This makes no sense

I know "realistically speaking" doesnt really hold any merit in discussions involving the battlerealm but bare with me for this one.

So with that ill point out this.

So with Morningstar being a walking iron coffin imbued with magical energy and lacking a circulatory system how did i manage to get a poison charge..?

So with that ill point out this.

So with Morningstar being a walking iron coffin imbued with magical energy and lacking a circulatory system how did i manage to get a poison charge..?

She isn't poison immune. You should totally be able to get poisoned.
As for "Why isn't she poison immune?", the answer is the same. She doesn't have a poison immunity ability.
And I did read your whole post. There’s just no other real answer for you except that she just doesn’t have immunity because someone decided she doesn’t. I agree with you. She should be poison immune if she’s basically metal and energy. But I’m sure some poison could eat away metal?
sometimes these questions haunt me and you just need to know .... ya know lol
Like the GR being incinerated, makes sense.. his fire isnt really fire, its a magical fire, and hes also wearing leather.. which is flammable.. makes sense... other wise id argue that GR should be immune
Even metal can be poisoned in fictional world's/universe's. I don't see why it wouldn't on this one. Besides, is an original creation, and the creators can give her any ability they want.
So your definition of poison isn't general, and can't be applied across fictional universe's
Trees, and all plants, can be poisoned even though they don’t have a “blood” circulation system. Of which, they actually do have a type of circulation which pulls nutrients and water from the ground and sucks them upwards into the leaves, etc. Any type of weed killer is basically a poison for them. As well as certain metals (I believe like a copper nail) when driven into a tree can kill it.
Or radiation sickness that “poisons” something by basically modifying or deteriorating the subjects cells.
Think Abomination poison is probably some type of radioactive and/or corrosive blood substance.
(JK. I don't have the power to do that)
PS: I don’t care. ghost rider isn’t immune to incinerate. fire burned by fire also makes no sense. I’ve been playing this game long enough to the point where I’m used to this kind of stuff. that being said tho, it makes no sense
So i guess just for semantic purposes.. Abom shouldnt cause posion. he should have his own radiation debuff.
Again. Fictional universe, it can be whatever they want.
How would a robot character be defeated? Tecnhically is not a living creature, it should not have a life. But just like any champion in this game, they have a life bar, which can be reduced to 0 and followed by their "dead" , even though they can't die due to having no life
The general definition of a poison is a substance that disrupts the normal functionality of a biological organism by interfering with the chemical or other molecular processes needed to live. In MCOC where there are sentient robots and magical energy blobs and other things, the idea of a poison is probably just more general: a substance that can disrupt the internal workings of an entity on the chemical or molecular level. All champions that use something like this as a weapon are said to have poison attacks, and all champions that are vulnerable to any attack that can be described this way is said to be vulnerable to poisons. However, the 'umbrella' of all things that can be called poisons and the umbrella of all things that can be called a poison vulnerability include things that don't obviously connect to each other, but for game simplification all poisons are considered to be effective against all poison vulnerable champions. The lines between poison vulnerability and poison damage are blurry, but the game servers have to draw the line somewhere precisely. They do so where ever the content developers tell them to.
She should be poison immune
But she isn't