[iOS] 21.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    I'll admit the load times are slightly improved in this version, but Kabam, please, if you guys can get an iPhone 6/6+ and try to fight final boss in 3.2. You will see that it is impossible. I have had to back out of the quest and waste energy 2 times now. It worked the first time thru on heroic, but then the second time thru once AQ and AW started, it crashes every time. Thank you.
  • Sir_AJM_the_5thSir_AJM_the_5th Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: Alexūndez
    Device and Model: iPhone 5S
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests.
    Description of the Issue: in chapter 3.2 of the uncollected event quest this month when going to fight darkhawk it starts to load and then crashes , when restarting the app I get the chance to recover the fight, but on starting the fight I am met by a 3second lag which is detrimental when the boss starts off unblockable and you cannot even dash back without being met by a 3-hit KO to the face. This lag and crashing started happening on my 3rd run of 3.2, and happens with every one of my champs. Let’s get this sorted, so those with issues can finish off the content peaceably , Thankyou.
  • TgtalexTgtalex Member Posts: 44
    In-Game Name: Tgtalex
    Device and Model: IPhone 6
    Device Operating : iOS 12
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Event Quests
    Description of the Issue: Unable to load DarkHawk fight without multiple game closures. On the rare occasions I can start the fight the game lags and inevitably the sp2 or an unblockable attack kills my champ. Tried on 4g and home Wi-fi and no difference. People rely on the shards from uncollected EQ and as it is this part of the contest is unplayable.
  • BeAwesomeBBeAwesomeB Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: BeAwesomeB
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S6
    Device Operating : Android 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Arena
    Description of the Issue: The fights start as normal but as it continues the animation lags/freezes and when it comes to the momentum has gone and the opponent has the upper hand, to the point where I loose the match, which in turn causes me to loose my streak. This has happened several times that now I don't want to run arena. PLEASE FIX THIS!! ARENA IS THE CORE OF MY ACCOUNT!!
  • SignumSignum Member Posts: 133
    I’m getting major lag on iOS 12.0, iPhone 6 Plus, ass a matter of fact each time I enter the darkhawk match the game crashes. Micro lag is very difficult to deal with. The phone is very clean barely any space used o the drive, any tips would be greatly appreciated to make the game run smoother.
  • Oishi1Oishi1 Member Posts: 2
    Oishi1 wrote: »
    Oishi I
    iPad Air 2
    Latest game version
    Game issue: I can login in the game but after few seconds a “Problems connecting to network. Please check your connection.” appears and I thought it was my internet but it wasn’t because I tried another game and it play smoothly. I’ve been trying to login in whole day and still problem exist. I have no problem after the game updated but after 2 days the problem comes. Kindly fix the issue ASAP coz it is wasting the energy and arenas time.

    It’s second day now and still problem exist. I think it’s time to quit this game. Nobody’s care...
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  • SnaapjackSnaapjack Member Posts: 30
    In-Game Name: snapjack

    Device and Model: Samsung s7
    Device Operating System: android
    Game Version Installed: 21.1

    Every time I enter combat vs darkhawk he one hits me. I am unable to swipe back and dexterity about 90 percent of the time. Animation seems stuck. I just see k.o as soon as fight starts.
    The rare time I am able to persist I just keep dexterity and guess because my controls are a second or two behind. Game catches up around 15 seconds into fight by then I'm dead 95 percent of the time.
  • DingaloDingalo Member Posts: 355
    I've been playing the game for nearly 4 years... and I update my phone once every year and a half/2 years.
    IPhone 6S... I dont know if it's because the model is "old"... but this last update has been the worst and most bug filled I've seen this game since i've started BY FAR.
    I know there are a lot of issues to be fixed and Kabam is loaded with stuff they need to solve. But wow, pleaseeeee do something about these lags.
    They are 100% certain happening in AQ and AW. Story mode is totally fine for me. But wow is it bad.

    The most accurate way i can put it... is try playing while your auto-fight mechanic is on. Thats just about how brutal it is. Blocking and my champ dashes forward or just stands there unresponsive. Swipe back, throws a light attack. Not activating specials. Its one or the other.

    I know you guys are loaded kabam... and I'm never one to complain. Just learn from this update some how and fix this game that is the best game out there PLEASE.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    @Dingalo a LOT of iPhone 6 users sre experiencing the same. Have a couple in my Alliancethat have the 6. Us Android players have been dealing with such for sometime. Welcome to our world, lol. But seriously, newer tech seems to circumvent this. I just upgraded from a Samsung S7 to a S9+. The difference is night and day. As the game progresses, it gets more complex. Like any other game, better hardware = better performance. Older tech seems to be having greater difficulties with this game. After each update, it seems like it's more buggy. But when you run it on better hardware, those bugs are practically nonexistent. Considering iPhone X is out, the 6 is getting pretty old. Just something to consider. Not sure if it's gonna get any better for older tech. Just the nature of the beast.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    In-Game Name: DrFeelGood
    Device and Model: IPhone 6+
    Device Operating : iOS 12
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1.1
    Game Mode: Event Quests
    Description of the Issue: Unable to load DarkHawk fight without multiple game closures. On the rare occasions I can start the fight the game lags and inevitably the sp2 or an unblockable attack kills my champ. Tried on 4g and home Wi-fi and no difference.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: Darkness275
    Device and Model: iPad Air 2
    Device Operating System: 12.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Arena mostly, though I've experienced it in all, just to lesser degrees.
    Description of the Issue: While I'm fighting controls will suddenly become unresponsive. It's typically only for a second or so, but it will occur even during a combo. Suddenly light attacks, swipes and other input actions won't do anything; instead of attacking my character will just stand still, unresponsive. It's cost combos and even resulted in fights being lost.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    edited December 2018
    Dingalo wrote: »
    I've been playing the game for nearly 4 years... and I update my phone once every year and a half/2 years.
    IPhone 6S... I dont know if it's because the model is "old"... but this last update has been the worst and most bug filled I've seen this game since i've started BY FAR.
    I know there are a lot of issues to be fixed and Kabam is loaded with stuff they need to solve. But wow, pleaseeeee do something about these lags.
    They are 100% certain happening in AQ and AW. Story mode is totally fine for me. But wow is it bad.

    The most accurate way i can put it... is try playing while your auto-fight mechanic is on. Thats just about how brutal it is. Blocking and my champ dashes forward or just stands there unresponsive. Swipe back, throws a light attack. Not activating specials. Its one or the other.

    I know you guys are loaded kabam... and I'm never one to complain. Just learn from this update some how and fix this game that is the best game out there PLEASE.

    I was once in an ally with a guy named Dingalo. Pretty stand up guy and never really complained. Absolutely agreed, though. The number of times I got insta KO'd by Darkhawk was pretty absurd. Game lags at start of fight and I'm dead. Or lags in the middle of a 5 hit combo so a MlllM+Sp1 turns to Mlll freeze, eat a combo.

    Its unfortunate that these bugs seems device related as my current phone is still new(for me).

  • 27742774 Member Posts: 3
    iPad Pro
    iOS 12.1
    Game version 21.1
    Issues with unresponsive controls, and lag. All game modes. Block just cuts out sporadically leaving me open to being punched in the face repeatedly as does dashing back. Sometimes due to unresponsive controls my champ just goes running across the screen towards my opponent like a kamikaze football hooligan just wanting to be beaten into unconsciousness while I am helpless to stop it.
  • zTron99zTron99 Member Posts: 1
    iPhone 6 Plus (with brand new battery)
    iOS 12.1
    WiFi and cellular
    The issue I’m having is EVERY time I try to fight Darkhawk, the game crashes completely. The moment I press the fight button after selecting my champ and the game brings me to the next loading screen, I see the loading wheel stop spinning and then the game crashes to the home screen. After I force close the app and restart, I am prompted to continue the fight. If this is the first time I’m going through this, it actually allows me to fight, but only once. If I lose, which is what happens because of how bad the lag is, and try to use another champ, the crash cycle starts again but I am never able to get another fight in. Either have to delete/reinstall the app or wait awhile til the fight back-up clears. Please come up with a fix. I can’t complete any of the quests cause of this. I’m not getting any resources to rank champs cause I have to keep backing out of the quest. Really look forward to these fights too, they seem fun as hell.
  • BeginthEndBeginthEnd Member Posts: 334
    In Game Name: DjAoMega
    Device Model: IPhone Max 64GB
    iOS: 12.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both; Mainly Wifi use
    Game Version: same issue with both versions 21.0.0 & 21.1. (Very noticeable issues ever since I started using iPhone Max some 2-3 months ago)
    Game Mode: All modes. Arena/Quest/AW/AQ

    Description: The game becomes unresponsive at various times, without any indication of why or how. I have experienced my Champions suddenly charge towards an opponent, release block just before an SP attack, dash back unexpectedly, and stop attacking opponents mid combo. Many times I am unable to chain an sp1/sp2 attack after a 5 hit combo, as I always have been able to in the past, as opponent is somehow able to block it now. I’ve also been parried mid combo, by champs without auto block, have dashed towards a blocking opponent and been parried by them. Additionally, the controls are so unresponsive I am unable to dodge back and avoid incoming attacks as I used to be.

    At first I thought this may be my new device. The iPhone Max does not have “sides” which may cause it to register two separate inputs from both my left and right hands, as I am holding the device. If the slightest portion of any finger is on the screen, this would cause a multiple input error, which could have many unintended concequinces. I have tried many methods to remedy this and am no longer certain this is the problem. By using one leather glove, to prevent unintended interaction, on my one hand and using my other hand to play the game, I am still encountering these issues and it makes the game harder to play.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Ipda mini 2 ios 12.1
    Crashing on mephisto and Darkhawk
  • DingaloDingalo Member Posts: 355
    @SiriusBreak yeah i'm likely gonna get a new phone in the new year... hopefully that solves the issue! I remember when i went from the 5 to the 6s there was a HUGE difference. I hope the future upgrade does the same.

    @phil56201 Yeah it's very rare I complain when it comes to lags. But when they start hitting me in the face... it gets aggravating lol. Oh well. Hopefully then solve this soon, not everyone can afford Iphone X's :D
  • SamaritanaSamaritana Member Posts: 19
    Yesterday I updated to ios 12.1.1 and now the game just crashes everytime i enter to fight darkhawk in uncollectd. I have not played a lot since i updated my ios and at the moment that is the only issue, i hope it not happens in aw or aq, that would be unfortunate.

    Device: ipad mini 3
  • kithawk123kithawk123 Member Posts: 1
    In Game Name: kithawk123
    Device: IPhone X
    IOS: 12.1 (updating to 12.1.1 tonight)
    Cellular or wifi: both (T-Mobile and Xfinity maximum data and speed packages for both; ie: Xfinity with 5G boost)
    Game version: 21.1.0
    Game mode: Mainly Alliance Quests and Solo Quests, but somewhat often in AW, too. Also, every dozen fights or so in arena.
    Description: Champions freeze in the middle of commands, or fail to follow commands entirely. Sometimes a champion will start to follow a command, and shift their body weight as if they are going to follow the command; however, instead of completing the command, they pause for a second or two (or sometimes longer) as if their feet are glued to one spot or something. Parry often fails to stun and/or makes champions take full attack damage through the block. Parry triggers are less often, and I’m timing them the same as I have for years. Often, dexterity fails to trigger when commanded, or there is a delay to the response of the champion that causes it to be hit full force. (Dashing enemies are less likely to cause the dexterity malfunction, but still do often.) I find that sometimes heavies are charged when I’m doing light attack combos or blocking (which means my attacks get interrupted and my champions get hit by the enemy champions). Upon occasion heavies have been charged while I was not touching the screen at all, but those are few and far between. Even connected to my 5G boosted WiFi, I find lag happens quite often that makes my screen buffer and go pixelated. Obviously, this makes the fights more difficult. Upon occasion, even evade has failed in ways similar to dexterity. I have noticed a couple of times with my evading champions that an evade will prompt, and the champion will dash backward only to be hit by the very attack it was evading. I don’t use evade champions much, so this does not bother me quite so much. I have also noticed that often for both myself and others (especially in AQ and arena) that enemy champions have refused to throw their special 1 or special 2 attacks for a number of minutes in fights. (I have seen playbacks of this lasting literally the entirety of the time on the clock for AQ fights from when the first special 1 or special 2 was charged and prepped on the enemy.) This is far worse and more persistent than in the past where occasionally the AI will only throw the special 3 attack once or twice in a fight while it is on a 3rd special activated node. (Obviously, in arena there is no such node.) Those are all the issues I can think of, but will report any others that come up.
  • SignumSignum Member Posts: 133
    Anything on this? The darkhawk match is unbearable. I crash every match, the fight starts I’m lagged out and get my ass kicked.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Signum wrote: »
    Anything on this? The darkhawk match is unbearable. I crash every match, the fight starts I’m lagged out and get my ass kicked.
    Same here
  • ZervosZervos Member Posts: 8
    In Game Name: Zervos
    Device and Model: Iphone 6 plus
    Device Operating System: ios 12
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, cellular O2 (UK)
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Worst in event quest when fighting nighthawk...also screen gets lines and shifts when blocking in all modes.
    Description of the Issue: massive lag when fighting nighthawk. game is unplayable.
  • ZervosZervos Member Posts: 8
    I meant when fighting darkhawk
  • ZervosZervos Member Posts: 8
    game also constantly crashes before fighting darkhawk.
  • MrReeeMrReee Member Posts: 11
    IGN: Mr Reee
    iPad Pro 9’7” and iPhone XS Max
    Wifi and cellular
    iOS 12.1
    MCOC 21.1.0

    Constant crashes. Constant. Literally just crashed 6 times in a row on trying to load AQ, DQ, Crystals, Champions, etc. Darkhawk fight unplayable. AQ unplayable as constantly freezes leading to champion deaths. Infinite load screen after fights, between screens, etc. This is ridiculous.
  • Cro_RebelCro_Rebel Member Posts: 3
    IPhone 6 & 6+
    Wifi and cellular
    21.1 version of the game
    Event quest
    The game crashes when I enter the darkhawk fight. It closes the app completely. And there’s lag when I enter a new section of the game like arena or event quest, or story mode.
  • JavierSG91JavierSG91 Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name:JavierSG91
    Device and Model: Ipad 3 mini
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Event Quest
    Description of the Issue: The game always crashes when loading the fight against darkhawk, no matter the difficulty level, after that, when loading again the fight it always starts with a lag that doesnt allow me to react before being hit by the unblockable darkhawk, on my first try i defeated him with medusa who was my last champion with hp and the game crashed when i defeated him, when loading again the game didnt record that i won.
  • Ultrajon_colUltrajon_col Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: ultrajon_col
    Device and Model: iphone6
    Device Operating System: 12.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Event Quests
    Description of the Issue: When fighting darkhawk, the game crashes after some loading screen, after the restart the games notify to recover the fight it start "fine" but when the characters are running there is a tremendous lag which prevents me to swipe back from time to time, so I end up losing my character. Cannot use this approach as the fight recovering system works once per hour plus the frustation is priceless
  • BebbnBebbn Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: Bebbs
    Device and Model: iPhone 6 Plus
    Device Operating System: (iOS 11.4.1)
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Latest version
    Game Mode: Event Quests and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: The device responds slower to dashbacks than usual which makes the matches a lot harder to play and lags (Especially in Alliance War and the event quest boss fight against Darkhawk where the lag begins at the start at the fight which makes it difficult to evade his unblockable attacks.). I've been experiencing this for a while but it got a lot worse since the latest update. Seems like this issue happens against all champs but I believe its been a lot worse when using Hyperion. I have also experienced a lot of crashes during Alliance War where the crash happens during the fight or before the fight even starts.

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