Thought I’d try my hand at Tier Lists

About an hour later, voila!

Feel free to give feedback, what should I do format-wise to improve it, who should be higher or lower, things of that nature. Thanks and enjoy! 😘

Feel free to give feedback, what should I do format-wise to improve it, who should be higher or lower, things of that nature. Thanks and enjoy! 😘
Mephisto is only good? He's at least awesome. Power gain from his aura is insane and the new synergies makes him lethal. His soul entrapment disables all node buffs that trigger once, for the rest of the fight. That's enormous utility.
Because I loooove VTD. Also because cap needs his synergies, high sig etc to be godly.
Also thanks about the soccer balls. My favorite part..... besides a joke reference somewhere on there.......
Why is Thor on the same level as Carnage and Proxima Midnight? He isn't that great anymore.
Iceman is Demi-God. That's a no-brainer.
SW is still good but hasn't been god tier since the 12.0 nerf.
Daring move, down ranking Blade to Demi-God.
I would switch Quake with Void.
Kingpin is good. Hits hard, rage mechanic, some utility with sp1. Good synergies too.
Hood and Dorm are great, but not on par with Ghost Rider.
Fair enough on cap. Can u elaborate on what makes vtd so good? I literally know nothing about him lol
You win the day.
Hey, you noticed 😂😂😂
Lol, yeah, but no one has said “no he’s god tier,” so it might fit....
Edit: fixed it on the original doc. He’s in great with dupe needed.
I was debating moving him to awesome.... it seems it’s not a common sentient, though. He hits like his sword-bifrost summoner is made of plastic. Excellent utility though.
For offense. Low base attack and the most exciting thing he does on offense is a special 2 with an armor break on. Not quite a Medusa special 2 with armor shattered if you know what I mean. He’s a defensive champ.
Unless you’ve got some exciting footage of Korg vs winter soldier, always happy to learn.
The trick is to stack his furies then he hits pretty hard
As for venompool, you’re totally right, have never used him, that’s why I put the list on the forums: to get feedback and revise accordingly.
Labyrinth ultron did too
Also, @PaytoPlay this list is only for offense, eg questing, war attack, etc, that way putting Korg in demigod doesn’t make a new player say, “Hey, I’m gonna rank this guy up and destroy act 4!”
I used my 3/45 against rol WS, with ghulk, thor rags, heimdall and hela for synergy(last 2 aren't that important).
What i did was get to 3 bars, then parry twice then fire off the sp3, 15 crowd excitement, heavy for extended armor break(ghulk synergy) and get to an sp2 or repeat. I can't remember how many hits it took but his damage was quite good, and actually he only needs ghulk synergy.
Plus sp3 tanking(sort of) and debuff shrugging is pretty useful on offense like against poison nodes, AoN
I didn’t add in all of the nuances of the game like use crossbones for spiked armor and juggernaut for Emma Frost, etc, because that info is very hard to present in a spreadsheet. However, I did take the champion’s nuances into account when creating the list. Example: DD Netflix. He is in good tier because of the relavance of armor break in the current meta, as well as his ability to counter invisibility—which will stay relevant as invisible woman is being added this year.
But hey, again, let me know how I could include nuances etc. @UmbertoDelRio
Cool! I’ll keep that in mind. Probably try out my own Korg as well. 👍🏼