I’m trying to finish rttl before I move on to rol and lol. I am finding the safeguard node very annoying in 3.1 Is there anyone here to counter it other than hype?

(Plan on investing in wasp more and taking majik to r4)

(Plan on investing in wasp more and taking majik to r4)
So Everyone with Damage over time will work as long there are no immunitys.
I Like champs who do extra damage per hit like Rulk, NC (no issues with cornered), Masacre with lit Bat...
but Those like Omega red, Mephisto or Void, who damage by presence could help also.
As you can see, RttL ramps up QUITE a bit in difficulty as you go. That's 4.5 of RttL pictured above. Even with 5* R4/55 champs, it's challenging. As previously mentiones, focus on story mode, and the monthly EQ to build up your roster, level up, and solidify your mastery setup. Leave RttL on the backburner until you're loaded up to take it down. RoL isn't something you need to complete right away either. Eventually it becomes a place to test new champs, and farm health potions once you've advanced enough.
You have a decent roster for your current level so keep at it! I see you have Sabretooth and KM, nice pair to use synergy wise, and in general. Magik and Hyperion will be quite useful on your way throughout story quest. Explore each Act, and gain all you can along the way experience wise. RttL isn't going anywhere, and you're a long ways away from being ready for LoL. Everything takes time in this game so don't rush content you're not prepared for. Best of luck on your journey forward!