Summoner level increase from 60 to 100. With this increase let’s see some capacity increases as well for items and catalysts.
Bringing a level increase to our summoners could give us better builds due to adding access to more mastery points. Let’s say 1 more mastery point for every 5 levels. 65,70,75 etc for a max of 8 more mastery points.
Item & catalyst capacity. I would love to see a 100% increase in both so we could potentially carry double of what we are currently able to. Realistically I could see a 50% increase which wouldn’t be ideal but could definitely be a huge improvement.
These changes wouldn’t take allot on your end either Kabam. I’m almost certain that you would get nothing but positive feedback from this. Happy players are repeat players. I’ve been at level 60 for far too long almost 2 years it seems. Let’s get some easy changes that could make way for a huge improvement in the game. Thanks to everyone that took the time to read and give your feedback. Let’s get this some attention and maybe get a few needed changes into the game.
Bringing a level increase to our summoners could give us better builds due to adding access to more mastery points. Let’s say 1 more mastery point for every 5 levels. 65,70,75 etc for a max of 8 more mastery points.
Item & catalyst capacity. I would love to see a 100% increase in both so we could potentially carry double of what we are currently able to. Realistically I could see a 50% increase which wouldn’t be ideal but could definitely be a huge improvement.
These changes wouldn’t take allot on your end either Kabam. I’m almost certain that you would get nothing but positive feedback from this. Happy players are repeat players. I’ve been at level 60 for far too long almost 2 years it seems. Let’s get some easy changes that could make way for a huge improvement in the game. Thanks to everyone that took the time to read and give your feedback. Let’s get this some attention and maybe get a few needed changes into the game.
Also I would think we should have a constant XP bar rewards system in this day and age. Most games with do level grinds do this. Where after max level you grind the XP bar to max and every time you fill it you get rewards.This could be cats/gold or even a special max level crystal with select rewards inside. Doesn’t have to be a lot just something for the XP we are always gaining and some reason to use these XP boosts we have other than item use.
Unpopular opinion: I think I would prefer this over raising the max level to 100. It provides a purpose for XP boosts that are frequently given out in Solo Crystals.
That being said, I would definitely like to see an increase to the inventory capacity, as well as a higher energy limit. I just think that raising the level cap by 40 levels would be a lot for people to grind out.
I’ll explain it for the ones out there that can’t comprehend. Most people that will be doing act 6 will be level 60. While working on act 6 it would be nice to use the xp boosts that have been rotting in our inventory to gain extra levels while doing act 6.
If no level increase then increase in our inventory is very much needed, and quite simply done.
This also isn’t a bad idea. Blizzard does this for Diablo 3 where you hit max level and every level after is a Paragon level where you just gain more stats but for MCOC, we could gain some other rewards.
Yes, but not by him.
There was lol
All he had to do was reply
But on the bright side, hopefully kabam will respond and merge the threads when doing so
I've been at level 60 since late 2016, 4 calendar years. Adding additional levels now would be akin to your bosses' boss calling you "Steve" many years ago at the company Christmas party and at every subsequent meeting, elevator ride, bump-into at the local Starbucks and office function, and you just deciding now in front of other management types that you want to yell "my name is MIIKE."
That ship sailed looong ago. Open up slots or add points via purchase of something or beating something, but additional levels? Naw, Steve.
but larger inventory for cats,
larger inventory for sig stones,
larger invnetory for pots,
larger inventory for boosts,
some nice chunks of gold,
maybe some t4b, t2am, t4cc for major lvels like 70, 75 80 wateva
they dont need to include masteries
Hopefully with act 6 they increase to level 70 but I’m not holding my breath
They released Act 5 and same issue existed.