Enter the Maze!



  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    TaimurKhan wrote: »
    Recently there are no events to help out mid tier players grow.

    Don’t start this again... There’s at least one every month in addition to the permanent events and story quests.

    He's kinda right though. Cream of the crop, variant, the maze, map 6 revamp, adding map 7... all exclusively end game content. All in just a few weeks time,.

    Granted there were areas that needed addressing for end game players, doing so while telling mid level players to go do story quests and shut up is pretty poor form. Use those difficulty settings to allow more people to experience content. It's doesn't have to be just for monthly event quests...
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  • adknight27adknight27 Member Posts: 45
    I had a look, tried it, died... rewards aren’t worth it... nice concept, I’m just not ‘gud’ enough to do this with ease to make the rewards worth the unit spend.
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  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    JRock808 wrote: »
    TaimurKhan wrote: »
    Recently there are no events to help out mid tier players grow.

    Don’t start this again... There’s at least one every month in addition to the permanent events and story quests.

    He's kinda right though. Cream of the crop, variant, the maze, map 6 revamp, adding map 7... all exclusively end game content. All in just a few weeks time,.

    Granted there were areas that needed addressing for end game players, doing so while telling mid level players to go do story quests and shut up is pretty poor form. Use those difficulty settings to allow more people to experience content. It's doesn't have to be just for monthly event quests...

    They can argue for more content at their level, I benefit from that too, but they can do it without lying. Don’t say there’s nothing. There’s the same or more content and access to resources than endgame players used to get where they are. No one was granted multiple 5-65s while mid-tier players were in the bathroom and they missed their chance.

    What kind of math leads people to conclude that adding something for a group they aren’t in is the same as taking away or keeping something from them? The “there’s nothing for mid-tier players” crowd really means “there’s nothing that will magically vault a mid-tier player into the realm of endgame players without doing the grind in between”. The proper and just response to that should be “No dip”.

    At this point, for me, this thing isn’t worth the hassle.
  • SknZnSknZn Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    I don’t understand why everything has related to money somehow, even this gifting event.. you don’t even get a tickets like last year. And we got only one non money based event called chilled oh wait RNG drops.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    SknZn wrote: »
    I don’t understand why everything has related to money somehow, even this gifting event.. you don’t even get a tickets like last year. And we got only one non money based event called chilled oh wait RNG drops.

    You’re wrong. The Christmas gifting event has always been unit based. February they have ran a special week gifting event with free tickets.
  • SknZnSknZn Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Jaded wrote: »
    You’re wrong. The Christmas gifting event has always been unit based. February they have ran a special week gifting event with free tickets.

    I might mix up something here I apologize.
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Soooo, by contrast, gifting event top prize is 2x t5b... Just saying..

  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Soooo, by contrast, gifting event top prize is 2x t5b... Just saying..

    Real money event has rewards disproportionately based on zero gameplay difficulty... I'm shocked!
  • AquamaAquama Member Posts: 135
    It would be rhetorical to mention how disappointing this quest is. Can’t you guys just tweet it to make it playable for like.... ya know... the majority of the community of mcoc.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Someone at Kabam made a big mistake here. They want to make hard content ...mission accomplished. But they also want players to attempt the challenge so they buy items completing it... they blew it here. When you need to buy items to complete something you think “would I pay x amount of dolllars to buy this directly if it was in an offer”. Here the rewards are so poor that the answer is a resounding no. I will not be powering through it like I did the champions challenge. Passing on this like I do any of the poor quality offers they make
  • LynnixLynnix Member Posts: 16
    I really dont understand this. I mean i do understand it from a business stand point.. you giys are trying to make as much money as you possibly can...but to do that aroubd xmas seems like a low blow to me. Im lvl 54 and i cant even put a dent into the first champ in the Maze. I spend alot of money on this game (alot more then i should be spending btw ) and theb something like this cones along and its very disheartening. I dont understand why you cant put a middle difficulty and still offer great rewards. It costs you nothing to do that. If it does cost you its not much and youll gain alot more money from loyal players like myself instead of controversy. Also you offer, and i use that word very loosely, 5 star kang and 5 star thanos but they are so out of reach they might as well be located in a different universe. Im trying to grind and spend what i can but im not even making a dent in the event. My alliance are all frustrated with this and i can assume the same can be said for many, many others. If you value anyone in this community that isn't one of your top 3 whale alliances that spend their trust funds on units then please give is doable content. This game shouldnt be geared towards just end game players. Right now its exactly that, no mid level options. 5 star rewards for mid level players are whats needed these days woth 6 star champs added to the mix. 4 stars are quickly becoming the new 3 star. Ive been into video games and comics since i was 5 years old and 29 years later ive never been made so angry by a game until mcoc. Credit to where credit is due this is an amazing game and i love it to death...and that is the reason i feel passionately about this. I play every single day and lately ive been struggling with that. Enough is enough...respectfully.
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  • GrecianfoxGrecianfox Member Posts: 114
    This looks fun...
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Someone at Kabam made a big mistake here. They want to make hard content ...mission accomplished. But they also want players to attempt the challenge so they buy items completing it... they blew it here. When you need to buy items to complete something you think “would I pay x amount of dolllars to buy this directly if it was in an offer”. Here the rewards are so poor that the answer is a resounding no.

    It's as if someone thought players wouldn't mind powering through The Maze with in-game resources because the gifting event is going on. This content is exponentially more difficult than The Champion's Challenge Heavyweight difficulty. This is the only content of 2018 to award a full T2AC, even Variant doesn't have that. I can think of two ways to avoid trainwrecks like this in the future. First, more communication between developers and players. Second, release video of developers playing their own content. The second suggestion would show players what kind of skill is needed to conquer end-game content.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    Someone at Kabam made a big mistake here. They want to make hard content ...mission accomplished. But they also want players to attempt the challenge so they buy items completing it... they blew it here. When you need to buy items to complete something you think “would I pay x amount of dolllars to buy this directly if it was in an offer”. Here the rewards are so poor that the answer is a resounding no.

    It's as if someone thought players wouldn't mind powering through The Maze with in-game resources because the gifting event is going on. This content is exponentially more difficult than The Champion's Challenge Heavyweight difficulty. This is the only content of 2018 to award a full T2AC, even Variant doesn't have that. I can think of two ways to avoid trainwrecks like this in the future. First, more communication between developers and players. Second, release video of developers playing their own content. The second suggestion would show players what kind of skill is needed to conquer end-game content.

    That last suggestion is an excellent one. Kabam could commission some players (no one wants to watch devs play, they almost always suck, get actual players or playtesters) to solo individual challenge fights with a wider variety of champs without using items. Watching YouTubers do it with the best high sig 5-65s is ok, but I’d rather see it done with the B or C team + skill.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Someone at Kabam made a big mistake here. They want to make hard content ...mission accomplished. But they also want players to attempt the challenge so they buy items completing it... they blew it here. When you need to buy items to complete something you think “would I pay x amount of dolllars to buy this directly if it was in an offer”. Here the rewards are so poor that the answer is a resounding no.

    It's as if someone thought players wouldn't mind powering through The Maze with in-game resources because the gifting event is going on. This content is exponentially more difficult than The Champion's Challenge Heavyweight difficulty. This is the only content of 2018 to award a full T2AC, even Variant doesn't have that. I can think of two ways to avoid trainwrecks like this in the future. First, more communication between developers and players. Second, release video of developers playing their own content. The second suggestion would show players what kind of skill is needed to conquer end-game content.

    This coinciding with the gifting event is a great point. Still a miss because they miscalculated the awards and how much people would pay for them. This will ultimately cost them money.

    The Devs do not play this game in any serious manner I am quite convinced of that. They for sure aren't using a rosters similar to a typical end game player even when they do play. No way any Dev has completed LOL, variant etc....
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    Just did the first path ... and I'm not happy how this was designed.
    After one-shot everything on the path and get till the final boss, I must say that this battle is completely BS if you don't have a specific champion.
    - Unblockable, Unstoppable, Block penetration, Regen above waht he lost during the battle. Immune to fate seal, heal block and petrify effects.

    Plus all the lag mid fight that I won't talk about, really makes this not fun at all.
    I'm tired of facing the Champion as the final boss. Apart from him, I had some fun on the other fights, for real. But this one is an exception since it's all but that.

    (Just my opinion, I know some of you wre able to defeat him easily with a specific champion or so)

    Your middle paragraph hits the nail on the head for me. “Latency” issues (or whatever they are now called) associated with high-end content were the last straw for reducing the game to an occasional pastime for me. It’s a great game, and since Dec. 2014 it’s been a staple of my routine.

    But it is a phone game, after all. My current setup enables me to stream all kinds of content on multiple devices across rooms and floors, but it struggles when it comes to handling tapping and swiping on MCoC even when it’s the only thing running and I’m just several feet from the router. Bottom line: I shouldn’t have to upgrade my hardware just to have a stable experience on a phone game.

    Dr. Zola
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  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I think if The Champion have some type of node like Breakthrough, that would give an advantage to a player after some time during the fight, this battle wouldn't be that much of a pain, and it would actually balance with the other nodes that he has.

    A skilled player, even without having the best damage or counter to The Champion, would have the chance to defeat him and deal more damage the more hits dealt during the battle.
    For me in the current state, this is probably the only battle that isn't fun at all.
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    Hard pass, what you got for January?
    Cause this ain't it chief.
  • Mars___Mars___ Member Posts: 87 ★★
    Hard pass, what you got for January?
    Cause this ain't it chief.

    For January it's "Enter with Cash" mate !!!!!!!!
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