Basic 5*

I believe it’s time for a 5* basic arena. I think it will make me love arenas again bring that excitement back from like 1 year ago when it was nerve racking waiting to see if you put enough for the basic 4*. Now arenas are just a chore, boring and we know that a normal dude with balance life would never be able to put the points required to get a 5* champion. Come on kabam is time. At this point of the game it doesn’t make sense to Keep holding it off. Believe me the whales will be whales that’s not changing on the contrary people would play more time playing and spending
Right now the 4* featured goes for between six and fifteen million points. I guarantee a 5* basic will go for a higher level of effort (regardless of how points are scored: it is rounds that matter). Mentioning those normal dudes that can't currently get the top rewards seems a bit deliberately misleading. This disproportionately would help people already willing and able to arena grind for lots of points.
I got burned out on Arenas due to the ridiculous amounts of points it takes to get a character in one of those. I don’t spend money on Units for recharging my teams and I don’t allow anyone else to play my account (which I believe a lot of players do to wrack up the ridiculous scores I have seen). I only honestly play the Arenas to gather the Arena Crystals for gold when I am running low.
So, having a new Arena might actually spark my interest in playing them again, if they moderate them properly.
After seeing some vids of 6* Champs walk thru LOL, a new more challenging LOL type event is probably in development, something that will make 6* rosters have to spend money.
If you dislike specific champs in the 5* basic arena, why not make it an old champ crystal (say, 10 of the 2015 champs at a time), rotate the champs in it and make it a milestone for a set amount of points (say, 20M).
That concept could surely take some tweaking, but it feels directionally right. And it would put more autonomy (albeit still dependent on RNG to an extent) in the players’ hands. If anything, that gripe—i.e., that busting a$$ for shards and a “shot in the dark” at a great champ is a losing, demoralizing battle—dominates many of the complaints on this and other game forums. When 4*’s were predominant and available via basics, it wasn’t always that way.
Dr. Zola
Good luck, keep the faith and convince yourself that the crystals don’t matter, if you get a bad champ, keep playing, you get a good champ keep playing.
Hopefully we’ll have one brought in with the new year.
See? It would help newer players to get 4* champs faster without getting burned out
Actually, it isn’t.
Dr. Zola
Not a new player, just can’t be bothered to to arena lol. But yeah I totally agree with ya.
Welcome to the forums, tiger. Been signing it that way for almost 4 years and every now and then there’s some guy who decides he doesn’t like it. My advice: focus on making some constructive posts of your own and don’t worry about how others sign theirs.
Dr. Zola