"The Unstoppable" frustration... This is not the game for average players anymore...



  • SpiderBroSpiderBro Member Posts: 80
    We just have to adapt n get gud I guess
    I'm having trouble with this red hulk in master cause defence and regen
  • BlackSaChiBlackSaChi Member Posts: 298
    Dialbo is sooo hard in uncollected:| hard content same reward as last month!why?

    So used my rank5 redhulk and could kill him easily
  • DanveerKarnaDanveerKarna Member Posts: 113
    Mars___ wrote: »
    Somehow and some where this game became very frustrated for average players like me. It used to be so cool will basic mechanism and animations of characters, but with the introduction of new characters and new nodes its almost impossible for me to clear the content with my A-team now which i used to clear with my B-team (like master mode in EQ.. l am unable to clear master mode EQ with couple of 4/55 for last two months). With the introduction of The thing and diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo or even in middle of special attack it reached new heights(or lows). Does anyone else think same ???

    There are lot of good counters to The Thing: x23, Wolverine, Winter Soldier, Blade, Punisher (classic), Massacre, Cap IMIW etc. If the rock shield is kept in check then he is pretty easy champ to beat.
  • AdiMukh555AdiMukh555 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    Not to mention the horrible lags,over aggressive AIs, and the terrible servers
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    Jemster519 wrote: »
    I say we all stop spending. If you beat it great. If not play Areana and try again later. Do not spend to beat these quest. Spend to rank up and increase your champs but not to beat EQ. This will hopefully force a change of these crazy nodes

    I can agree with the spending (Being F2P Myself). Don't waste cash on phone games

    You do realize these games would not exist then. Without the COWhales of the world we would still be playing games like FarmVille.
  • BobbyCecBobbyCec Member Posts: 8
    To be honest I am one who complains too much but gotta give credits where it's due, kabam gifted these rewards. For diablo was pretty funny because him kept me to attack slowly and adapt to him... maybe that 15% regen is something we could discuss about.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 wrote: »
    ESF wrote: »
    Dshu wrote: »
    book_er_t wrote: »
    Same old comments first day of every month. People freak out like it’s fhe hardest thing ever. Then a week later it’s no big deal. Slow down and wait for the top guys to beat it and post solutions. Same thing every month. Hydra symbioid. Emma. Darkhawk. All complaints. All solo’d by almost everyone later that month.
    It’s nice what happens if you don’t have the champs they used then what? Wait another 4 years. You are right but it’s not fun always watching others beat content before you try. They also die lots of times before they upload their content anyway.

    If you don't have the same champs they used find champs with similar abilities or check other Youtubers and see if someone found another way to beat it.

    I have an honest question for you — I am serious. I honestly don’t know the answer.

    How did people beat AEgon without Archangel? What other characters could be used?

    I used Archangel five times and Symbiote Supreme once on a miracle kill, and I didn’t see another character who I thought could do it.

    I am honestly curious

    I used stark spidey and intercepts

    @Dshu: Thanks for your responses. I appreciate you taking the time. I think it is good when people explain how they do stuff.

    @Drooped: For real? Wow. I have zero issues admitting it: You are on a different level as a player than me. I have gotten better and more consistent at intercepting over the last six months because I recognize how important a skill it is, but wow. I give you and others who have that kind of consistent skill a lot of credit. It's not easy

    I also will note one thing, though: Of the characters Dshu and Drooped listed, I have one as a 5-star: Doctor Voodoo, unduped. Obviously, I have the Archangel, and he is duped, so I was able to get he job done. I am just saying that I feel like I have a pretty decent roster -- not amazing, but some utility -- and pretty decent skills and experience. I am Uncollected and just need to sit down and finish 5.4.

    To me, that means that while you shouldn't be able to take Master Mode for granted and faceroll it, I do think I have enough game experience and the roster to be qualified in saying that Master Mode is trending in a bad way.

    Uncollected: Again, make that for the elite. I have no problems with that. Skilled players need challenges.

    I think Master Mode should be something where a skilled player with a decent roster should not have to feel frustration because of excessive noding.

    Again, that is just my opinion
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    @DNA3000: Thanks for your insight. Even when I don't necessarily agree in broader strokes, I always appreciate your perspective.
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  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    Can we get more creativity? Maybe Diablo will poison himself to death, but you need to survive 3 minutes of his aggressive attacks to get there or keep him blocking so he can’t drink the cure. Maybe each of your MLLLL combos adds a debuff to him that has some effect? Who knows? I’m just about sick of unstoppable, unblockable, degen, power gain, unintended interaction soup, good enough, why test it, let’s hit the pub fight design. The individual characters and abilities are deep and creative (except on old champs and Kabam should be ashamed that they suck so bad), but these fights and their conditions are phoned in.
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    Diablo boss this month is pure trash no pattern for his unstoppable just totally random really not a fair match up more about luck than skill
  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    This game has many flaws, and difficulty is indeed one of them, but because it is too easy rather than too hard
  • Taiphoon_zeroTaiphoon_zero Member Posts: 110
    I think people who can’t compete master mode or uncollected mode, and complain here, will be fair to post a pic attached with there champs in comment section, so this will give to others an idea where are you coming from and what can be done to help u, otherwise reading this whining comments from average players that they can’t complete the hardest content in a first day is more biased then what Kabam did with Maze rewards and all other staff.
  • Darth_SemzDarth_Semz Member Posts: 104
    I do agree with a lot of everyone’s comments. Personally I do think it’s becoming a little much now. It’s not as high as Aegon level of annoying but becoming unstoppable mid combo ain’t much fun
  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    Carnage313 wrote: »
    I mean with all do respect. I see this skill/no skill thrown around so much as a justification. For example I can clear stuff so I have skill so because you can’t you don’t have skill. Lmao this always cracks me up. Really just how much skill is needed in this game lol. Only way you could actually suck is if you just constantly rush bash the ouch and trade blows and hope to come out on top. Other than that there isn’t much skill needed. Just deep pockets. I’ve beat every EQ and in now way do I think that it’s because my skills are awesome. So you guys that get on here and bash others because they have an issue just let them be. It’s their right as customers to voice their opinion about a product. Just because you can do something they can’t dont make you better than them. It actually makes you look like more of a tool.

  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Mars___ wrote: »
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    We have had really easy EQ's recently. About time we have a harder one.

    We are taking about average players like me here mate... not everyone is skilled at this game and some wants to play this game just for fun...

    What stops anyone from playing the game just for fun?

    When the drive to make it more challenging takes the fun out of it and makes the demographic that can actually complete it smaller and smaller.

    Fortunately for me I don't play a game like that.

    And I don't know why people believe with such confidence that the number of players that can complete things like master and uncollected difficulty is getting smaller with each passing month, but I'm willing to bet real cash that's not true with anyone foolish enough to take the bet.

    You are being given direct feedback and you are so arrogant to think you speak or "know these things.

  • 98FF_98FF_ Member Posts: 59
    edited January 2019
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Mars___ wrote: »
    Somehow and some where this game became very frustrated for average players like me. It used to be so cool will basic mechanism and animations of characters, but with the introduction of new characters and new nodes its almost impossible for me to clear the content with my A-team now which i used to clear with my B-team (like master mode in EQ.. l am unable to clear master mode EQ with couple of 4/55 for last two months). With the introduction of The thing and diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo or even in middle of special attack it reached new heights(or lows). Does anyone else think same ???

    "it used to be so cool with basic mechanism". Parry and combo is the basic mechanic of this game with some added dex for a beam shooting out of a special. That mechanic cannot keep going on and on. Any content that does not allow 'Parry and smash' strategy is not automatically bad.

    "I used to clear content with my A-team but now I cannot" .. this is a game of progression. If you do not progress, you will fall behind. Progression is lifeline of longevity to this game. If you cannot clear Master with 2 r4/55 then you are doing something wrong. Master can still be cleared by 3* champs for a challenge and 4* as a norm.

    "diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo" .. if you look at people playing against him or go at him few times, you can easily see patterns and reasons as to why he goes unstoppable and stop him from doing that. It isn't just random.

    This is a problem I often see with MCOC players. To feel the need to never “fall behind” or the need to “catch up”. But catch with whom, might I ask? And why must you “stay ahead”? The reason why many people feel the need to catch up, is for one simple, but honestly disappointing reason. D*** measuring. People feel the need to catch up, because they want to look cool, & want to be considered an “end game player”.

    I’ll tell you what guys, there is NEVER a reason to catch up, nor pull ahead of anyone. That’s exactly what makes this game toxic, & not fun. Focus on the content you are currently on, whether that be Act 1, Begginer, Heroic, Act 5, Uncollected Difficulty... you name it. Focus on the content you enjoy, & don’t bother catching up with anything, nor anyone. Not only is it just not worth it, but it defeats the purpose of the game... to have fun & play at your own pace. I made a post a while back going more in-depth into this topic here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/113619/how-to-be-the-best-mcoc-player-ever-no-joke#latest ... if anyone wants to take a look.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Finished compleatin last night with my top team in AQ. Really easy once you slow down and figure out the fights. Uses 2 lv1 revives for the entire EQ. Didn't read the node and pushed Gult to L3 on Spite and same thing with his potions first time on DIablo.
  • Blubfish_666Blubfish_666 Member Posts: 237
  • edited January 2019
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  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    A good portion of people in this thread forgot about RNG. Not everyone has god tier champs that can steamroll content. I like to see you guys try this eq with bad/ mediocre champs.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    edited January 2019
    The problem is simply lack of playtesting before releasing content. It's just not done. People making champs, making maps, making nodes clearly don't communicate with each other or test how they interact. The trials are clear evidence of that.

    Every piece of content they create should be tested to be beaten with average rosters. Not even the worst champs. I don't expect colossus, Groot, kk, Iron patriot and some random champ to clear the toughest content.. but maybe they could try using Hawkeyes, storms, etc. mid-tier champs for the majority of the content.. but the speciality/boss nodes should have more than a couple of options.

    It used to be "bring witch"... don't have her..
    Then it was "bring blade"... dont have him...
    Now it's "bring void"... and repeat.

    For all the pain 12.0 caused, many of us knew they would end up right back in the same position. Get used to it. Some people will be lucky and others will just be behind.
  • edited January 2019
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  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    98FF_ wrote: »
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Mars___ wrote: »
    Somehow and some where this game became very frustrated for average players like me. It used to be so cool will basic mechanism and animations of characters, but with the introduction of new characters and new nodes its almost impossible for me to clear the content with my A-team now which i used to clear with my B-team (like master mode in EQ.. l am unable to clear master mode EQ with couple of 4/55 for last two months). With the introduction of The thing and diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo or even in middle of special attack it reached new heights(or lows). Does anyone else think same ???

    "it used to be so cool with basic mechanism". Parry and combo is the basic mechanic of this game with some added dex for a beam shooting out of a special. That mechanic cannot keep going on and on. Any content that does not allow 'Parry and smash' strategy is not automatically bad.

    "I used to clear content with my A-team but now I cannot" .. this is a game of progression. If you do not progress, you will fall behind. Progression is lifeline of longevity to this game. If you cannot clear Master with 2 r4/55 then you are doing something wrong. Master can still be cleared by 3* champs for a challenge and 4* as a norm.

    "diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo" .. if you look at people playing against him or go at him few times, you can easily see patterns and reasons as to why he goes unstoppable and stop him from doing that. It isn't just random.

    This is a problem I often see with MCOC players. To feel the need to never “fall behind” or the need to “catch up”. But catch with whom, might I ask? And why must you “stay ahead”? The reason why many people feel the need to catch up, is for one simple, but honestly disappointing reason. D*** measuring. People feel the need to catch up, because they want to look cool, & want to be considered an “end game player”.

    I’ll tell you what guys, there is NEVER a reason to catch up, nor pull ahead of anyone. That’s exactly what makes this game toxic, & not fun. Focus on the content you are currently on, whether that be Act 1, Begginer, Heroic, Act 5, Uncollected Difficulty... you name it. Focus on the content you enjoy, & don’t bother catching up with anything, nor anyone. Not only is it just not worth it, but it defeats the purpose of the game... to have fun & play at your own pace. I made a post a while back going more in-depth into this topic here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/113619/how-to-be-the-best-mcoc-player-ever-no-joke#latest ... if anyone wants to take a look.

    This is the inherent problem. Who are you to tell me, or anyone else, how to play this game? Some people actually like the competition. I like AW and AW seasons because it gives me another chance to compete at a high level.

    Is it an epeen contest? Sometimes, but that's all part of the fun.

    If you don't want to compete, then fine. There is LOTS to do in this game for non competitive-players. But don't ruin my experience with your nonsense talk of "toxicity" like this is some case study for your sociology 101 class.

    Every. Single. Month. We have these same exact posts about "so and so is too hard" or "@#(*$%& kabam $*%&%$* uncollected EQ %&*$%&"

    This is nothing new. It's been happening since master mode was released.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »

    Every. Single. Month. We have these same exact posts about "so and so is too hard" or "@#(*$%& kabam $*%&%$* uncollected EQ %&*$%&"

    This is nothing new. It's been happening since master mode was released.

    Honestly I think it's just a reflection of the way the game is going, again. The trend is towards more frustration and less towards fun and interactive. And people are getting fed up with it. Sometimes they vent and rant.. maybe they shouldn't, but I'd encourage them to be more constructive rather than dismiss them. They are the future of the game, "Think of the children!" Lol.

    Everyone that complained about ice Phoenix, people now are experiencing in their own right. Sometimes it's champs/nodes.. sometimes it's lag/darkhawks. Sometimes it's not justified, but sometimes it is. Better to find common ground than fight on a forum, which is just a huge waste of electrons.

  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Jh_Dez wrote: »
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    98FF_ wrote: »
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Mars___ wrote: »
    Somehow and some where this game became very frustrated for average players like me. It used to be so cool will basic mechanism and animations of characters, but with the introduction of new characters and new nodes its almost impossible for me to clear the content with my A-team now which i used to clear with my B-team (like master mode in EQ.. l am unable to clear master mode EQ with couple of 4/55 for last two months). With the introduction of The thing and diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo or even in middle of special attack it reached new heights(or lows). Does anyone else think same ???

    "it used to be so cool with basic mechanism". Parry and combo is the basic mechanic of this game with some added dex for a beam shooting out of a special. That mechanic cannot keep going on and on. Any content that does not allow 'Parry and smash' strategy is not automatically bad.

    "I used to clear content with my A-team but now I cannot" .. this is a game of progression. If you do not progress, you will fall behind. Progression is lifeline of longevity to this game. If you cannot clear Master with 2 r4/55 then you are doing something wrong. Master can still be cleared by 3* champs for a challenge and 4* as a norm.

    "diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo" .. if you look at people playing against him or go at him few times, you can easily see patterns and reasons as to why he goes unstoppable and stop him from doing that. It isn't just random.

    This is a problem I often see with MCOC players. To feel the need to never “fall behind” or the need to “catch up”. But catch with whom, might I ask? And why must you “stay ahead”? The reason why many people feel the need to catch up, is for one simple, but honestly disappointing reason. D*** measuring. People feel the need to catch up, because they want to look cool, & want to be considered an “end game player”.

    I’ll tell you what guys, there is NEVER a reason to catch up, nor pull ahead of anyone. That’s exactly what makes this game toxic, & not fun. Focus on the content you are currently on, whether that be Act 1, Begginer, Heroic, Act 5, Uncollected Difficulty... you name it. Focus on the content you enjoy, & don’t bother catching up with anything, nor anyone. Not only is it just not worth it, but it defeats the purpose of the game... to have fun & play at your own pace. I made a post a while back going more in-depth into this topic here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/113619/how-to-be-the-best-mcoc-player-ever-no-joke#latest ... if anyone wants to take a look.

    This is the inherent problem. Who are you to tell me, or anyone else, how to play this game? Some people actually like the competition. I like AW and AW seasons because it gives me another chance to compete at a high level.

    Is it an epeen contest? Sometimes, but that's all part of the fun.

    If you don't want to compete, then fine. There is LOTS to do in this game for non competitive-players. But don't ruin my experience with your nonsense talk of "toxicity" like this is some case study for your sociology 101 class.

    Every. Single. Month. We have these same exact posts about "so and so is too hard" or "@#(*$%& kabam $*%&%$* uncollected EQ %&*$%&"

    This is nothing new. It's been happening since master mode was released.

    But your first line also means you are in no position to also tell others how to play or enjoy the game. Basically they have a right to complain or speak their mind
    If posts like this bothers you
    Ignore it please

    I'm not telling anyone how to play anything (unless they ask for help). It bothers me because the poster I was responding to is a microcosm of the current gaming generation. I see it all over the place and I've seen the effect of "casualizing" everything and how bland and terrible it makes games for me personally.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    Jh_Dez wrote: »
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    98FF_ wrote: »
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Mars___ wrote: »
    Somehow and some where this game became very frustrated for average players like me. It used to be so cool will basic mechanism and animations of characters, but with the introduction of new characters and new nodes its almost impossible for me to clear the content with my A-team now which i used to clear with my B-team (like master mode in EQ.. l am unable to clear master mode EQ with couple of 4/55 for last two months). With the introduction of The thing and diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo or even in middle of special attack it reached new heights(or lows). Does anyone else think same ???

    "it used to be so cool with basic mechanism". Parry and combo is the basic mechanic of this game with some added dex for a beam shooting out of a special. That mechanic cannot keep going on and on. Any content that does not allow 'Parry and smash' strategy is not automatically bad.

    "I used to clear content with my A-team but now I cannot" .. this is a game of progression. If you do not progress, you will fall behind. Progression is lifeline of longevity to this game. If you cannot clear Master with 2 r4/55 then you are doing something wrong. Master can still be cleared by 3* champs for a challenge and 4* as a norm.

    "diablo who can become unstoppable in middle of combo" .. if you look at people playing against him or go at him few times, you can easily see patterns and reasons as to why he goes unstoppable and stop him from doing that. It isn't just random.

    This is a problem I often see with MCOC players. To feel the need to never “fall behind” or the need to “catch up”. But catch with whom, might I ask? And why must you “stay ahead”? The reason why many people feel the need to catch up, is for one simple, but honestly disappointing reason. D*** measuring. People feel the need to catch up, because they want to look cool, & want to be considered an “end game player”.

    I’ll tell you what guys, there is NEVER a reason to catch up, nor pull ahead of anyone. That’s exactly what makes this game toxic, & not fun. Focus on the content you are currently on, whether that be Act 1, Begginer, Heroic, Act 5, Uncollected Difficulty... you name it. Focus on the content you enjoy, & don’t bother catching up with anything, nor anyone. Not only is it just not worth it, but it defeats the purpose of the game... to have fun & play at your own pace. I made a post a while back going more in-depth into this topic here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/113619/how-to-be-the-best-mcoc-player-ever-no-joke#latest ... if anyone wants to take a look.

    This is the inherent problem. Who are you to tell me, or anyone else, how to play this game? Some people actually like the competition. I like AW and AW seasons because it gives me another chance to compete at a high level.

    Is it an epeen contest? Sometimes, but that's all part of the fun.

    If you don't want to compete, then fine. There is LOTS to do in this game for non competitive-players. But don't ruin my experience with your nonsense talk of "toxicity" like this is some case study for your sociology 101 class.

    Every. Single. Month. We have these same exact posts about "so and so is too hard" or "@#(*$%& kabam $*%&%$* uncollected EQ %&*$%&"

    This is nothing new. It's been happening since master mode was released.

    But your first line also means you are in no position to also tell others how to play or enjoy the game. Basically they have a right to complain or speak their mind
    If posts like this bothers you
    Ignore it please

    I'm not telling anyone how to play anything (unless they ask for help). It bothers me because the poster I was responding to is a microcosm of the current gaming generation. I see it all over the place and I've seen the effect of "casualizing" everything and how bland and terrible it makes games for me personally.

    LOL. I can't help but laugh because as someone who has gamed since Pong, people have been saying this exact same thing since it came out. From early PC games to Atari to Nintendo to today... it's always the same thing. It really is not a current state of things, it's the evolution of things.

    This game would be considered trivial back when you had 3 lives, no continues and 4 hours of nonstop gameplay to go. Without a map, or an Internet.
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