And the Worst 5 star Roster goes to......

Seriously Kabam??!!!
I've been playing this game for an year and the 5 star Roster for my efforts be like🙄🙄🙄
Why are you doing this to us Kabam?
I've been playing this game for an year and the 5 star Roster for my efforts be like🙄🙄🙄

Why are you doing this to us Kabam?
Hope I get him in the next pull
"To keep the forum tidy, I'm closing this thread"
Kabam must remove all trash 5 star champs.
It's our HARD EARNED Shards.
That too 10,000
Now the opponents are powerful too.
Not like old times when they occasionally introduce the champs.
Now,Every month has new champions
Ok Fine, I don't care about that.
But You will know the situation only when it happens to you.
So Hope you understand.
Just think dude,
1 year effort and not even a Good 5 star champion.
Noobs are getting God tier champs.
Edit: they loaded in reverse order lol silly me
Corvus, Starky, Domino, Ghost, Medusa, Hyperion, Blade, Cap IW....
I'll just keep opening....
I just opened that Cap just now and thats why I posted this