2019 Champs

Just my guess as to who we’ll see for the rest of the year....
MAR: CPT Marvel (movie), Nick Fury, Skrull
APR: Ronin (HE civil war), The Ancient One
MAY: Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Doom
JUN: Dark Phoenix, Mystique
JUL: Mysterio, Elemental(s)
AUG: Wolfsbane, Demon Bear
SEP: Sue Storm, Namor
OCT: MCOC created champ, Morbius
NOV: Kingsman x 2.... No clue for this month
DEC: Human Torch, Silver Surfer
MAR: CPT Marvel (movie), Nick Fury, Skrull
APR: Ronin (HE civil war), The Ancient One
MAY: Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Doom
JUN: Dark Phoenix, Mystique
JUL: Mysterio, Elemental(s)
AUG: Wolfsbane, Demon Bear
SEP: Sue Storm, Namor
OCT: MCOC created champ, Morbius
NOV: Kingsman x 2.... No clue for this month
DEC: Human Torch, Silver Surfer
Those would be cool champs! I’d like to see them as well. This list is just my guess for champs but not so much my preference....
May might be Endgame part 2, like we had a 2 month thing for IW and CACW.
June will be likely be a new F4 pair. Personally, I think Torch or Sue next.
July, like you say, Mysterio and someone else from Far From Home.
August, probably X-related. Doubt it'll be Demon Bear. Sunspot and Armor are possible since they were on the posters in the Savage Future title screen and we've since had 4 of the others from it.
September, Torch or Sue, which ever didn't come in June.
October, Mystics, probably including a Guillotine-related OC.
November, probably Mystics again.
December, Reed and Doom, maybe. Possibly something with Nova, as there's perfect gap for him on SOTBR. Reed and Doom could then be in January 2020.
Ability could be to transform into any member of her current team and use their powers, for a short time.
They brought in Howard the Duck, they can bring any champ into the game....
Thor endgame. We need a god tier Thor 5*/6*. And i would never say no to another iron man he is the god of MCU,
She could start each fight as a different random character, might be fun.
@TheHeroDeserved Idk if they will release them. They died in IW, and Im pretty sure they wont be in the movie.
Hulkbuster Mark 2 would be nice, but that's another version of a character and another version of Iron Man
No problem with you or anyone disagreeing with the list. It would be nice to see who you think will be coming to mcoc this year.....
I don't believe there will be three champions and the Skrulls may first start as AQ opponents
April - Ronin (Endgame Attire), Talos
If there is a secret villain that we see in Endgame who takes over the role Thanos had for many years then that character could be a possibility
May - Sue Storm, Annihilus
June - Dark Phoenix, Quicksilver
July - Mysterio, Chameleon or Scorpion
I think they could use the Elementals as part of a monthly quest.
August - Human Torch, Super Skrull
September - Legion, Apocalypse
October - Silver Surfer, Morbius
November - The Ancient One
December - Mr. Fantastic, Dr. Doom
For some I just threw in some characters. Now I can just come back and check each month to see how close or how far off I was.
Thor : Endgame
I think it would be weird to leave out those two, especially Ebony Maw who had the biggest role of the four. I imagine they'll be released in April with the movie, and Ronin and other would be released in May. After all, Im not sure we have seen the last of Thanos' Black Order.
July-Thor (stormbreaker) and Valkarie