What is the most powerful Special 3

Luke Cage has a pretty effective one because of the aftermath of Exhaustion stacks.
Storm and the Spidermen also have some pretty good ones too.
Storm and the Spidermen also have some pretty good ones too.
Proxima with her missions has the highest special attack damage in the game. Domino's sp3 can cause a lot of bleed damage at once too
When they buffed Venom and put him on a boss node a few EQ ago, 4/55 Magik did 42,000 damage as she nullified all his buffs. If only she'd been partnered with CAIW for a bit more...
800K+ on 5/65 max sig’s Proxima’s sp3 against ROL WS, no suicides and no glass cannon
I mean, his sp3 is instant KO no matter what ability you have (Ice-Man armor, GP plot armor, etc). damage is potentially infinite lol.
Anyways. I guess Domino, SL, Hype and Proxima would be the most powerful sp3 out there.