Juggernaut is underpowered

Sheer_ColdSheer_Cold Member Posts: 183
I can pretty much sum it up in that Mjolnir, the hammer of friggin Thor, didn't even phase Juggernaut comic book wise. I'm gonna chose to rave on tho :D. Juggernaut also has a better healing factor then Deadpool himself, which I don't need to tell you is saying something. Once Juggernaut is in motion, too, it's impossible to stop him, so I feel like the Unstoppable buff does do justice to the character but I wish it would turn up more or something. All I'm saying is, Juggernaut should have as much Unstoppable buffs as the Thing. I can imagine so many buffs and updates for so many characters but I guess Kabam can't be exactly like the comic book characters -_-


  • edited February 2019
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  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★
    If Kabam gets around to the Mystic class, I would put Juggs and Iron Fist at the top of the list for reworks.
  • JmoneysteckJmoneysteck Member Posts: 196
    can we stop getting mad because powerful characters in the comics are less than stellar in the game? all the really iconic characters for the most part were released early in the game. champions have only gotten better as the game goes on.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    Near constant Unstoppable would be terrible, though. It’s already pushing it as is. If he had 1 hit of Invulnerable when Unstoppable is active, that would be stronger but not op,
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    Double his attack while he's unstoppable, fixed.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Mystic needs lot of rework! After Jane Foster,juggernaut,ironfist and Loki could use some! Loki is one of the most powerful characters in marvel ,he basically started this 'phasing through objects' and making his multiple copies and other cool stuff ! I am guessing they can do such an interesting work with Loki,his magic with elements is powerful,shape shifting as well! Lot of cool stuff he could do if he was released or reworked today!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,457 Guardian
    Compared to the comics, Juggernaut is underpowered. Unstoppable Colossus is underpowered. So is Ghost Rider, Phoenix, Sentry, Void, Dormammu, and Mephisto . And Dr. Strange, Iceman, King Groot, Captain Marvel, Thor, Hulk, Angela, Hela, Ultron, Magneto, and Karnak. Compared to the comics, Howard the Duck is probably underpowered.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    Underpowered probably is the wrong term to use. Overshadowed would be better. He’s the Unstoppable Juggernaut and is significantly more stoppable than many champs. Unstoppable is his defining thing and he’s barely adequate with it.
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