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Quake Guide & Tips

FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
Just pulled a 4 star quake, I've heard that she's one of the best champions but very difficult to play. A guide on how to play her would be very helpful. Also, does she need to be awakened? Does she rely on synergies? I've also encountered a bug (not sure if it's a bug) that my heavy attack doesn't get registered at all, quake just stands still instead of charging and I get K.O.'d. Would really love a guide from a professional quake player. Thanks in advance!


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    Parry, hold charge a Heavy, when opponent charges you again Quake auto-evades, then immediately parry opponents 2nd hit, hold heavy again, etc, etc. Can do this repeatedly until opponent is stunned from the eventual Aftershock. That Aftershock deals a good amount of damage, and stuns him for long time.
    Then you can either repeat the hold-Heavy buildup, or get in some attacks and start fighting like normal Just don't start a hold-Heavy cycle if opponent has a bar of power where he could trigger his SP attack.
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    BrowsBrows Posts: 41
    Do you need to play her a bit different if the opponent has you pinned against a wall and is throwing a multi-hit heavy attack?
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    IJsmutsIJsmuts Posts: 107
    When i play her like that she often doesnt react when i charge heavy, have to move and punch a bit to get her charging up again. Is this normal or am i playing her wrong?
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    XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    @DorkLessons has lots of videos on her.
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    IJsmuts said:

    When i play her like that she often doesnt react when i charge heavy, have to move and punch a bit to get her charging up again. Is this normal or am i playing her wrong?

    After you Parry opponent, press-n-hold Attack side (for charging your heavy). If it’s not responding then something else is wrong.
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    monomuggmonomugg Posts: 312 ★★
    question about quake: when you're fighting against her and she has some charges on you, is there any way to remove them? not sure if it was luck or what, but i think i threw a heavy on her and it removed the charges. am i correct? would a heavy attack on her remove the charges?
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    Don’t think so, unless your attacker had some ability (ie, SW). Or maybe it was only 2 charges and naturally expired and caused you some aftershock damage without causing you to be stunned (needed to be higher stack for it to stun, so maybe you didn’t notice) ?
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    LurkerLurker Posts: 196
    IJsmuts said:

    When i play her like that she often doesnt react when i charge heavy, have to move and punch a bit to get her charging up again. Is this normal or am i playing her wrong?

    @IJsmuts I have the exact same problem. I have watched the input problems/solution video @DorkLessons did (fantastic stuff, keep it up), but nothing has solved my problem. I have recorded some videos (with white dots showing my input), been watching them in slow motion, and I just don't see what the problem is.

    I'm playing thru heroic with her instead of autofighting, trying to figure it out but so far it looks like it is ignoring my heavy input a lot of the time.

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    FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    DorkLessons commented on my discussions hell yeah man. Thanks and keep up the good work sir
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,857 ★★★★★
    Mine is awakened and sitting at rank/level 1/1.

    I don't know if I should rank 5 the champ as I am unsure if I will learn her mechanics.

    I suppose the response is git gud?
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