How To Beat “Captain Marvel’s Challenge” as Easily as Possible.

I recently beat the Capt Marvel Challenge. It was difficult, because I had no Corvus, Ghost, Domino, Quake or any superstars like that. However, I’m glad I didn't, because I learned a lot more without them. Here are some tips for each of the opponents I recommend.
Ms. Mᴀʀᴠᴇʟ
By far the easiest, so gonna skip this one. Any high DPS Champion should do great. I personally used Venom, & never died once.
Iʀᴏɴ Mᴀɴ: Iɴғɪɴɪᴛʏ Wᴀʀ
One of the harder opponents | Good options include...
Ms. Mᴀʀᴠᴇʟ
By far the easiest, so gonna skip this one. Any high DPS Champion should do great. I personally used Venom, & never died once.
Iʀᴏɴ Mᴀɴ: Iɴғɪɴɪᴛʏ Wᴀʀ
One of the harder opponents | Good options include...
- Void: Who I personally used. Highly recommend using his “Avengers Synergy”, where he automatically gets FOTV at the start of the fight against Avengers (including IMIW).
- Corvus: He has True Strike, very high DPS & a Class Advantage, what more can you want? Just remember he won’t have his True Strike active for the 1st 10 seconds.
- Ghost: Ya, if you are a “Pro-Ghost player” you should have no trouble. Nuff said. I’d just obviously recommend bringing her “Wasp Synergy”
- Venom: Could be a longer fight, but still a great option. Just spam the SP2, & once IMIW hits 18%, it’s game over.
- Hyperion: Spam Heavies & dish out as much damage as possible.
- Medusa: Get the Armor Shatter Up & she'll hit like a truck, or spam mediums to get his Armors down.
- Heimdall: Would be a hell of a long fight (due to his low DPS), but he can still bypass the AutoBlock & he can parry his mediums.
_ All in all, just remember to interrupt IMIW’s Heavies, even if he’s Unstoppable. And don’t be afraid of his AutoBlock, because he can’t parry Stun you anyways.
Probably the hardest of all the opponents. You basically want a champ who can deal a lot of damage through blocks. I had no good option, & basically threw my whole team at her. Good options include...- Ghost: Oh yeah, you should have no trouble if you are a “Pro-Ghost player”. I’ve heard of her dealing 200K damage through Rogue’s block.
- Hyperion: Same as with IMIW, spam Heavies & dish out as much damage as possible.
- Corvus: Crits extremely hard, & the immunity allows you to continually parry Rogue & not die. I saw Seatin use a 4*, & it worked very well.
- Masacre One underrated champ often not in the spotlight, Masacre already deals very high damage through blocks, especially on the SP2. With the “Invade” node, a blocked SP2 from Masacre should be extremely powerful.
- Ægon: (fully ramped) What can I say? This dude is insane fully ramped. Doesn’t even require explaining.
- Stark Enhanced Spider-Man: Build you’re poise as quickly as possible, & smack into her block. Best case scenario, you throw a massive SP2 with 10 poise into her block.
- Domino: High DPS through the Block. I suggest gunning for the SP2, & it will probably hit very hard.
- Red Hulk: With enough Heat Charges, Rulks Block damage is devastating. Highly recommend him being awakened with his “Masacre Synergy”.
Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Wɪᴅᴏᴡ
Really straight forward. Maybe just bring someone to counter her “3% Evade”. Besides that, she’s not difficult, & not worth talking about. I used Void.
Kᴀᴍᴀʟᴀ Kʜᴀɴ
RONAN! Ronan, Ronan, Ronan, Ronan, Ronan. Did I mention Ronan? Even a 3* works great, or a 2*! Just make sure he’s awakened. Gun for the SP1, spam the SP1 & it’s easy as f***.
All in all, the superstars of this Challenge, I would say is...
Ghost (preferably with the “Wasp Synergy”).
Void (awakened & preferably with the “Avengers Synergy”).
Ægon (awakened & fully ramped).
Medusa (awakened).
Morning Star (Fully ramped)
Stark Enhanced Spider-Man.
Ronan (awakened & for KK only).
All in all, just practice against “Aspect of War” & see what you can do. This is a tough challenge, & don’t be mad if you can’t 100%. Good Luck
5/65 Stark
5/65 GR
4/55 AA
5/50 Blade
5/50 Ronan
I’ve got 800 units and not much of a stash besides full pots from farming WS. Worth doing, or am I better off saving for act 6?
@JChanceH9 I’d say test out the 1st lane, & see how you do. If think you can do it in the amount of units you have, I’d say go for it. It’s well worth it up to about 2,000 units in my opinion, the rewards are extremely valuable.
Hard for me to give up Blade more for GR’s reliable judgement procs than Stark’s poise charges. I appreciate the advice though. Plus I am going for Blade on the 22nd, so I may have a 4/55 Blade at that point.
That’s pretty debatable. Besides, the majority of people don’t have a high level Symbiot Supreme, but EVERYONE has at least a 2* Ronan... & more than likely a 3*.
Just now figuring that out aye?
With Cap IW & Corvus, probably had a great time.
5* Sparky (5/65, sig 80).
4* Thor (5/50, sig 99).
4* Hyperion (5/50, sig 60).
4* Ronan (5/50, sig 25).
5* Heimdall (1/25).
I used 1 team revive + 7 single 20% revives plus a few potions (less than 20 IIRC).
The main attackers were Sparky (Ms Marvel, Rogue and BW plus the boss), Hyperion (IMIW) and Ronan (KK). the other two were for synergies only. Heimdall's synergy comes in handy a lot in this quest imo, first time that I looked up at using this synergy didn't think of it being useful at first.
Stark for ironman and rogue
Sabretooth for widow
And brought void and hood just in case.
It was hard, I wouldn’t say challenging cuz brawl with invade and aspect of war is a bad combo.
I don’t mind hard content, we can’t just walk through everything but balance would be nice.
If aspect of war is used, maybe get rid of brawl?
All other nodes were fine, ironman wasn’t that bad, widow was just annoying with her evade, Kamala and marvel we’re fine.
6* yondu for rogue.
5* r3 Ronan for kk
Ran 30% champion, 25% health, and 20% attack boosts.
Probably 20 lvl 2 single revives and never healed (way too expensive). Got sloppy towards the end.
Total cost: my stash plus ~300 units.
I’m by no means a great or end game player. So, I think the challenge was reasonable.
You obviously didn’t read my whole post. But I understand, because it is an extremely long one. Not everyone has the time of day...
If you are among the few who didn’t like it, I’m ok with that. But please go be trollish elsewhere, as there are many people in here trying hard to succeed in this tough challenge, & they don’t need you’re sour attitude.
I personally found Void w/ the “Avengers Synergy” an MVP as well. Dude put in a lot of work for me getting FOTV at the start of fight against IMIW & Black Widow.
Ya, great point. He’s one MVP against IMIW I missed.
@UmbertoDelRio That is an excellent observation, but what is often overlooked against “Aspect of War”, is that you can dash in on Heavy Attacks & get intercepts in after Specials, which instantly removes the Unstoppable.
It can be difficult, but definitely possible. I wouldn’t consider Hyperion the #1 option, but thought I might as well mention him, because I know a lot of people are very skilled at using him (Because Hyperion is Bad-a**). I would recommend watching out for the Brawl node though, as this is not removed on intercepts, & has the same icon as “Aspect of War’s” Unstoppable.
@UmbertoDelRio It is not, I would agree. She would have to be dashing in on you in order for you in intercept with a heavy in order to remove the Unstoppable. It is a risky move that I would not recommend to most players. But for those who are extremely skilled at intercepting with Hyperion, it is possible.
But I do agree with you’re points... & I would recommend a different strategy to the majority of players.
How so?