Anyone passing on the 5 star awakening gem in the intel store?

Anyone going to acuallly earn max intel points but still pass on it for other options? If so, what will you get instead? I’m very tempted to pass on it since I have my Void and AA awakened, but am almost afraid to since I don’t have any unused ones in any class at the moment....
The core of that option is 5xT1A, 5xT4b, 1xT2A. That's a decent amount of rank up resources. I think the awakening gem is worth more, but awakening gems tend to suffer from "too valuable to use"-itis. I've used only two out of all the ones I've ever acquired, so they tend to sit on the shelf and not help me as much as they could.
Remember when they had that 5 star deal a year or so ago that was like 400+ dollars and you could just land up with an iron patriot? Shows you why these types of things are not good investments.
So, no, I went with other stuff.
Glory can still get u 18k t2a
But real cash gets you an awakening gem crystal or playing through content like lol,act5-6. Basically you can't get it anywhere else which makes it really valuable
Dr. Zola
However, Dungeons restarted again, so that pretty much gave an avenue close to my suggestion. Also, that was 9 months ago. I have Dups. My original point wasn't even about my own Account alone. It was about the growing pool. I mean, I admit. There's a number of Champs I'd love to Awaken right now, but I wasn't spending all my Intel on the possibility of pulling one I don't want, when I can spread it out on a bunch of things I do want.
We get two new champs every single month. Most of which have shown themselves to be quite powerful and/or useful.
Even if you have two or three of a certain class. It’s not gonna be more than 3-4 months tops before you’ll be glad to have it.
That said, I’m going for rank up materials. I just find it fascinating.
I found the shards to be worst value in there.
I wasn't willing to chance it.
And multiple mutant gems is a good thing.