Shouldn’t champions in armor have a less chance to bleed?

Armor should provide a little more bleed resistance, or should provide the champion with something that lowers their chance of being bled. I mean it makes sense right? It does to me.
And then Magneto comes along, crushes the suit of armor like a tin can, and you'd be dead the moment the fight started.
Games are simplifications. It isn't that armor reducing bleed probability is a bad idea, it is that all games have to draw a line somewhere, and this game drew its line several feet in front of that idea. I personally have no severe objection to the idea, but then you open the door to whether that bleed resistance should work on Wolverine and his adamantium claws.
And then you have to ask the question if armor reduces the chance to inflict bleed, then shouldn't damage to the armor reduce your chance for any of your abilities to function? I mean, what is "health" or "hit points" to someone in a suit of armor. Is it the champion's health, or the armor's health. Once the armor has half its hit points, shouldn't half its abilities be broken? You can drive yourself crazy trying to turn a game into a simulation, especially one where the rules of the universe are all made up comic book rules.
When the Hulk punches Iron Man across the screen, Tony Stark should be dead. His armor might protect his skin from being hit, but it doesn't protect his brain from striking the inside of his own skull and splattering like pink pudding. Even the comic books themselves are a vast oversimplification of the laws of physics to make the stories more interesting. Otherwise comic book combat puts everyone in the hospital by page five.
Events that occur within the event horizon cannot be said to occur at any point in time from our frame of reference outside the horizon.
Point being... this game isn't supposed to be logical. Its a Marvel Game. Even the movies defy the laws of science, logic & physics all the time... but who TF cares. Its a game, don't take it seriously
(On a side note... this would pretty much make all the Archangel users cry themselves to sleep at night, another reason it will never, & should never happen.)