Combine multiple accounts into single account

I wish to combine multiple accounts into single account as it becomes difficult to manage many accounts.I also wish to combine and retain all items and champions.
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Still rife for abuse. This just sounds like people who have multiple accounts with different champs. They get tired of different accounts so they want 1 but don't want to lose all the progress of their other account. Such a bad idea.
What cheating is happening?
And “worked hard for their items” ? Like just logging in to multiple accounts once a day and accumulating all those multiple Calendar Rewards ? Nope, should not be allowed to then later combine all this free stuff into a single account.
You're either trolling or extremely narrow minded.
You started multiple accounts knowing full well you couldn't combine them ever. Just because you may now want to because it's no longer convenient doesn't change anything.
Bottom line play them both/all, pick one, give up the other.
Suck it up and keep them both or give one up. Just get yourself together and keep your whining to yourself
You started a discussion about this, but yet mad when people tell you why it won’t work. Maybe don’t speak like that to others sharing their opinions. Better yet, keep your ideas to yourself if you don’t want opinions from others
How about you post your fantastic rosters from your accounts your want to merge.
Let me go first, here are mine below. Worked hard, free to play and would never dream of asking for a ridiculous idea to merge them. The only people that would ask are those seeking to shortcut and exploit, case in point, you my friend
Look forward to comparing rosters, mines changed a little since i made those at the start of the month
Can't see your level clearly.Surely must be near 60. How did you manage to take screenshots.Which app did you use?
I said combine 2 accounts into 1 for low level champs below 25.
My roster is not as impressive as yours for sure.So don't be nervous.