War stress is real...just some of my thoughts

Just watching Seatin’s video about current state of wars and his frustrations and I totally agree!
I don’t have any solution or opinion for the stress from competition. I personally have no interest in participating at that level so I stick with tier 5 gold 1… Seems to be a happy medium for me.
Personally I feel like FGMC crystals and the ability to “buy” five stars kicked kabam in the foot development wise. (Obviously a huge plus for the bank account) People instantly increasing their “ abilities” to complete end game content simply by acquiring the best champs. Thereby forcing kabam to accelerate development by coming up with tougher content to challenge players who have completed everything and are “bored“. I understand champs aren’t everything but, let’s be honest, it’s a big part... sorry I digress.
I honestly think an easy solution to alleviate some stress is just make potions and boosts acquirable through playing and grinding and not JUST buying. Even if it were a separate (permanent)arena or quest. Grind for small potions/revives/boosts maybe even fragments of larger ones after each fight with a chance at larger ones. Maybe it would be tiered where you continually progress and drop rates get better but opponents get tougher… not Ridiculously tough with boosts just hp and attack... it wouldn’t be about competitiveness simply time and grind. have a separate “store“ that allows you to trade in small pots/revives/boosts for larger ones. Maybe even have a currency swap so you can trade in gold for units.
Just kind of spit balling here but I think it would be a win-win for Kabam and, most importantly… The player base. It would keep us engaged in the game but also feel like playing this game wasn’t all about buying units to spend on health and boosts especially if you want to play at the higher levels where you can start earning the resources we all REALLY need.
I know there are holes in my suggestion that I’m sure will be pointed out. I didn’t put together a flow chart and flush this thing out... just thought I would share some thoughts...
I don’t have any solution or opinion for the stress from competition. I personally have no interest in participating at that level so I stick with tier 5 gold 1… Seems to be a happy medium for me.
Personally I feel like FGMC crystals and the ability to “buy” five stars kicked kabam in the foot development wise. (Obviously a huge plus for the bank account) People instantly increasing their “ abilities” to complete end game content simply by acquiring the best champs. Thereby forcing kabam to accelerate development by coming up with tougher content to challenge players who have completed everything and are “bored“. I understand champs aren’t everything but, let’s be honest, it’s a big part... sorry I digress.
I honestly think an easy solution to alleviate some stress is just make potions and boosts acquirable through playing and grinding and not JUST buying. Even if it were a separate (permanent)arena or quest. Grind for small potions/revives/boosts maybe even fragments of larger ones after each fight with a chance at larger ones. Maybe it would be tiered where you continually progress and drop rates get better but opponents get tougher… not Ridiculously tough with boosts just hp and attack... it wouldn’t be about competitiveness simply time and grind. have a separate “store“ that allows you to trade in small pots/revives/boosts for larger ones. Maybe even have a currency swap so you can trade in gold for units.
Just kind of spit balling here but I think it would be a win-win for Kabam and, most importantly… The player base. It would keep us engaged in the game but also feel like playing this game wasn’t all about buying units to spend on health and boosts especially if you want to play at the higher levels where you can start earning the resources we all REALLY need.
I know there are holes in my suggestion that I’m sure will be pointed out. I didn’t put together a flow chart and flush this thing out... just thought I would share some thoughts...
100% best solution. It would cost Kabam a lot in lost revenue from pts and boosts, but ti would priolly help in the long run with people being happier in the game.
You win today. Kudos.
We just don't care about war and are running no item wars. It's hard to not care when we're all from very competitive alliances but it's a good break.
Potions and boosts are already available through playing and grinding... grind arena --> earn battlechips ---> buy arena crystals --> get units --> buy potions and boosts
This is the only way I've ever bought potions for war, no spending cash or Glory.
Not very many things in this game require skill. Shallow evade, evading War Machine special and a few others. Mostly everything else is understanding the games AI.
The most difficult part of the game has little to do with skill and more to do with the nodes the devs set up. If it’s a straight up fight many ppl can beat the content with 3* Champs.
Problem solved. They mostly are.
Observant players can do other things. For example, periodically level one alliance team revives show up in the loyalty store, and unlike the glory store they don't get progressively more expensive. And Brian Grant recently did a video about how he gets lesser attack boosts through efficient(ly directed) gameplay.
But I should also point out that this addresses a totally different problem than the one Seatin primarily described in his video. This addresses the cost of using boosts and potions in AW. It does not address the issue of having a mistake cost you a victory that can be all the difference in a twelve war season. Making the potions cheaper doesn't specifically address that issue. And while it can soften the blow of having to burn a ton of potions to revive and heal, it doesn't address the fact that you only have a limited number of potions you can use in AW: even if they cost nothing you max out at 15, and cannot use any more after that.
Ironically seasons were shortened because players complained about burn out during a long season. But now that they are shorter, every war counts more. The question to me seems to be: is our playerbase emotionally capable of handling high value tournaments of any kind. Because this seems to me to be the multiplayer amplified equivalent of "arena scores are getting too high and if you miss it is too devastating so Kabam needs to give out more rewards to more players so missing the cutoff doesn't hurt so much." Apparently, for many players competition is fine as long as they don't put too much effort into it and lose. Then, competition is a problem.
Personally I get by using very few items so glory pretty well supports my war. I just see alliance mates using lots of items and CLEARY the overall frustration is real even if it isn’t for you or me.
I’m also thinking of the higher tier of war or even AQ. Some of us would love to compete at those higher levels to start earning the rewards we really need but the simple cost requirement of competing at that level… Healing up every fight, Max boosting (You can’t get those 30% boosts with buying the 1400 unit deal far as I know) and don’t say “you don’t HAVE to, Just get good... “
I just think it would be nice to be able to ACQUIRE items and save units for everything else you WANT. not everyone is as good as everyone else or has the same champs but still wants to play for better rewards. Even if it’s just Map 6. But you can’t risk it as an alliance because some people in your alliance need all the potions and revives for war and the burden would be too much to ask them to spend on quest (just as an example)
Watching his vid just got me thinking... about ALL aspects of game
Well, you changed your mind a couple sentences later:
Second, Why are we splitting this particular hair? I said:
- I don’t have a solution to the stress of COMPETITION
-Easy solution to ALLEVIATE SOME stress… (not yelling just emphasizing 😉)
Either way, I respect that the current system suits you just fine. Maybe it perfectly suits everybody in your alliance. In every alliance I’ve been, there have always been a few, sometimes quite a few people who hang with us but cost them a little more and kicking them to the curb simply because a bunch of us would like to move to map six just doesn’t sit right . Having more readily available resources would help a VERY large Portion of the community. One size doesn’t fit all when you’re talking about thousands of people, is all I’m saying.
IMHO it's about finding an alliance that suits your playing time, abilities and expectations that you can meet.
Remember this IS a game. That sounds obvious, but it is easy to forget sometimes.
Package it whatever way but that is essentially what u r saying ... war is stressful so do u want a support group or a help line telephone number to talk about your PTSD? U r essentially pushing towards a non competitive system
It's already been reduced from its initial format. How much shorter can it get before it's no longer a Season?
Now, Would this concept cause you so much grief and anxiety that you can’t bare the idea of leaving your alliance mates and a bit more rewards?
Snap out of it!
Remember it’s stress that’s causing these thoughts in your head and real life common sense would tell one to step back a bit and enjoy other aspects of the game.
Haven’t felt this good playing in a while. Miss the war rewards but act 5 rewards is worth it also
2) If you suggest to join an alliance with less stressful wars, well you admit AW is someway broken. The problem is not the item price (well, actually that is a problem), but the fact that you can't fail or you get treated like **** from the rest of your members.
Also, sometimes joining a smaller alliance is even more problematic and stressful... There are players with small roster who can't compete in AQ - AW - EQ every day, and while you use items and the best champions, they simply don't because they care about EQ the most. And we all lose wars...
3) Items cost. The real big problem here is that items have the same cost since the beginning of this game. But while years ago spending 100 units for a LV4 Health Potion was suitable and good enough to heal up your 4* R4 champion (if not 3*), today the same potion for the same units is almost useless for a 5* R5 champion who has to fight against a boss who's dealing the same amount of damage even if you block.
The game is outdated in many aspects (rewards, crystals), maybe this is the most relevant.
4) The whole AW system is broken. They created a system in which you need to have the best champions in order to compete and spend money/items in order to win. You don't need skill, you only need money to buy AW wins.
from bad "RNG" luck to the lag and bugs I just don't know how much longer I will hang on to the game
Relax... dude. It's just a game.
Wow.. take a chill pill
this I 100% agree with...
3) Items cost. The real big problem here is that items have the same cost since the beginning of this game. But while years ago spending 100 units for a LV4 Health Potion was suitable and good enough to heal up your 4* R4 champion (if not 3*), today the same potion for the same units is almost useless for a 5* R5 champion who has to fight against a boss who's dealing the same amount of damage even if you block.
this is so out dated