Do you play arena, grind arena or ignore it completely?

I used to be a hard arena grinder, but the last couple of months completely ignore it. Saves so much time. I do miss the units, but i enjoy not playing it even more.
Do you play arena, grind arena or ignore it completely? 221 votes
I used to go for every 4* but they aren't worth it to me any more
I am trying to dupe 5* Vision (Classic).
Rest of the time, I ignore it as it's not worth the time, I have other stuff I do and play and it's enough for me to find the time to do the event every month.
Usually go for 1m in 4* Basic and as many rounds as I can in 4* Featured. Also go for every T4b and T1a possible.
Used to also get every 3* I could but stopped after Symb Supreme. With boosts I could easily get every milestone with one pass, but I have focused on more grinding with 5* champs instead.
Grind 7.5m every time
I do 13m - 13.5m and don't even recall missing 1-10%..the extra 16k 5* shards and 1600 6* shards helps me grow my roster faster.
Once youre rolling its fairly enjoyable
But getting started is the issue