No Changes For Captain Marvel ?

Hellow @Kabam Miike
I thought This update cooming with Captain Marvel Specials Details too .
How many day Still waiting for Captain Marvel ?
Already passed 3 years 6 months for her
Atleast add Her special damage Cap by special 1 , Special 2 and special 3 please.
Thank you
I thought This update cooming with Captain Marvel Specials Details too .
How many day Still waiting for Captain Marvel ?
Already passed 3 years 6 months for her

Atleast add Her special damage Cap by special 1 , Special 2 and special 3 please.
Thank you
I agree she hits very hard. People underestimate her. Also poison immune
I am not asking to buff Captain Marvel,
I am Asking To Add Her details in details section !!!
She is not broken and she isn't a bad champion. You say you aren't asking for a buff, but you kinda are ...
It literally says right there in yellow that her attack gets increased by stored power.
At the 5* level, Medusa, Corvus, Proxima, Hyperion, Angela, Champion, Venom, Carnage, Hela, Heimdall and VtD all outperform her (throw in Thor at the 4* level). That leaves her ahead of the cast of other old cosmics like BB, Drax, Gamora, as well as unloved newer cosmics like VP and KK. Honestly, CM hasn’t aged well at all.
Which is pretty sad. She’s an interesting character (still have quite a few of the old Carol Danvers Ms.M comics) and the first female lead of a Marvel movie. Kabam should do her (and us) better than just reskinning.
Dr. Zola
Yes this. She doesn't need a full rework at all, but something would be nice - maybe concussion on SP1 and armor break on SP2?
A little selfish of me though as I have her at 4/55.
I have her as my 5/65. I know what u mean.
My first 5 star. My only 4/55 for ages. Dont regret taking her to rank 5
Captain Marvel, Black Panther (OG), Spiderman (all, except for Sparky), Iron Man (SIM and OG), etc are champs that when the contest was younger a lot of people used and considered valuable. But now those guys feel terribly simple compared to the new guys. Iron Man was an regeneration machine at some point, CM/BP/Spideys/Gamora were some of the characters that hit like a truck in some point as well and now are obsolete.
Now compare these guys with a simple bleed, regen or fury abilities (and nothing more) to the new guys that have an freaking bible in their description.
Not really saying oldies are trash, but they certainly lack a lot and what they have others do way better AND more. the situation is even worse for champions that always were trash (Colossus, Hulkbuster, etc). Now almost nobody uses/ranks an old champ, most of them were obsolete. Storm, Captain Marvel, Rocket Raccoon, Captain America(s) and even Cyclops were some of the best champs of the game at some point.
Where is Captain Marvel Special 2 damage Output Datails ?
Where Is captain marvel’s special 3 Damage Output details ?
Special 1 just telling Us she ignore all Armor but where is The Damage Capped Details on Captain Marvel ?
Is that correct, @IceSnow?
I Am not requesting Any buff/change on captain marvel.
I am just requesting to add her special Damage details In details section like Other Champions have.
Thank you so much ☺️☺️☺️
For an example : Maximum Champions have there Special 1,2 and 3 Damge Details in details section but Captain marvel have just special 1 details but special 2 and special 3 details are missing ...
i dont think there is any champion in the game with a damage cap or with the dmg output mentioned in his specials
Special Attack 2
Deals damage, no additional effects
Okay, awesome! Thank you for confirming! I'll talk to the rest of the team about this being a topic for future conversations.
😂😂😂 Captain marvel one of the best champion that love everyone