Are the maze rewards actually worth it?

first of all when I saw the maze I thought it was like a mini version of Labyrinth of legends so I got excited but then ohh... its just another champions clash look-a-like then I looked at the description and I thought there could be iceman and archangel in there thats when I also saw the rewards, ask your self is it really worth it just for 1/5 of a 5 star crystal?
2 - it gives 7,000 5* shards, thats not 1/5th of a crystal. It also gives a full t2a which is the bigger thing then some more red shards
not danger rooms
1/5th of a 5*?
It’s 7k 5* shards and a full t2a. I’ll take that any day for 24 fights.
Don't do it then, if its not worth it.
Just wait until next month, that uncollected boss will be too overpowered also.. Rinse and repeat for February!!
Well to be fair this month's boss is bugged and causes glitching which results in insta kill. That is worth complaining about since it it cost people items/units and is really sloppy.
This. Exactly this. This entire forum is riddled with "need more T2A" and they give us a way to get it but yet they are "trash" rewards. Not a single one of you complaining about this quest have seen the content yet but are complaining already that the content is too hard and the rewards aren't enough. Why speculate? Why not try it before complaining.
How do you know you'll need revives at all or units? You risk using resources in every aspect of this game. Doesn't mean the rewards aren't worth it.