apology to the OP...but i really want help on this...Can somebody confirm how iceman coldsnap ramps up going ahead.....I have corvus only in 4 star version...and i have tried 2 lanes and been able to get past everything easily except void who troubles me a bit...I can however foresee Iceman being an issue going forward...Can someone stat help me on this........

    My team

    5/65 Spark
    5/65 GP
    4/55 Voodoo
    4/55 Magik
    5/50 Blade

    All duped

    Side Note:-I do have a 4/55 GR but i really need blade to manage magik Limbo hence i am gonna drop him out....
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    @Burnsy97 I suggested you better change the team and try again. Nowadays Kabam made each quest specific for particular type(s) of champ and thus even god-tier can't breakthrough it easily.

    All in all I just 100% Ch1 Lightweight (Ch 2 Heavyweight maybe too tough for me lol) but I think that you just need to slightly change your team based on the comments from many players above and you can made it. Actually I kill The Champion in one shot with Magik (although not the best choice) and I recommend to take a look of the following youtuber's suggestion:
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    On a more serious note,

    Magik should have worked for the Champion. I spent 4 free Level 1 Revives and about 25 Level 1 and Level 2 pots for the entire challenge.

    It was ridiculously easy.

    Team was R5 Magik for Hyp, R5 Void (cause I didn't know who to bring), R4 IMIW for Iceman, R4 Blade for Magik, 4* GR for synergy for Blade against Void.
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    So, what champions would you guys recommend to counter The Champion?
    I'm looking to give it a go, don't wan't to come unprepared. lol
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    All quiet from OP

    Well, yeah. Not everyone has been nice in answering the OP. Sure, he didn't "do his homework" and read up to bring the right team. But honestly, who has the time to spend on preparing that much for each event in this game...? I sure don't. People on here should cut each other some slack and be constructive, like some actually are, answering and trying to help with tips.
    Players on all different skill levels are on here, those who play sparingly and those who delve deep into the contest learning to use all smart tactical advantages and skill they can to complete content. Those who perform the best could be humble, and helpful.
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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,313 ★★★★★
    So, what champions would you guys recommend to counter The Champion?
    I'm looking to give it a go, don't wan't to come unprepared. lol

    I took a 4☆ 3/30 Loki against The Champion (Lightweight). Just completed (2nd path). I assume he works as well in Heavyweight.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★

    Well, yeah. Not everyone has been nice in answering the OP. Sure, he didn't "do his homework" and read up to bring the right team. But honestly, who has the time to spend on preparing that much for each event in this game...? I sure don't. People on here should cut each other some slack and be constructive, like some actually are, answering and trying to help with tips.
    Players on all different skill levels are on here, those who play sparingly and those who delve deep into the contest learning to use all smart tactical advantages and skill they can to complete content. Those who perform the best could be humble, and helpful.

    So you have time to run the quest but can't watch a few YouTube videos before questing to look for tips and tricks? Imagine all the time you take struggling doing the paths and restarting the quests etc.. but won't each Seatin, Dorky Dave or Brian Grants videos before attempting the quests?

    Too many people think they always just bash the screen and it doesn't work. They come here and complain about the difficulty and how its all a cash grab blah blah blah.. Instead of coming here and reading threads before hand or going to YouTube and see whos done it first. OP didn't come here to get help, he/she came here to complain about a quest that really isn't that hard. He/she didn't read up on The Champion's abilities and tried to bash his/her way through the quest. In my opinion, their fault for the results of the comments because of their approach.
  • StrayPoolStrayPool Member Posts: 98
    Loki and IW Cap (thanking god I decided to rank 5 him just before this dropped) both 4-star.

    Getting to The Champion was the harder part. Cap made that blue bugger hold the biggest L I've ever handed a so-called "superboss"
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★

    Well, yeah. Not everyone has been nice in answering the OP. Sure, he didn't "do his homework" and read up to bring the right team. But honestly, who has the time to spend on preparing that much for each event in this game...? I sure don't. People on here should cut each other some slack and be constructive, like some actually are, answering and trying to help with tips.
    Players on all different skill levels are on here, those who play sparingly and those who delve deep into the contest learning to use all smart tactical advantages and skill they can to complete content. Those who perform the best could be humble, and helpful.

    I think it was the attitude from the OP that fostered negative responses. He didn't come here looking for help just to complain how this was BS when it actually isn't. If he had just asked how to overcome the challenge rather than whine and say stuff like this is just a cash grab or broken content neither of which is true or he's done with this game the responses would have been more constructive
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    40 hits, 56 seconds. Didn't even heal up first (though I did take considerable block damage).

    The point is, there are plenty of counters out there. If your first attempt isn't working, don't cry "money grab". Read the abilities, look up videos, and change your strategy. You'll get it.

    Good luck!
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Magik does nullify his furies, unstoppable, and his regen buff in that quest. I used her to take down the champion.
  • HeretodieHeretodie Member Posts: 126
    Just gonna place this here, in the background you can see my 4* Dr.Strange
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★
    Quake. Her Concussion bypasses the Regen.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,522 ★★★★★
    Burnsy97 wrote: »

    I wouldn't normally put the effort into complaining on a forum, however after what I've just been through, I'm so mad that i'm gonna do it anyway.

    I had just made it to the final boss of the champions clash event quest against the champion. Long story short, I got my ass handed to me. I brought some of the best champions in the game: Blade, Corvus, Void, Ghost Rider and Magik; and still couldn't bring the champion below 80% health.

    Magik's nullify doesn't work, void can't petrify, neither Blade nor Corvus could get him below the 80% mark because of Primal fury and his insane regen. After spending well over 1000 units worth of potions and revives I gave up. Losing all my progress in the quest.

    ANYWAY, could a representative from Kabam please be so kind as to tell me how the hell this is supposed to be fun or interactive? I wasted the equivalent of £30 and 4 hours of my time on broken content whose sole purpose is to milk players of every last penny.

    Additionally, why is it that some players are able to fight the champion in the same quest without him having the persistent charge feature (e.g. Dork Lessons livestream The champion has no persistent charge feature) however for me he does?

    I swear to god i'm so done with this game.

    Chapter 1 is pretty easy and has great rewards, Chapter 2 is made more for end game players with higher ranked rosters. You have to build your rosters up and use items to beat it. It really wasn't that bad, keep practicing on 1 line at a time each champ has a pattern to learn then its pretty easy to beat with the right champs. If you don't have the right champs then you will have to build your roster up more.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,778 ★★★★★
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian

    Among the many skills Dave has advocated getting good at on his channel, I completely forgot that literacy was one of them. Maybe one day he'll make that patience video I suggested.
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  • Leo_ruLeo_ru Member Posts: 93
    edited December 2018
    @Burnsy97 DUDE, I literally, one shot him with 4* dr Vodoo. Pretty simple and easy fight. Read his sig ability. There some good amount of champs that can deal with him easily.
    IF you have dr. Voodo, just use odd combo. It will prevent his unstoppable. Use well your parries and if he gets unstoppable just dash back and wait for it to drop off. If you have, you might want to use the mystic special boost that people usually buy to use in war.
  • BXBombaz197BXBombaz197 Member Posts: 57
    I beat him with a 2 star spider-gwen. No potions, revives or units needed. You guys suck.
  • Tim1234Tim1234 Member Posts: 209
    The nodes to are to difficult... I mean “handicap match “? That’s crazy . 50% off all specials is not good for any fight it’s just a violation of our champions dignity
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