Something really, REALLY needs to be done about random dungeons

I've spoken of this before, but BS like this is happening every. Damn. Time.

The person never came back... but, magically, as soon as I finished soloing the double linked boss, they wanted to start the next room.
It was so quick, it happened before I could even press conclude. And then, of course, I had to wait out the timer because they wouldn't conclude.
This is beyond absurd now and is moving into farce. Something has to be done about this if Kabam seriously wants us to continue randoms.

The person never came back... but, magically, as soon as I finished soloing the double linked boss, they wanted to start the next room.
It was so quick, it happened before I could even press conclude. And then, of course, I had to wait out the timer because they wouldn't conclude.
This is beyond absurd now and is moving into farce. Something has to be done about this if Kabam seriously wants us to continue randoms.
At the end of the day, it just wasn't worth the headache anymore. After I opened that last crystal in Mid-Feb, I swore them off for good (or at least until they are fixed).
In that same amount of time, I can now grind more arena milestones and buy a Cavalier crystal instead.
Don't do dungeons. Of all the game modes they are least worthy of your time as far as time-rewards ratio
The timers are the main bother for me. I can't really come up with any reasons as to why they'd extend the timers, especially considering the communities opinions of the first iteration of dungeons. I guess for anyone crazy enough to purchase recharges.
I think having to save dungeon artifacts for almost two months just for a 5* is too much overkill and not appropriate anymore with how fast 5* availability has changed, Half the cost of crystals or make dungeons drop 2x the artifacts is my answer.
1. Use a friend instead of random
2. Don't use anything particularly strong, stick with maxed 4* or R3 5*
3. Use your strongest team, its risky, but the higher your PI, the likelier your partners PI is also high, higher the PI is a higher chance of a good partner.
For Kabams side, we just need a way to end dungeons faster at the next room stage. Nothing more frustrating then sitting around for 10 minutes wanting to move on to the next dungeon.
When you get paired with one of these nitwits you lose your champs to the ludicrous refresh time.
You're punished for trying to use the system implemented.
Is there a possibility of implementing some type of litmus test for random dungeons to filter out some of these awful people?
I will never touch dungeons again. Ever.