Gifting Badge Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★

    As you can see the gifting badge is clearly an add on to the regular unit deal. Since this add on did not increase the price of the standard offer it is attached too that makes it free

    Actually what you show makes it a limited offer package deal. If you want/need to return it you would have to return the whole thing, units and all. Which is what we should have the option of doing for a refund.

  • Aoddv1Aoddv1 Member Posts: 24
    Personally I’m in the frame of mind that yeah I paid a one time cost for something that I did use and has saved me more times than i can count from being **** from the completion of events. To add more than likely every one used the units that were assigned to the pack we got that would of been the real reason we got the pack in the first place because let’s be honest we ain’t saints that payed 40$ to help others beat the game at the same time we were doing wars trying to stop people beating content tho it does make us liked more it’s not a question even asked when joining an alliance if you have the badge to be honest 300 free units is fine I had that thing 4 years and saved more than 49$
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★

    As you can see the gifting badge is clearly an add on to the regular unit deal. Since this add on did not increase the price of the standard offer it is attached too that makes it free

    Actually what you show makes it a limited offer package deal. If you want/need to return it you would have to return the whole thing, units and all. Which is what we should have the option of doing for a refund.

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  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Another action.. another 33 pages of forum outrage..
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    Something else. Let´s say (and I disagree on that point) that they have valued the badge to be worth 300 units. Doesn´t that mean that the first time you buy one of those offers now they should include 300 additional units?

    What? The badge isn't available to buy. The 300 units is comp for not being able to use the ability. Stop trying to add useless comments to the fire.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★

    As you can see the gifting badge is clearly an add on to the regular unit deal. Since this add on did not increase the price of the standard offer it is attached too that makes it free

    While that is true you get more units and a better deal with the Odin purchase, the only reason to really but the $30 deal is to get the gifting badge. At the end of the day this has 0 impact to me but I often gifted items to friends to finish content like aq, aw and LOL. I feel like this will end up making more people not want to play certain content if they have to pay for it but I do understand not allowing fraud to be committed and taking responsibility for it.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    A few things that keep popping up:
    - “I want a refund, no matter how impossible such an endeavour is”
    - “I deserve a 10* champion for what is (hopefully) just a temporary suspension”
    - “I paid $30 for a gifting badge, so I deserve $30 worth of units on top of the $30 worth I already got in the package”
    - “The badge was worth $100000000 to me, who cares how much I legally paid for it? I deserve $200000000 for my trouble”

    I know I’m being a bit harsh and over exaggerating things, but can we have a reasonable discussion with new ideas instead of the same spamming over and over?
  • PgalPgal Member Posts: 39
    Exactly where does it state that the badge was an add-on? If it's the main reason people bought the offer, it should not be treated as such.
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  • CommonSenseCommonSense Member Posts: 54
    It is what it is, the TOS has it covered.
  • Hdj2Hdj2 Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2019
    For those that are asking why . It has nothing to do with legit people gifting each other revives, heals or energy watch this video

    It's about stuff like this and the others that havent been exposed yet
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Fjolnir said:

    OKAYGang said:

    BOSSXL said:

    Let’s keep this real. Resource Mercs farm battle chips from arenas on multiple accounts and then sell resources to players at a huge discount. Usually half price. You get $100 worth of resources for $50 sent thru paypal or other source. This does not require sharing passwords or account info and was entirely within the rules of the competition and gifting badges. Most resource mercs we’re playing by the rules. Some may have been using arena bots and some may have been purchasing units from stolen Or fraudulent methods. It’s possible. But the real takeaway should be how many people were purchasing these resources and take notice. It shows your pricing for these items is too high.

    You took steps to eliminate the resource drops for AQ. You created a conversion badge to compete with the mercs that join alliances, drop massive amounts of gold, battle chips and loyalty and then leave alliance. It was smart to offer the conversion badge and compete and provide better value. You should do the same thing with the resources from gifting. Slash the prices in half. Provide better value and you will not lose players by the thousands and possibly even gain new spending players and entice F2P players to open their wallets again.
    That is smart decision.
    This action effects blue collar players much more than any other segment. The whale alliances don’t really care about pricing. They don’t have to. This effect players willing to spend but not able to afford the pricing that you have set. I hope you take notice of this and make a move before the exodus.

    True story bro.
    I'm sorry, but nothing about that is true. Resource Mercs selling Resources for money is not, I repeat NOT, playing by the rules. It's actually illegal. Regardless of whether they Grinded for Units or not. The game is the digital property of Kabam. It is not for resale.
    Blaming the prices for illegal and illicit behavior is about as irreverent as it comes, and shows anything but a conscience about stealing. People are responsible for their own choice to steal. It's not justified by the price of things. Children learn at a very early age, don't take what doesn't belong to you. For some reason, that doesn't stick.
    That's not only the situation we are talking about. There is also Fraud happening that involves other people. No amount of gripe with the prices will make this behavior justifiable.
    It's flat-out sad that people are so unconscionable that they don't consider other people or the ramifications of their actions. They don't care as long as they make a quick buck and stick it to Kabam. Only, they stick it to themselves and everyone else in the end, and this is the direct result of that.
    It is not Kabam's fault it's come to this. It's people who played the system like a well-oiled flute.
    “Resource Mercs selling Resources for money is not, I repeat NOT, playing by the rules. It's actually illegal.”

    I, for one, am glad that we have a legal expert on the forums, Mr Grounded Wisdom.

    Can you please cite what law is being broken when someone purchases in game items from another’s person for $?

    You have to be joking, right?
    The part where Digital Copyrighted Property that belongs to Kabam is being sold for profit.
    Reselling Items in the game is illegal. No one has ownership of said Items to sell them.
    Honestly, that should be obvious. The fact that it's not makes me question many things.
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  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    Something else. Let´s say (and I disagree on that point) that they have valued the badge to be worth 300 units. Doesn´t that mean that the first time you buy one of those offers now they should include 300 additional units?

    They didn't value the badge at 300 units.
    They valued it at zero and gave you 300 units as a were sorry gift actually.if you read what they said
    They valued the PACKAGE which included a permanent item, the badge. The proper return option is the ability to return the PACKAGE for a refund. People purchased a limited offer PACKAGE that included units and the badge. The option should be to return the entire thing for a refund of the purchase price of the offer.

  • RedEye1812_357RedEye1812_357 Member Posts: 6
    Thank u sir/ma’am for that information. While I did get one free I believe the other 2 were only the conversion/gifting however ur information was exactly what I needed to know so I’d like to thank you again for that! Have a great day and happy gaming!
  • RedEye1812_357RedEye1812_357 Member Posts: 6
    For Demonzfyre
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Why do people keep responding to the same 4 pro kabam posters on this thread. Yes the compensation seems wrong. Yes we are not happy about losing the gifting badge. Yes kabam probably has a justification for removing the badge. It would make sense for a company to go above and beyond to try and keep their customer base happy but it has never been this company's way of dealing with things. Constantly responding to the same 4 pro everything kabam posters will not change this. Post your dissatisfaction and reason and wait for an official kabam employee to respond to this thread. No matter what argument you give these same people they will just continue to cut and paste the same response to fuel your anger. Don't waste your time by feeding their boredom
  • edited March 2019
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  • TheRealApocTheRealApoc Member Posts: 320 ★★
    Hdj2 said:

    For those that are asking why . It has nothing to do with legit people gifting each other revives, heals or energy watch this video

    It's about stuff like this and the others that havent been exposed yet

    They will probably pull this down but this is what has been going around after the ban for gifting has happened.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    No. It is not criminal. It's what has come of Gifting, thanks to peoples' actions.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Also, Flagging every comment I make isn't going to make a difference. I'm not breaking any rules, and I could care less about the Points.
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  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Seriously, think about how this scheme could be funding terrorism. Not only are we talking financial issues for people, those selling items via gifting badges could be using that money for weapons and bombs. The end of gifting is nowhere near as serious as the threat that it can cause.
  • Willyweins007Willyweins007 Member Posts: 3
    Boa tarde...

    Não acredito, na solução encontrada pela KABAM em relação, a INSÍGNIA DE PRESENTES...
    Ela foi uma compra realizada, com moeda real e deveria no mínimo, haver uma compensação à altura, por tal transtorno e de certa forma, acho que configura uma quebra de contrato e de confiança, entre a empresa e o jogador, que age corretamente...
    300 unidades, de uma moeda virtual, não podem ser usadas de maneira nenhuma, para compensar tal nível de prejuízo...
    É necessário, que procurem uma solução inteligente e, que realmente compense o PLAYER, que dedicou tempo e dinheiro, na sua conta...
    Ou dinheiro de volta, ou cristais de 6* no mínimo, e numa quantidade, que minimize, essa sensação de arbitrariedade, por parte da empresa.

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