Tier 5 fragment sales?!

£50 for a few k fragments?! You put this sale up for the people who are desperate and need a few k and will pay for that.. what about the 98% off us who play the game?!...
The other 2%
1% desperate
1% who cheat.. im being kind on this one arnt i lol
The other 2%
1% desperate
1% who cheat.. im being kind on this one arnt i lol
And you come under the 1% who kabam want. *cough cough
I've used over 90, that doesn't mean I won't always need more. I have so many R3 champs I'd love to R4 let alone R5
I don't understand how the 1 percentile is desperate? I'm sure more than 1% are buying this offer anyway. And I know people who have plenty of t2as who still bought the deal...
For 1 t2a. I need 6 to r5 a 5* and 4 to r4 one. This is a great deal for everyone wanting t2a, the t5b frags are just bonus. And I’m hardly the 1%. More like the 30-40%.