veterans bracket reality

Well, today intermediate bracket ended. What usually nets me a top 100 finish in four star featured arena got me top 60-100% so the honeymoon period is over and reality has set in. I work as a healthcare professional that just doesn't have the time to invest to keep getting at least above top 60%. I'm sure this is the dilemma many of you faced coming into the veterans bracket. I am grateful for being in the beginner and intermediate bracket to help get my account on a more level playing field with those who have been playing awhile. With all of that in mind though, I feel a bit dissapointed that I can't reap those benefits now. Which brings me to my question, what keeps you playing the game post-intermediate bracket? What is your source of enjoyment in contest of champions? Hoping to see some friendly responces from people in similar positions. Thanks in advance!
There is accomplishment in building up a roster and growing through grinding.
There is also
Alliance Quest
Alliance War
Story quest
Event quest
Special quests
Celebrity challenges
Honestly the arena causes summoners to have their skill set delayed in growth.
Over time, what's important to me is I can do more today than yesterday. The pace of that is less important than the fact that I do in fact progress, and I can do so at my own pace within my own limits. Basically, I'm in it for the long haul, and I play because I want to see where the long haul leads. And I'm willing to be much faster than some, and much slower than others, and its all fine.