Problem with todays offer

Bought the new 5 star sig special and it wasn’t clear that the crystal would give sigs of all the same class. I assumed it would be a mix but I got a class (cosmic) that I already had a lot of with no duped cosmics. Now I have dozens of cosmic sigs I can’t use that will expire in two weeks. I can’t even sell the cosmic sig stones back so I won’t get much of anything out of this. Two week expiration seems unfair in this case. Can anything be done?
That's a very 'blame the victim' perspective. IF The_One is accurate and Apple ToS indicates that items obtained through real-world money purchases can't expire then the semantics of "Well, they only expired because..." are pretty weak semantics. I don't actually know if that is correct/indicated in Apple ToS though.
I have been sitting at 100 cosmic sig stones for a while now. I keep unwillingly putting the expiring ones in my r3 Hela.
I also have a cosmic awakening gem.
Be impressed.
Recently took Aegon to sig 160 from a sig 1 because I had been saving generic and skill stones.
Blade and Voodoo are sig 200
Cap IW sig 142 and cap would be higher if I hadn't been forced to use science stones on Red Hulk (or whoever I ended up having to use them on)
Only champ out of all those I actually duped was Voodoo
The moral of this story is: It's ridiculous that our inventory only holds 100 of each class when the max sig for 5*s is 200
The inventory should hold at least 300. And the fact that something you can buy with real money can expire is shameful.
I will probably not be buying this offer because I would be extremely upset if I did and got more cosmic sig stones that I don't have any one worth using them on.
There wasn’t such limits in place when the game was introduced in the beginning. Quite a waste as I had 300+ revives
And agree, where is the stated DROP RATE for the Awakening ? Purchased items supposed to convey those odds, aren’t they ?
This... I am on the same boat so just can't do it. Lol.
Doesn’t help OP of this thread who didn’t know all 80 Sigs would be of a same class (ended up being a class he is already overstocked with and ending up in Expiring Stash). Unless grounds for a refund for him ?
Easy solution....allow us to go beyond level 60 and increase how many you can carry based on hitting 61 through 70.
Pepperidge farms remembers.
The Apple App store guidelines only state that in-app purchases for in-app currencies cannot expire. It doesn't say that anything you buy can't expire. Apple can't enforce that restriction because that would then make subscriptions last forever.
Here's the relevant guideline:
The word "expire" shows up nowhere else in the App store guidelines except in the section on examples of business models: it mentions something that is acceptable, but not mandatory (in this case, an example of media rentals and purchases).
My opinion on why there is such "low" cap on items, as well as this expire system.
It's because of "game economics". The reality is you're paying for numbers to tell you what you have virtually. You're paying to get "features" in the game faster, to "progress" faster, to a finish line that stays in front of the player.
The arbitrary item cap per item is to make it more "rare", which makes people believe it's worth more. This creates an artificial demand on usage, as well as a demand to get more because one "capped" item isn't enough.
The playerbase makes people willing to spend big dollars to progress; without this multiplayer aspect, these virtual goods "worth" devalue tremendously.
And I completely get that, believe me.
Before they had a limit in our inventory I would have hundreds of revives and pots stored up. So of course, why would I buy any when I had the ability to save them up.
With that said, I ended up getting it lol,
but lucked out and got 80 science stones. So Cap IW is now sig 200.
I decided the worst case scenario is I would have to awaken Hype take sig 180