Y'all complaining about mcoc but think just how far we've come

Look most of you are complaining about this mobile game and how much bugs it has and stuff but just think how far it's come.
We used to have to 100% heroic just to be able to do a master mode.
I asked for daily crystals for people who have done act 4 and look what they added into the game(thanks for that btw)
We have been getting free 5* shards at the end of the month or during it which is great.
We had a gwenpool goes to the movies(which we would like to see more of)
And we have been getting free t2 alphas and t4cc which had helped me so much.
In the space of one year of playing I have soldiered my way through act 1 2 3 4 and am now on act 5 chapter 2 but stuck on masicizim.
I am not a pro but thanks to these things I have obtained 8 5*s even though my only good one is void and a butt load of 4*s.
It has helped me gain rank 5 4*s and the ability to hopefully very soon rank 4 someone as a 5*.
Sure you might not always get the champion that you want in alot of crystals but I'm sure you do have good characters. You may be hoping for a domino and opened a butt load of crystals trying to get her (like me) but then you open your next one and get a symbiote supreme or a blade.
Before you go ranting about how bad something is, just take the time to stop and think how far this game has come and how far you have come playing this game.
Please no hate on this post.

We used to have to 100% heroic just to be able to do a master mode.
I asked for daily crystals for people who have done act 4 and look what they added into the game(thanks for that btw)
We have been getting free 5* shards at the end of the month or during it which is great.
We had a gwenpool goes to the movies(which we would like to see more of)
And we have been getting free t2 alphas and t4cc which had helped me so much.
In the space of one year of playing I have soldiered my way through act 1 2 3 4 and am now on act 5 chapter 2 but stuck on masicizim.
I am not a pro but thanks to these things I have obtained 8 5*s even though my only good one is void and a butt load of 4*s.
It has helped me gain rank 5 4*s and the ability to hopefully very soon rank 4 someone as a 5*.
Sure you might not always get the champion that you want in alot of crystals but I'm sure you do have good characters. You may be hoping for a domino and opened a butt load of crystals trying to get her (like me) but then you open your next one and get a symbiote supreme or a blade.
Before you go ranting about how bad something is, just take the time to stop and think how far this game has come and how far you have come playing this game.
Please no hate on this post.

Props to kabam for a great dev strategy. Through all the naysayers, haters, skeptics, boycotts, and countless bugs, for some reason this game seems to be doing great.
So quit. If you deserve better than just playing the game, you can always just...not play it. Unless you're in one of those North Korean prisons where they force you to farm items in some mobile game, the option to put your phone down and go outside or something is always there, man. Go get that life you deserve.
Thats not how a community is built, thats not how game moderators and developers should interact with their playerbase. Now, I don’t care much about the issues with Masteries, or Domino as it doesn’t affect me too much. I care about the utter contempt and condescendence the moderator team talks to us with, when half the time the bugs are because of the games bad testing, yeah we’re the silly ones because we find the issues for you 🤔. Don’t even get me started oj the support team insta-closing tickets or copy pasting responses that aren’t even relevant to the question at hand. (Looking at you Adam)
Tl:Dr. They could sure speak to us better and actually have some sort of way to interact directly with us that doesn’t require you to act like you’ve been forced to speak to us and you just want to get it over with.
Broken from Day 1
I don't agree with a few things. I think this game could actually be even better.
But yes. This game has provided lots of fun over the past four years -- far more good than bad
It has been falling apart since the day I started playing. At this point I prefer it that way.
That's possible. It is also possible the game would be so much deader.
What do you mean?
Deserve better than playing this game?
This game is falling apart?
You say things but don't back it up. Do you think you sound profound?
It's like saying, "the world is falling apart... I say we all deserve better than watching movies"
But I think many of us expect more from a game company that is raking in the millions. The RNG is a game design from day 1 which one just has to live with it. However there are instances of kabam not being customer centric enough which is what I think most are unhappy about. Eg in more recent times, Medusa bugged interaction with debuffs that took 2 months to fix, “silent” nerfs of drax/AA, the variant crystal saga, etc
But my point is I will get iso on time and materials to rank up the champs that I will also get in time.
I cannot wrap my mind around what a game company would have to do to eliminate all the complaints about players being treated like a necessary evil. I don't think there are enough hookers and booze in the observable universe to enact that business strategy.
Yes, Kabam does a lot of things worth complaining about. They also do a lot of reasonable things people complain about anyway. And when they go through a lull of not doing anything at all, players invent things to complain about that aren't even happening at all. In that respect Kabam is like every other game developer, and our playerbase is like most others.
Congrats on the made up word. Or at least a word I’ve never heard/seen before. It may possibly be more dead, but it’s also possible it could thrive so much more and people wouldn’t constantly quit due to horrible RNG.
Yes, both are possible. And for someone claiming to not like random results, you seem to be advocating a random bet with enormous downside.
Also, let's examine more closely just how high the upside is on that bet. MCOC is one of the most successful mobile games of its kind. Radical changes in its structure or monetization could destroy it completely: that's happened before to other games historically so that's well within the realm of possibility. Meanwhile the number of games that have been wildly more successful than MCOC are extremely few. Again, the odds are not in favor of that gamble.
Non RNG based rewards structure work all the time in games . It can work here as well
I never said they had to change their whole model. All I said was not every reward has to be RNG based. Every once in a while it would be nice to not be subject to trash champs. Champion Clash for example could’ve rewarded a marvelous crystal that excludes trash champs. This is just one example of how they can somewhat try to make their player base happy. You know, the ones who make this game so wildly successful. It’s no fun to keep grinding things out just to constantly get Rhinos and She Hulks and Hulkbusters.
And not every reward is, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were exaggerating the position that RNG rewards are bad in general. If your objection is that "every once in a while it would be nice to not be subject to trash champs" then congratulations, Kabam has already implemented your idea.