I know you guys have enough on your plate, especially when it comes to alliance war, but something needs to be done during the offseason to stop people tanking alliance war. There is nothing that makes this cheap or cheating per say but my alliance has climbed a couple thousand in war rating and we’re going to end up playing masters alliances when season starts if this continues even with your new system in place. I understand that nothing can be done to fix this before season starts but please consider suspending any increase or decrease in alliance war rating for next offseason to put a stop to this unfun joke going on right now that is the offseason.
So tank as well then
It’s already something shells do anyways. One tactic is to leave the shell open to join then start wars during the season; that shell is likely to lose due to it being populated by players who cannot compete at that level.
The other option is to drop the WR of the shell during the season by joining wars and not placing defense.
Freezing offseason rating would fix one problem that’s more frequent than shells though, so it still should be done. Swapping alliances can be fixed with a timer, or a cap to how high an alliance can reach. If they make it to where an alliance cannot jump more than 5 -7 tiers or 5 divisions in a single season, this would eliminate shells