Quake attacks aren't queued for Android unlike apple

In ios version of the game as you can see many people can chain dex-heavy attacks which enables them to play no-parry no-block style. Android version of the game if we try the same thing after one dex heavy my champ just stands there as if the attack wasn't registered. This makes the game really biased towards the apple players. This has been experienced by many people not just me.
Auto-evade back, but then your Block has to be in proper timing to Parry-Stun the attackers next attempt to hit you. When stunned then you begin a new Hold-Heavy.
Or if attacker just retreats to his right side afterward, it is OK to just begin a new hold-Heavy (come off your block and hold a Heavy) so long as attacker does not have an SP ready to go.
If you say Quake just stands still after auto-evade, that's same as DD and others do after auto-evade. You have to do something then afterwards.
It is NOT “no parry, no block” style (or at least not as I know it). It is very much Block-Parry intensive.
Maybe I should try at least 50 duels to make an assessment if it is both device and me.
I do swipes from right side of screen (same as attacks), so would be harder to do both the evade and then Heavy right afterwards with same hand.
Easier just left-side block, then right side Heavy (and both just taps, so no longer-input-control swiping involved, which is probably why dropping of inputs sometimes happens for that Heavy-Dex method).
Android 8.0, 2 different devices seem to have the same behavior.