Is blade still worth going for?

He seems as though he has been nerfed a lot for newer content. I have an awakened 4/55 sparky and also GR as a 4/40 4*, plus a skill gem for a 5* blade. I know he’s amazing, but we are seeing more and more characters who are bleed immune and AAR immune. This seems to be a huge detriment to the character. Thoughts?
I love my 5* R4 Blade. However, at the end of the day, best to have a well rounded roster to tackle all situations that come about. He's certainly not the end all, be all answer to the game. No 1 champ is. Just the same, I would recommend having a 5* Blade on your roster. He's still VERY useful. Personally, I'm gonna try for a dupe when that crystal drops (yes, mine is not awakened and I STILL love to use him.) The regen would be nice to have.
Just my 2 cents.
His danger sense and bleeds help a lot on many cases but the most important thing is he has the best regen in the game. (actually the second one but there is no wolvie available as 5*)
Trust me he is... Otherwise we would have seen him as 6*. I also have domino, corvus, omega & ghost. They deal tons of damage but none them heal like blade.
I think blade is great and all but a good defender, he is not. Placed him for the past 3 months and never got a kill.
Even without Danger Sense on bleed immune Champs or nodes his base attack is still strong.
So is his Health pool.
If he is duped he is unstoppable.
i decided to R5 starky since everyone was R5 blade at the time.
Thought Brian Grant doesnt have blade still lol