War Matchmaking

Please fix this soon. How can my team stand a chance, easy wins for the other guys as usual. We crawled from tier 15 to tier 12 an our 1st match in tier 12 is this complete mismatch.

how would it be fair to have a 3million alliance climb to tier 1 fighting alongside 30 mil alliances and getting the same season rewards as the 30 mil alliances when they are only there because they dont fight true competion.
we cant have a handicapped situation with all alliances competing for the same prizes
1.5m higher than us vs 4m higher.
to a point i get it.
but i also see the downsides of alliance rating based matchups.
as i have commented many times before.
the whole system needs some kind of overhaul.
to put it in perspective.
my alliance is 14.3mil. we have 4 players with 1 x 5/65 champ. we have bout 10 players still with 5/50 in their top champs.
we have been matched with an alliance of 16.5 mil for this war.
which on paper seems fair.
however in reality it is not as they have 10 players with 3 x 5/65 champs and every single player has only 4/55 or higher in their profile.
so alliance rating is close enough.
however we have no chance cus why we have most defenders at 3/45 and 5/50 with a few 4/55 and 5/65 they have a lot of 5/65 and almost all others 4/55.
in attack we have guys attacking still using 5/50 champs. their attackers are all 4/55 and 5/65.
so we have no chance.
alliance rating means nothing.
there is no fair system and all systems i have thought of have pros and cons
What doesn't make sense is our opponent ended last season as Silver 2 but are now Bronze 2. We didn't even do any AW in the off-season and didn't drop that far; we were in Silver 3.
season ranking means nothing and has no impact.
its war rating and war tier.
low season ranking just means maybe they only played like 1 or 2 wars
Like i said, though, we didn't do any AW during the off-season and only dropped 1 tier. We are 1-2 so far this season and still in Silver 2, where we ended last season. Would this being maybe their 1st or 2nd (with no off-season AW like us) of the season really have dropped them that far?
wat tier are you?
maybe thay have only played 2 wars and therfore not scored many points...
maybe they have lost 4 in a row and scored bugger all points in them
the season bracket just means they have not scored many points.
tier is a number...
like t20 or t15 or t5 or t1...
that gives you a multiplier for your war score.
what season bracket you fall into
ie. gold3, silver2, bronze1, etc.
is only a reflection of your score for the season.
it is not your war tier
Our opponent said they didn't do any AW in the offseason. Also said they missed the first war of the season then lost 3 in a row (which surprises me given their strength). They dropped to Bronze 2. We basically are in the same boat, except we've only won 1 war, but didnt drop that far. Just seems odd to me.