Quake bugged? Video included

So ive noticed this a lot lately
Ive asked around, and apparanty im not the only one noticing this happening.

So after recording the first fight in thw video.. went to line chats and asked around..

Little after i go back in against uncollected diablo boss.. and happens again?

Comment here if you think this is a bug or not because if it is, needs fixing!



  • SubrocSubroc Member Posts: 21
    Force of will?
  • ILovePoniesILovePonies Member Posts: 158
    Explain the first evade then? How did the first work and second never? And explain the darkhawk fight no force of will.
    Subroc wrote: »
    Force of will?

  • ILovePoniesILovePonies Member Posts: 158
    Every other evade worked, 1 shot him with her the first try near enough no evade fails, and for darkhawk? Quake took him nearly every single run last months EQ, and the fight with DH in this video.. rest of the video passive evade worked fine besides mistiming some parries (could of been my fault mistiming but how can you mistime holding heavy until you auto evade while your waiting and the champ just completely ignores your abilities and eats thru you while charging the heavy in the first place)
  • ILovePoniesILovePonies Member Posts: 158
    1 shot him near enough, no evade fails**

    Every other evade worked, 1 shot him with her the first try near enough no evade fails, and for darkhawk? Quake took him nearly every single run last months EQ, and the fight with DH in this video.. rest of the video passive evade worked fine besides mistiming some parries (could of been my fault mistiming but how can you mistime holding heavy until you auto evade while your waiting and the champ just completely ignores your abilities and eats thru you while charging the heavy in the first place)

  • Akarsh383Akarsh383 Member Posts: 76
    It happened to me too. I think it's because of mistimed release of the heavy attack charge
  • ILovePoniesILovePonies Member Posts: 158
    But you cant mistime it. Your either too late and the next hit will hit you.. or you will heavy and hit them as an intercept. I never let go untill i see “evade” because i know the AI sometimes will just walk towards you and not attack
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  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    So what are you asking ? Do you mean the 1 time in BOTH of the fights (DarkHawk and Diablo) when they hit thru Quake's holding-heavy ? I noticed in video that Diablo had “Immune” pop up several times, maybe he was getting an Immune to the hold-heavy concussion ??
  • ILovePoniesILovePonies Member Posts: 158
    Quakes passive evade.. worked in both fights. Force of will will stop ability accuracy modification but does not counter passive abilities that you gain urself hence my evade was fine when the heavy registered.

    The darkhawk fight.. i hae dueled 3 times last night, and 2 duels fine no ignoring my heavy..

    3rd duel, 3rd heavy im holding, darkhawk just eats my block.

    Her heavy doesnt seem to be registering as a heavy to give her the evade, its like the champs have true strike.. bare in mind.. WWI force of will.. is not true strike otherwise every evade would fail. I nearly solod him with her first try she does a lot of damage agaisnt him with that exact node.

    Not sure why you included the Diablo fight... its very clearly Force of Will. As for Darkhawk, I have no idea to be perfectly honest.

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