YOUR Most Used 4/55 Champ... Advice On Who to R4 For Act 5

Hey guys, I'm level 54 and looking for advice on the most beneficial, stand alone (no synergies or awakened dependencies), champ to rank up at this point in the game. I am looking to rank a champ that would be the most useful for Act 5 (I haven't started). Preferably, this champ also be useful for Monthly EQ, hence me asking the more veteran players who they still use a lot (if they use the champs that I have). Here is my 5* roster:

My first thought would be to R4 Blade (since he's popular) but if the game is moving in a direction that's going to nerf him or make him not as beneficial, then I'm willing to wait for my others. Another reason to do Blade is because I can do it much sooner, just waiting on basic cats. The others will take months accumulating the tier 4 cc. But again, if people suspect that Blade is losing value then I can wait for the suggested more beneficial champ.
If you have any comments that would help my insight on rank up decisions I'm very welcome to those as well.
Thanks for your two cents guys!

My first thought would be to R4 Blade (since he's popular) but if the game is moving in a direction that's going to nerf him or make him not as beneficial, then I'm willing to wait for my others. Another reason to do Blade is because I can do it much sooner, just waiting on basic cats. The others will take months accumulating the tier 4 cc. But again, if people suspect that Blade is losing value then I can wait for the suggested more beneficial champ.
If you have any comments that would help my insight on rank up decisions I'm very welcome to those as well.
Thanks for your two cents guys!
YOUR Most Used 4/55 Champ... Advice On Who to R4 For Act 5 130 votes
I’d take that Cap IW up because I think he’s top 3 in terms of offensive champs right now. Plus, yours is Duped, even better. You will get so much out of him if you take him up. I would do it in this order:
1. Beardo
2. Blade
3. Corvus
4. Voodoo
Your ranking list or order could obviously change if you pull more god tier champs though!
Lol groot aint good for anything
I would go with CaptIW in your case for the reasons posted above. Red Hulk is also good if you're looking for poison immunity (needed in Act 5 and AQ) and he doesn't need the dupe.
Blade can also go 4/55 without the dupe, his power management is easier without it but you also don't have his regen (bit of a double-edged sword).
Don't have much experience with Corvus or the upgraded Venom.
Modok is decent on attack and defense. His autoblock is very handy if you slip up and had good incinerate damage (not many immune to that).
Why cap iw can't do lol?
I just ranked him to R4 and was hoping he was my best choice for lol alone with my 6 star hela. Other than them I had bad luck.
Ok what things is groot good for then? Besides arena
True lol
Can you solo the final chapter with Blade? I don't have the trinity in 4*'s. I have in 3*. So not really an option if there are damage nodes...
I understand Act 5 is a lot of taking down opponent before sustaining too much damage... but Heretodie above was saying that the difference between r3 Corvus and r4 Corvus won't be as substantial as r4'ing someone else. What do you think?
I'm not near the final chapter yet so i can't advise haha. I at most beat the collector.
He has so many quotable lines though...
It most definatly is. I was unable to use my r3 corvus in act 5.4 but I took him to r4 and cleared all of 5.4 in 2 hours. I one shot 5.4 Ultron with my r4 corvus, the difference is very significant. I could run all of act 5 with only a r4 coruvs, except 5.3 (weakness).
@Chuckiesol corvus r4 will easily one shot final ultron
edit: this is NOT me, I couldn't find any one shot ultron videos on youtube with a r4, and I didn't record mine
CapIW is based off parrys and building kenetic charges, since LOL has limber this won’t last long, on top of that the enrage timer is not your friend. His L2 can do some serious damage but other then that he doesn’t have any increased damage out put like AA/X23/GP/Medusa/Blade/Hyperion.... you have to bare in mind all but 2 fights have 1.5 million health so these aren’t fast fights. Not to say he can’t do it, but it will end up costing you a lot more then other hero’s.
I did mine with X23 first run as I don’t have a lot of “good” options. I since pulled Domino so that’s my next r5 and LOL/Variant homie