Enter the Maze!



  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    axelelf_1 wrote: »
    This is what end game players wanted. Challenging content. Kabam delivered for once.

    I enjoyed the content but am pissed with the garbage rewards.

    Why'd you do it? You knew the rewards were garbage going in.

    Because I have the roster and ability to do the content w/o spending and have nothing else to do in this game outside of AW and AQ which are off right now.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    This is what end game players wanted. Challenging content. Kabam delivered for once.

    I enjoyed the content but am pissed with the garbage rewards.

    I’m glad players like yourself get some new content to play. I can’t touch this challenge but maybe I will be ready for the next one. As far as the rewards go, that’s nearly a 5* and a T2 alpha most players will never see. Seems like while end game players are lapping the rest of the pack they are complaining because they arnt 2 laps ahead. I’m sorry but you guys don’t get my sympathy this time. Enjoy the rewards you got for the challenging content you asked for while the rest of us watch and fall farther behind the curve.
    lol, trying to catch up will never happen so it's not worth crying about. I'm never going to be at the level as the top spenders but I'm going to cry about it on the forums.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited December 2018
    Hope you guys enjoy your rewards who have used their saved up resources and units for this. As for others we can't expect anything less can we? I mean we should of saw this one coming. Oh well onto year 5 soon maybe we will have a better year.
  • TheBigSchemeTheBigScheme Member Posts: 60
    Has anyone else had problem with thanos on the right side?
    I do a path -> heimdal-> mephisto-> aegon->void-> to right side thanos-> to champ boss..... solo every fight use zero pots zero revives even one shot champion with a 4* symba supreme..... but that thanos sp2 is some bs .... i didnt see a difference between fake and real projectiles even if a managed to dex once as soon as i was out of dex i got hit by next in the first round of projectiles.
    If i remeber correctly from past encounter the visual defference was way clearer in past eq and there was one real projectile in each of 2 waves.
    Now all of them glow like crazy and hide the real ones so its certain death.
  • ezgoingezgoing Member Posts: 284 ★★
    if Kabam really intended this to be a challenge and less so for the rewards (which is an argument i don't buy and i have cleared all content except LOL and variant), then at least give a shiny title, which is worth nothing other than the pride of clearing the content. That could have pushed me to at least give this maze a try, but without it, i am definitely sitting this one out.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I am seeing a lot of complaining. I haven’t made a run yet. I usually always do hard content and finish. I’m about 50% done with variant. From what I am seeing though the difficulty isn’t tuned to the rewards, which sucks cuz difficult content is fun. I usually don’t complain unless it’s straight Bs but this could merit complaining.

    I will judge it soon, but if some of the community who usually doesn’t complain (I remember some of the names) is complaining then it’s probably bad.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    It seems to be akin to ROL, only more amped up.

    That's rather like saying that Labyrinth of Legends is like Act 2, only with harder opponents. The only thing the maze has in common with RoL is the Abandon Hope moniker. The maze is multipath, so players actually have to decide which foes they want to face on each run, the foes themselves are uncollected boss-class in health and attack, and the nodes seem hand crafted to make the foes especially nasty.

    It is interesting, it does feel like a puzzle, and personally I'm fine with all of that. But the difficulty seems very high, even if you "figure out" the puzzle aspects of it. I just tried to tackle what I think is the easiest opening node, the biohazard archangel, and that would just require bringing an immunity champ if it wasn't for the unblockable finale. Unblockable finale is not an easy node to play through for most people, and when "finale" is the last 100k of health (+900% health means AA starts with over 400k) that one fight is going to be harder with an entire team than trying to solo all of RoL with one champ for most players.

    Maybe matador Killmonger is a better first completion path. I'll have to do some testing to figure out whether this is completable by me with less resources than it is worth in rewards.

    In terms of the strenght of the Champs and the Damage inflicting I observed in the first Fight, I likened it to ROL. The design and layout is definitely different. It's interesting for sure. Of course, I've only tested one Fight, so I wouldn't call that an in-depth assessment. It'll be interesting to play with for sure.

    This is one of the most telling post you've ever made, lol.

    You really need a better pastime than making quips about every comment I post. I mean, have at it. It's just habitual at this point.
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 826 ★★★★
    Terrible difficulty to rewards ratio. I took the "easy" lane to get 1 pass done. I don't want to face a 70k PI IMIW or Korg. The idea of having to heavy intercept 60k worth of hps on IMIW is not fun.
  • DreCas51369DreCas51369 Member Posts: 2
    Why are Tier 4 basic and class catalyst so difficult to obtain? 36000. Way too high. By the time you reach rank 3, you're champs only at or under 4000 Would like to try ultron's variant. But at that rate?????? Forgetaboutit!!!
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Why are Tier 4 basic and class catalyst so difficult to obtain? 36000. Way too high. By the time you reach rank 3, you're champs only at or under 4000 Would like to try ultron's variant. But at that rate?????? Forgetaboutit!!!

    Variant is permanent content. If you keep playing you will eventually get there. T4cc and T4 basics are only hard to get for awhile. T4 basics you can get every week from the arena if you can run it. For t4cc you just have to keep pushing until you can run high enough AQ and quests to get them faster. Not that any of this has anything to do with this thread. Good luck
  • DreCas51369DreCas51369 Member Posts: 2
    You can purchase fragments. Which are kinda expensive. Glory points aren't that common, and rise after each purchase. You can purchase alpha catalyst . But not a full tier 4??????????? Basic at least!!
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    edited December 2018
    Maze is pointless for the rewards offered for me. No t5b shards at all?? Utter waste of time for the rewards. Will not even complete one path ...
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    This is a bit disappointing for the rewards.

    I'm not end game, but able to complete most content. (I haven't done LOL or Variant yet). I took a look at it and thought "Dang, this is a hard one," especially after seeing the buffs. (That Aegon gave me uncollected flashbacks.) Figured I'd give it a whirl at one point after really planning it out and waiting for some YouTube vids, knowing it was possible it wasn't going to happen. But then I saw the rewards and nixed all of that and just decide it wasn't going to be worth the frustration/items.

    Not the biggest deal. There's still some content I can spend my time on.
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    Thank you all for the feedback. I think it's pretty clear what I'll be passing along to the team in terms of the rewards here.

    We understand that this is very difficult content. It was not meant to be easy, and we weren't underselling it when we said that many will enter, but few will complete it. This is some very very high end content.

    If you don't feel the rewards are not worth the effort for this mode, remember that there are still lots of other things to do in game right now, including the Chilled Challenges that just went live.

    I'm going to make sure that we have a discussion with the team regarding the rewards for any future iterations of something like this.

    I think it is a bigger miss than these rewards were not to add to them. We have seen it happen in the past so it is very possible. The content itself is fine, I was happy with how hard it was but the rewards are so insulting for the level of content. I get we can just not do it, but do you really make content for people not to run through? Seems like a waste of time and resources. Please consider updating the rewards for this event and not just for future events. It is the holidays, it would be very appreciated if you owned up to the miss and adjusted.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Thank you all for the feedback. I think it's pretty clear what I'll be passing along to the team in terms of the rewards here.

    We understand that this is very difficult content. It was not meant to be easy, and we weren't underselling it when we said that many will enter, but few will complete it. This is some very very high end content.

    If you don't feel the rewards are not worth the effort for this mode, remember that there are still lots of other things to do in game right now, including the Chilled Challenges that just went live.

    I'm going to make sure that we have a discussion with the team regarding the rewards for any future iterations of something like this.

    I think it is a bigger miss than these rewards were not to add to them. We have seen it happen in the past so it is very possible. The content itself is fine, I was happy with how hard it was but the rewards are so insulting for the level of content. I get we can just not do it, but do you really make content for people not to run through? Seems like a waste of time and resources. Please consider updating the rewards for this event and not just for future events. It is the holidays, it would be very appreciated if you owned up to the miss and adjusted.

    They need to add t5b, generic 5* sig stones and 6* shards at least.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    I can't remember a time when any piece of content was as universally reviled as this event. I just don't comprehend how we go from the Champions Challenge, which had good rewards commensurate with the difficulty, to this where the balance is so badly out of whack. And the fact that we're still not seeing 6* materials in events like this is the ultimate slap in the face.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    DalBot wrote: »
    I can't remember a time when any piece of content was as universally reviled as this event. I just don't comprehend how we go from the Champions Challenge, which had good rewards commensurate with the difficulty, to this where the balance is so badly out of whack. And the fact that we're still not seeing 6* materials in events like this is the ultimate slap in the face.

    You had me until the slap in the face part lol. But I agree.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Used 5* r3 dv, 5* r5 blade, 5* r4 starky and mephisto and 5* r3 ghostrider.

    Took down hemd, mephisto, Ægon, Void, thanos. Used 3 revives on Ægon and 8 on the champion. The rest were solo’d. Doing 100% considering the other defenders probably not.
  • DioniusDionius Member Posts: 21
    Over 400k health on all champs with a bunch of dickhole nodes. Pretty high-end game content and yet the rewards are complete garbage. ¾ of a 5*, not a full T2a, no t5b shards or 6* shards? I think for the amount of units/items that most people will probably use to get through this nonsense, the rewards could’ve been a better reflection of the difficulty.
    I’m not against new hard content, I just want to be properly rewarded/compensated for my efforts and this is by far the worst rewards -> difficulty ratio I’ve seen from Kabam in a while.
  • Foxtrot_Tango84Foxtrot_Tango84 Member Posts: 26
    What an absolute fail! How could you guys not know that the difficulty scale on this is insane compared to these joke rewards? This is easily twice as hard as the Champions Challenge and the rewards are half as good. Total drop of the ball Kabam. I'm not using a single item or unit on this trash event. It's in no way worth the time, effort or resources. Come on guys. How can you have a big win with the Champ's Challenge then whiff on this? So disappointing.

    Guess I'll keep working on Variant :/
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  • hydrogohardhydrogohard Member Posts: 225 ★★
    A_Noob_Is1 wrote: »
    Don't know why people are complaining. You wanted harder content, now you got it.

    with better rewards tho..the maze is doable
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