Vice Leader position

Need Vice Leader in the alliance hierarchy of positions. A Leader will always have a right hand and left hand as he runs the alliance. One or two officers will always be more helpful than the rest of the Officers. So I think a Vice Leader position is important.
Leader > Vice Leader/Vice Leaders (only up to 2 spots) > Officers > Members
Leader > Vice Leader/Vice Leaders (only up to 2 spots) > Officers > Members
Leader > Vice Leader/Vice Leaders (only up to 2 spots) > Officers > Members
- can start Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars
- can re-arrange Alliance War defenders
- can lock Alliance War defenders (new privilege) placed or re-arranged by vice leaders, officers and members
- can promote/demote anyone in the alliance
- can send alliance invitations to other players
- can accept/reject alliance membership applications
- can kick anyone beneath him/her in the alliance
- can write/re-write alliance general description
Vice Leader (really trusted by Leader)
- can start Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars
- can re-arrange Alliance War defenders
- can lock Alliance War defenders (new privilege) placed or re-arranged by officers
- can NOT promote/demote anyone in the alliance
- can send alliance invitations to other players
- can accept/reject alliance membership applications
- can kick anyone beneath him/her in the alliance
- can NOT write/re-write alliance general description
- can start Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars
- can re-arrange Alliance War defenders
- can NOT lock Alliance War defenders
- can send alliance invitations to other players
- can accept/reject alliance membership applications
- can NOT kick anyone under him/her in the alliance (heard too many stories of insane Officers kicking all Members)
- can NOT promote/demote anyone under him/her in the alliance
- can NOT write/re-write alliance general description
- can re-arrange their own Alliance War defenders but can't re-arrange others
- can NOT lock Alliance War defenders
- can NOT start Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars
Sounds practically the same
Just imagine that 2 of your officers are Vice Leaders.
(1) to allow more people who might be online to be able to startup the next day's AQ (unless Kabam wants to implement a pre-start method like they just did in AW), or to even be able to move other AW Defenders around when they join with theirs. But without having the ability to actually kick or invite members to alliance. Probably helps mid and lower ally's more where people aren’t always on right at the time between AQ ending times.
..and (2) at least have some way for officers to be able to takeover the Leader spot in cases like a Leader getting a temporary ban from game (for Platinum or high Gold ally's would allow replacement and not affect rest of AW season for whole team). Or for mid and lower level alliances in cases where Leader just goes AWOL or Quits without promoting someone up in his place (else you’re forcing everyone else to start a new alliance and lose current War Rating, [Tag], etc).
These are actually excellent ideas. And thank you for a really sensible comment. Some other comments here are very, uhm, what’s the word, very kid-like.
Who said that the alliance was a democracy....[/quote]
Mine's not, lol!
To add only the vice and leader should be able to kick people.
Why? Is that "position" of "Vice Leader" so important? Imo it's just all fluff.
Ok. Noted. That’s your opinion. My opinion is it’s not fluff. I’m a leader of an alliance and I first-hand see the need to have a Vice Leader spot. I’m not saying this for fluff. I already mentioned in my other post why the Vice Leader is important and I even wrote down duties.
I’ve been imagining that, actually. But after a year, i really feel they deserve Vice Leader spots. I can’t demote some Officers because some of my players like AW a lot and they like re-arranging champions on tiles. Officers have that privilege to re-arrange AW defenders. My two other Officers have a more broad function (other than re-arranging AW defenders). So I just want them to have a distinction title-wise in the alliance because they deserve it.
Officers can’t always be on top of things. Not all the time. But one or two officer will stand out over time. But then again, that doesn’t mean the other officers are so bad that they need to be demoted. Some officers in my alliance have function, but some have broader function and I wish to have a Vice Leader spot(s) for the officer(s) that has/have a broader function.
I thought the Vice Leader position is more appropriate in the “suggestion” section because it is a suggestion. I can’t discuss recruitment of a vice leader in the recruitment section because there is no Vice Leader postion available in the game to begin with. You can’t recruit someone into a position that doesn’t exist.
Anyway, thanks for letting me know. If u think the Vice Leader topic would get better attention in other sections (other than the “suggestion” section), then i guess it’s fine. I just want Kabam to hear my suggestion and hopefully make it real.
Sorry for the confusion there. Went ahead and moved this to the Suggestions and Requests section and merged it with the other discussion you made for the topic.
Thank you. I really hope Kabam creates Vice Leader position(s).
Yes, only Leader and Vice Leader(s) should be able to kick those beneath them. Officers should not be able to kick anyone but they can send invitations.
Leader, Vice Leader & Officers should also be able to re-arrange Alliance War (AW) Defenders of anyone. I kinda also want Members to be able to re-arrange their own Defenders; can’t re-arrange if it’s not their champion (just to give Members some AW freedom). However, I also want the Leader & Vice Leader to be able to lock a champion placed on an AW tile. Once Leader/Vice locks in a champion, Officers can’t re-arrange. They can only re-arrange unlocked champions.
“Sounds” the same? I don’t know what you mean because I know for sure it’s not the same.
“Practically the same” means almost the same.
You make this really big long list that is boring to read and could have just been
Can we remove the power to kick people from the officers and add a new class of officer called vice leader that can kick.
Oh I am sorry if i decided to be detailed and enumerate the can do’s and can’t do’s of each position. I think I should be able to write how i see fit. I’m not gonna write my suggestion based on how you think I should write it. Boring for you. Not for me. I’m not here to please your sense of misplaced boredom. If you’re so bored with what I wrote, then I can’t help you. But I won’t mold MY suggestion based on you think i should write it.
The very brief way of how you think i should have written my suggestion is incomplete and un-detailed. Sorry dude, but the real betterment of things is in the details. Now go spread your intelligence somewhere else.
No, Co-Leader and Vice Leader aren’t the same. Co-Leader would mean 2 Leaders with the same power. Vice Leader would be under the Leader. It’s like President and Vice-President. We have a President, but the Vice President is not a co-President. Having a co-President would mean there are 2 Presidents.
Dude, here’s the thing. It’s MY suggestion and I will write it my way. I chose to be detailed with the can do’s and can’t do’s of each position because i want it that way. Not your way.
Sure you can write what u think i should have written my suggestion, but no thank you. Yours is incomplete and un-detailed and I don’t like that.
“Practically the same” means they’re still not the same. Almost, but still not the same. I see that u have a habit of not appreciating details. So if this is boring for you, that’s your call. I can’t help you with that. I’m not here to entertain you, bud. But thanks for reading my suggestion. I really appreciate it.