What is the most Outrageous champion and node combination you can think of?

The worst I can think of right now is Ægon with Mighty Charge, Masochism, Invade, Increased Regen, Immune to bleed and poison.
Iceman wuld stil be Abel to kil gp make the node debuff and passive imuns
Any form of passive ability accuracy reduction would work, or assasins.
As for mine, put the champion on invade, explosive personality, aggression Armor, buff duration 40% increase, 300% cornered, stun immune and lastly. 50% power gain
Possible if you just wait out the spectre timer, but that is awful lol
With spectra. One to that wuld be hilarious.
If you have a champ that nullifies it shouldn't be
Oh and throw in regen 1% health permanently and thorns for the “pre-12.0 nostalgia”
Not even the pre 12.0 gods could take that one.
But kinda off topic, I hate the Safeguard, Rage and any other node that reduces your damage output considerably, they make fights stupidly long for no reason imo.
Don’t forget to toss on force of will for the crossbones that may foolishly attempt the battle
#2) IMIF on Optimost node. Once he hits the threshold and procs his own insane abilities, the node fires up and it’s over. I’ve seen 21 kills from a awakened 4* on this node. Took out so many awakened 5* champs I was rolling.
#3) Awakened Emma on Unblockable SP1. Messes with Yo Mind.
Dont have a 2* Colossus? No worries, we'll send you one (to prevent the distruction of the universe)!!!
How about thorn, caltrops, all or nothing, biohazard hyperion?
if thats on a boss node, would The Champion be immune to regen reversal?