AW Offseason and the AW Burnout Issue



  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★★
    Nojokejaym wrote: »
    People are being burnt out because they dont want to spend on items/boost.

    If u feel that way, then by all means join a lesser alliance but in back of your head, u want those platinum rewards.

    Its a cycle thats in our heads that wants us to keep going but dont want to spend on a game like this.

    If i ever decide to step down from masters wars then it just means my progression will slow down.

    I am on my 6th r5 5* by being in masters wars, did it come with me boosting/potions alot and not dieing in aw because my skill can hang there?

    Ofcourse, but it comes at a price, and people dont want to have a commitment of spending in aw becaise they die.

    Dieing cost alot, and alot of master allainces die 10-15 times, the top of the top die less than 10,5 times.

    I have plenty of wars where i dont die, but people from lower plat1/2/3 often die alot more times than we do.
    Thus making them spend more on resources on top of pressure of trying not to die.

    Aw before, nobody cared befote it arrived. The top allianfes in aw would get shards faster but the rest of community didnt care.

    They only
    Cared when aw seasons was introduced.

    People are obligated to try to get best rewards possible.

    I came from an gold 1 alliance in Season “1”
    We was dieing considerable amount 30-40+ times... and i was consistsntly clearing my paths with no deaths and i started to see true colors..some people just...cant play.

    Decided to move to platinum allaince, then after knowing what i can do. I moved to masters wars.

    Peope are butned out because it resulting in them thinking they are spending to much time/resources into aw.

    i dont die, which means i dont have to spend and if i did i have glory for that, im just burnt out the breaks are so short and the seasons are so long

    ud be suprise how much i see about PEOPLE saying aw is pay2win aspect

    season 1 and 2 used to be 2 months long

    and this is the 2nd time they made it 1 week break.

    like i said earlier.

    i MADE a post on the FIRST time they did this back beginning december, where it was 1 week break and we had AW on christmas and new years day

    i was told to suck it up because kabam annaounced it ahead of time
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Nojokejaym wrote: »
    People are being burnt out because they dont want to spend on items/boost.

    If u feel that way, then by all means join a lesser alliance but in back of your head, u want those platinum rewards.

    Its a cycle thats in our heads that wants us to keep going but dont want to spend on a game like this.

    If i ever decide to step down from masters wars then it just means my progression will slow down.

    I am on my 6th r5 5* by being in masters wars, did it come with me boosting/potions alot and not dieing in aw because my skill can hang there?

    Ofcourse, but it comes at a price, and people dont want to have a commitment of spending in aw becaise they die.

    Dieing cost alot, and alot of master allainces die 10-15 times, the top of the top die less than 10,5 times.

    I have plenty of wars where i dont die, but people from lower plat1/2/3 often die alot more times than we do.
    Thus making them spend more on resources on top of pressure of trying not to die.

    Aw before, nobody cared befote it arrived. The top allianfes in aw would get shards faster but the rest of community didnt care.

    They only
    Cared when aw seasons was introduced.

    People are obligated to try to get best rewards possible.

    I came from an gold 1 alliance in Season “1”
    We was dieing considerable amount 30-40+ times... and i was consistsntly clearing my paths with no deaths and i started to see true colors..some people just...cant play.

    Decided to move to platinum allaince, then after knowing what i can do. I moved to masters wars.

    Peope are butned out because it resulting in them thinking they are spending to much time/resources into aw.

    i dont die, which means i dont have to spend and if i did i have glory for that, im just burnt out the breaks are so short and the seasons are so long

    ud be suprise how much i see about PEOPLE saying aw is pay2win aspect

    season 1 and 2 used to be 2 months long

    and this is the 2nd time they made it 1 week break.

    like i said earlier.

    i MADE a post on the FIRST time they did this back beginning december, where it was 1 week break and we had AW on christmas and new years day

    i was told to suck it up because kabam annaounced it ahead of time

    i was just kinda annoyed they had it on Christmas and new years
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Wrong, so wrong. If you’re boycotting something you do not attempt to participate.

    Players need loyalty and other resources to cover AQ map costs. Options for accumulating loyalty are scarce, not participating in wars means using more units to cover AQ.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Wrong, so wrong. If you’re boycotting something you do not attempt to participate.

    Players need loyalty and other resources to cover AQ map costs. Options for accumulating loyalty are scarce, not participating in wars means using more units to cover AQ.
    Yeah taking the sandbagging line was jumping the gun a bit due to loyalty factor, btdt. However the tactic of not placing defense in order to manage off season war ratings to improve your standing during the season is not something new nor is it evidence of burn out. It looks more like people are attempting to co-opt sandbagging in an effort to show support of burnout, the likelihood of that actually occuring is minimal as people opt to not place defense in order to improve their season starting point not to protest.

    Furthermore when two allies meet and do not place defense and no one joins the war is a wash with no rewards given to either, So neither earn loyalty. If your goal is loyalty you particpate in war, placing no defense is not participating. So no not buying that loyalty was the goal when the starting point leaves the option for zero gain. While it may not be sandbagging it is manipulation/exploitation at the minimum and not burnout as some are trying to claim.

    In my experience not placing defense is solely done to manage war rating in the off season as if you want to maximize potential off season gains the default is to place. Not placing defense has nothing to do with burnout as it’s rarely a unanimous decision.

    TL;DR if your goal is loyalty you place in an attempt to win and do not leave yourself with the option for zero points and no loyalty. People are being disingenuous by claiming war rating manipulation is evidence of burnout when rating manipulation is solely done to improve your season starting point and that does not help the arguments supporting burnout; it in fact tarnishes any claims as it appears dishonest when examined.

    Sigh. Just because something is your narrow experience doesn’t mean that’s a fact for everyone else.

    My alliance mates didn’t want to fight wars this week. We wanted to use our champs in other modes and take a break from war.

    We still joined wars to get loyalty and some free shards. We even decided to win one when the other team was also tanking.

    We’re safely in plat 3 with little chance of going up or down. Our starting war rating does little for us. Main reason we’d like to see it lowered it to maybe save some items in the first few wars because we didn’t have time to fully restock due to the short offseason.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    I’ve just watched the collapse of 2 master alliances and potentially a 3rd. Others are teetering.

    Sigh. Called it.
  • MaxTacMaxTac Member Posts: 16
    Our alliance has come to the decision that we will be running an item free season 7. If we make it to the boss great! If we die three times and don't...who cares. We refuse to have to abide to this ridiculous 1 week break after we have all spoken and addressed our concerns last time this inconsiderate stunt was pulled. That means zero real money will have to be spent by the entire next month to buy units for extra revives and health potions. This is not how we enjoy playing the game, but only the hand Kabam has forced us to play

    That's what we are doing off-season. It also allows us (Officiers) to have a clear knowledge of the skills of everyone.
    This knowledge is used afterward to define the most suitable lanes for everyone.
  • bpunk88bpunk88 Member Posts: 184 ★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    So they started a war because they were burnt out? Right...That’s not burn out, that’s sandbagging in preparation for the next season.

    This has become the prevailing strategy as the current matchmaking system is flawed and has gone unfixed for months (years?). For off season wars I can see the reasoning for it, both teams get a break, the opponent gets an easy win. Is it in the "spirit" of Alliance Wars? Not likely as it doesn't require $$$.

    Is it effective? TDB I suppose. Last offseason all 3 opponents we faced had not placed a single defender. One finished in Platinum 1, but the others still ended up in Platinum 3 as we did. So really just depends on the luck of the draw.

    Personally I don't like the idea of deliberately starting at a disadvantage. But I'm can't blame others that are using strategies around a broken/flawed matching system.
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2019
    Just get rid of seasons, have a reward system based on consecutive wins/losses, and rewards for whichever ally wins the categories for exploration, defender/attacker kills, diversity, attack bonuses, boss kills, etc (some allys win all those categories, some split) and maybe throw in some special rewards for MVPs of each group (since basically that's just a title and currently get nothing for that, except a number on your profile).

    That way it will alleviate some of the "seasons" pressure and you can do war at your ally's leisure without the constant pressure to do every war, every week for a straight month. I'm in an 18M, Tier 5, Gold 1 ally for the last 6 seasons and it is draining on both time and resources!

    Besides the fact that between AW/AQ running simultaneously most times, utilizing my top 11 champs, its hard to complete other content like monthly EQ, variant, Act 5, or LOL or other special content.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Yeah this week break has been real nice so far not having to worry about AW. 1 more week would have been perfect and just the right amount of time to start itching getting back into the AW season grind. It’s clear by their silence that dates will not be changing for this next season start. But I just hope they will take this into account for every season moving forward that the 2-week break they stated would happen is very important to us players regardless of their personal schedule.
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Seasons wars are intense for players and degrees of magnitude more so for officers. These are facts. It is also a fact that Kabam generally discourages switching alliances. Sure, I can take a season off by "jumping" into a gold alliance then come back into masters next season. This sets up a chain of events that is further disruptive to alliances as well as players. Not to mention, the whole alliance concept is really founded on community and relationships with fellow players. This being deeply an alliance event, writing this off as "optional content" is simply not correct.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I just wanted to drop in and let you know that we do appreciate everyone's feedback about the length of time between alliance war seasons. There has been a lot of thoughtful feedback on both sides of the issue and we have shared this with the rest of the team. We know that this is a topic that you feel strongly about and understand the value of discussion around subjects like this on the forums. As always, constructive feedback is welcome!

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    I understand you guys ca't tell us everything, but what exactly does this mean? Are there any concrete steps you can share that will show how are feedback is considered and acted on?

    Seems like our feedback is constantly getting "passed along" but very little seems to actually come of it.

  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I just wanted to drop in and let you know that we do appreciate everyone's feedback about the length of time between alliance war seasons. There has been a lot of thoughtful feedback on both sides of the issue and we have shared this with the rest of the team. We know that this is a topic that you feel strongly about and understand the value of discussion around subjects like this on the forums. As always, constructive feedback is welcome!

    The optimist in me hopes this means we won’t be seeing weekly Reddit posts of tier 1 alliances matching against alliances rated 700-900+ war rating points lower on a weekly basis this AW Season
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Realist - 1
    Optimist - 0
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    I love the 1 week off if they would Fix the AW Boosts In loyalty store. How much you want to bet that AW BOOSTS will never be as frequent in the game again no matter if they are there for years and years to come, unless they set a timer. “Random” excuse rn is Bs..

    I used to have 3-4 of each and still burn one every war.. one would drop 2-4x a week... now there are none for over a month.

    I think most people’s “Burnout” is just people not being able to Tank to the bottom of their tier .

    In reality, That’s what wars have come to, either have a shell alliance, or tank in offseason to fix your war rating.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    A new day, an new set of worthless boosts. 39 days and counting. It's not just bad RNG Kabam.
  • AquamaAquama Member Posts: 135
    edited January 2019
    They just keep pressing. Token responses by kabam if any at all, AW is endless, and arena grind rewards are just never going to be worth another 10000 monotonous fights like I’ve done for the last few years.... burnout for me is inevitable.
    I really have no drive left to even care about grinding it out anymore. This is not whining. Just reality. There is really no question that I’m joining an semi retired alliance in the next week or so , and my wallet is definitely closed.
  • AquamaAquama Member Posts: 135
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I just wanted to drop in and let you know that we do appreciate everyone's feedback about the length of time between alliance war seasons. There has been a lot of thoughtful feedback on both sides of the issue and we have shared this with the rest of the team. We know that this is a topic that you feel strongly about and understand the value of discussion around subjects like this on the forums. As always, constructive feedback is welcome!

    “Both sides of the issue”? ......
    Seems like the overwhelming majority is all on the same page. What’s this other side?

  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    Philly3974 wrote: »
    Just get rid of seasons, have a reward system based on consecutive wins/losses, and rewards for whichever ally wins the categories for exploration, defender/attacker kills, diversity, attack bonuses, boss kills, etc (some allys win all those categories, some split) and maybe throw in some special rewards for MVPs of each group (since basically that's just a title and currently get nothing for that, except a number on your profile).

    That way it will alleviate some of the "seasons" pressure and you can do war at your ally's leisure without the constant pressure to do every war, every week for a straight month. I'm in an 18M, Tier 5, Gold 1 ally for the last 6 seasons and it is draining on both time and resources!

    Besides the fact that between AW/AQ running simultaneously most times, utilizing my top 11 champs, its hard to complete other content like monthly EQ, variant, Act 5, or LOL or other special content.

    Hmm what would be the downside to scaling the season rewards down to a per-war basis? Win a war, you get 50 t5b shards, 50 6* shards, etc. I guess with less pressure, there would be less item use, and therefore less $$$ for kabam.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    NiteAndDae wrote: »
    Philly3974 wrote: »
    Just get rid of seasons, have a reward system based on consecutive wins/losses, and rewards for whichever ally wins the categories for exploration, defender/attacker kills, diversity, attack bonuses, boss kills, etc (some allys win all those categories, some split) and maybe throw in some special rewards for MVPs of each group (since basically that's just a title and currently get nothing for that, except a number on your profile).

    That way it will alleviate some of the "seasons" pressure and you can do war at your ally's leisure without the constant pressure to do every war, every week for a straight month. I'm in an 18M, Tier 5, Gold 1 ally for the last 6 seasons and it is draining on both time and resources!

    Besides the fact that between AW/AQ running simultaneously most times, utilizing my top 11 champs, its hard to complete other content like monthly EQ, variant, Act 5, or LOL or other special content.

    Hmm what would be the downside to scaling the season rewards down to a per-war basis? Win a war, you get 50 t5b shards, 50 6* shards, etc. I guess with less pressure, there would be less item use, and therefore less $$$ for kabam.

    That's 100% it.

    Things would go back to how they were. Go into a war, see if you have a chance to win and decide to push or now. Collect your shards and move on.

    No fear of getting kicked for dying or a hour before the rewards come out.
    No BGs fighting with other BGs who died too much or didn't clear their boss.
    No needing to play on major holidays or entire month of work would be undone.
    No worrying about how much other allys are cheating.
    No worrying about match making ruining an entire month of work.
    No worrying about if a new recruit would cheat and ruin an entire month of work.
    No need to feel like you have to spend all your glory and loyalty on pots and boosts.
    No need to feel like you have to buy every offer with greater champ boosts in them.
    No more unrelenting stress month after month.

    Sounds awesome.

    People spend less if this happens so why would kabam want to do it. This is why they've been adding boosts to lots of the cash offers.
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★

    In the long run, happy people spend lots of money and unhappy people quit the game or stop spending.

    Going all out on AW seasons to make money is pretty much the definition of "penny wise but pound foolish."

    100% this. The results of this can be seen in the widespread failure of brick and mortar retail. But everyone, Kabam included, seems to think the solution is to double down.

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