No new avengers to rank-up; How can I progress in Avenger Objectives?!



  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,235 ★★★★
    Ah didn't have the update! There's nothing wrong here!? Just play deeper into one of the others and unlock higher levels. I don't think you need to do them all.
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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    If I rank 4 a 4 avenger auto complete the lesser ones?

    Looks like that would be a no as the next objective is locked by the previous.

    More to the topic I think making the first two milestones just any rank would alleivate the complaints. Here’s hoping something like that is considered for the next itteration rather than just scraping the objective.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Dtl7714 said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    Or the developers could have set these objectives to autocomplete too.
    That would be too easy. The Objective is to obtain and rank up Champions during the Event.
    Look I’m going to fair here. I see what you were going for here. Oh wait, no I don’t. Its not exactly more difficult to rank up a champ now than it was 2 months ago. The same resources were invested, someone just started playing earlier or played more. And it hardly seems fair to punish people who have all stars of the avengers. Of course if people can still obtain some they don’t have then that’s maybe fair enough. But if they have all the avengers at all rarities, they’ve don’t the task. Just not when you want it.

    Just seems weird to disenfranchise older and harder players
    Yes they seem to be doing that a lot lately for some reason, release several bits of new content but 4 out of 5 of those bits are inaccessible to anyone who's been playing for more than a few months or already are very far in the game then giving those older or farther ahead players nothing and not giving a legit reason why...
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Drooped2 said:

    If I rank 4 a 4 avenger auto complete the lesser ones?

    Looks like that would be a no as the next objective is locked by the previous.

    More to the topic I think making the first two milestones just any rank would alleivate the complaints. Here’s hoping something like that is considered for the next itteration rather than just scraping the objective.
    But then what about the people that have them at Max Level and can't Rank them up in any way?
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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Drooped2 said:

    If I rank 4 a 4 avenger auto complete the lesser ones?

    Looks like that would be a no as the next objective is locked by the previous.

    More to the topic I think making the first two milestones just any rank would alleivate the complaints. Here’s hoping something like that is considered for the next itteration rather than just scraping the objective.
    But then what about the people that have them at Max Level and can't Rank them up in any way?
    They’ll manage, just like players unable to do other events as well. The crystals are not very impressive anyways and there are a multiude of ways to obtain shards for them.

    What about players who cannot complete uncollected difficulty? What about their shards? What about players who don’t have the time to run all difficulties if EQ? What about Bob? Won’t somebody think of the children?
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Drooped2 said:

    If I rank 4 a 4 avenger auto complete the lesser ones?

    Looks like that would be a no as the next objective is locked by the previous.

    More to the topic I think making the first two milestones just any rank would alleivate the complaints. Here’s hoping something like that is considered for the next itteration rather than just scraping the objective.
    But then what about the people that have them at Max Level and can't Rank them up in any way?
    They’ll manage, just like players unable to do other events as well. The crystals are not very impressive anyways and there are a multiude of ways to obtain shards for them.

    What about players who cannot complete uncollected difficulty? What about their shards? What about players who don’t have the time to run all difficulties if EQ? What about Bob? Won’t somebody think of the children?
    But those non Uncollected Members are able to get Uncollected, for example, someone with all the Avengers as Maxed 3 Stars aren't able to get that Objective done. Also it's the principal, they should be saying "Hey we get some of you might not get much out of these Rewards but we're going to give them to you to show we care." not saying "These new bits of Content or added Rewards are designed for newer or intermediate players, so you higher up players get nothing or even a chance to participate in this new content... Sorry."
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Drooped2 said:

    If I rank 4 a 4 avenger auto complete the lesser ones?

    Looks like that would be a no as the next objective is locked by the previous.

    More to the topic I think making the first two milestones just any rank would alleivate the complaints. Here’s hoping something like that is considered for the next itteration rather than just scraping the objective.
    But then what about the people that have them at Max Level and can't Rank them up in any way?
    They’ll manage, just like players unable to do other events as well. The crystals are not very impressive anyways and there are a multiude of ways to obtain shards for them.

    What about players who cannot complete uncollected difficulty? What about their shards? What about players who don’t have the time to run all difficulties if EQ? What about Bob? Won’t somebody think of the children?
    But those non Uncollected Members are able to get Uncollected, for example, someone with all the Avengers as Maxed 3 Stars aren't able to get that Objective done. Also it's the principal, they should be saying "Hey we get some of you might not get much out of these Rewards but we're going to give them to you to show we care." not saying "These new bits of Content or added Rewards are designed for newer or intermediate players, so you higher up players get nothing or even a chance to participate in this new content... Sorry."
    There are methods outlined in this thread about how to complete the rank up objective if desired, People can simply employ those.

    There is a single objective any given player is possibly unable to obtain in the event and it isn’t even mentioned by people here but hey don’t let it stop you from taking the position of a victim of a video game...You’ll live without the crystal.
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★

    Siliyo said:

    There may be an Avenger or two being added to the contest in the coming months. ;)

    These special objectives are only here for the Endgame update though
    I would wait for one of them to show up in the basic arena and sell them in order to get the event rewards for leveling the arena one if you cannot get a new one.
    that's a terrible idea.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Siliyo said:

    There may be an Avenger or two being added to the contest in the coming months. ;)

    These special objectives are only here for the Endgame update though
    I would wait for one of them to show up in the basic arena and sell them in order to get the event rewards for leveling the arena one if you cannot get a new one.
    that's a terrible idea.
    It’s how you complete the objective under the circumstances.

    Ya’ll won’t get a crystal, a crystal you all will be complaining about tomorrow. Get over it.
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118

    Dtl7714 said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    Or the developers could have set these objectives to autocomplete too.
    That would be too easy. The Objective is to obtain and rank up Champions during the Event.
    This makes no sense. I COULD complete some of the harder stuff (ranking up a 4 star Avenger to Rank 5 for example) right now. But will get no rewards because I have to first unlock the challenge with a Rank 2 rank up.
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    Drooped2 said:

    If I rank 4 a 4 avenger auto complete the lesser ones?

    No. Not only that but you have to claim the first reward or else the 2nd reward won't register. Learned it the hard way when I maxed out a 3 star avenger from scratch.

    You have to make sure you:
    1. Rank Up
    2. Claim reward which unlocks next reward
    3. Rank Up

  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★

    Dtl7714 said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    Or the developers could have set these objectives to autocomplete too.
    That would be too easy. The Objective is to obtain and rank up Champions during the Event.
    So our only options is to buy Ronin crystals or grind him in the arena. Sounds easy.
    Very easy, just click confirm purchase until you get him in up to 3 rarities. No problem!

    It just gets more ridiculous with each update.
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    So what was the rationale for making the rewards not auto unlocked when you complete the task? You could win 100 fights with avengers and only win the first reward if you don't claim it before continuing. Seems... sneaky. And not well thought out.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★

    Here, I have one idea how this problem could be solved - rank down tickets

  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    Why would you auto-complete some objectives and not all? That makes ZERO sense. Think it through.

    We autocompleted the "Summoners Journey" ones. Those are made for brand new players. Event Objectives will not Autocomplete. They are meant to be completed during the Event.
    Still not addressing the people who literally can't complete the Objectives because they've already completed all the possible options before the Event Objectives were released... (Selling Champions then buying Crystals/waiting for that Champion to enter the Arena is a ridiculous option that no one needs to consider...) I don't get why everything has to be so complicated lately, just reward the players who've already done the hard work... There's no reason to punish older/active players for playing the game.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    Why would you auto-complete some objectives and not all? That makes ZERO sense. Think it through.

    We autocompleted the "Summoners Journey" ones. Those are made for brand new players. Event Objectives will not Autocomplete. They are meant to be completed during the Event.
    Ugh, you just don't get it.
    Maybe you don’t get it and that’s why there is a disconnect. You are complaining about 1 crystal you yourself have already condemned. A crystal that contains these odds at items.

    There is an Idiom for this rhetoric “making a mountain out of a molehill”.
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    Why would you auto-complete some objectives and not all? That makes ZERO sense. Think it through.

    We autocompleted the "Summoners Journey" ones. Those are made for brand new players. Event Objectives will not Autocomplete. They are meant to be completed during the Event.
    Still not addressing the people who literally can't complete the Objectives because they've already completed all the possible options before the Event Objectives were released... (Selling Champions then buying Crystals/waiting for that Champion to enter the Arena is a ridiculous option that no one needs to consider...) I don't get why everything has to be so complicated lately, just reward the players who've already done the hard work... There's no reason to punish older/active players for playing the game.
    Not to mention: if this is an event for newer players why have 5 star awakening gems as jackpots?
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    Why would you auto-complete some objectives and not all? That makes ZERO sense. Think it through.

    We autocompleted the "Summoners Journey" ones. Those are made for brand new players. Event Objectives will not Autocomplete. They are meant to be completed during the Event.
    Ugh, you just don't get it.
    Maybe you don’t get it and that’s why there is a disconnect. You are complaining about 1 crystal you yourself have already condemned. A crystal that contains these odds at items.

    There is an Idiom for this rhetoric “making a mountain out of a molehill”.
    No, there are people who legit can’t do because they have already done it long before this. That’s what this thread is about
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    You have many existing areas that need to be streamlined or updated for the size/age of the game already. It's okay, it happens as games grow and expand, but adding in more things that take the "jump into the game and play" factor away is not going to help.

    Think about things from a players perspective. Playtest things, don't just rush to meet a movie release just because it's guaranteed to give you a temporary revenue boost due to marvel excitement. We all know it will. You can extend a lot of temporary into long term by making the game fun to play again rather than an administrative chore.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    Why would you auto-complete some objectives and not all? That makes ZERO sense. Think it through.

    We autocompleted the "Summoners Journey" ones. Those are made for brand new players. Event Objectives will not Autocomplete. They are meant to be completed during the Event.
    Ugh, you just don't get it.
    Maybe you don’t get it and that’s why there is a disconnect. You are complaining about 1 crystal you yourself have already condemned. A crystal that contains these odds at items.

    There is an Idiom for this rhetoric “making a mountain out of a molehill”.
    No, there are people who legit can’t do because they have already done it long before this. That’s what this thread is about
    The purpose/reward of/for doing it is a crystal. You can rank up a champion freely and it does not even have to be an Avenger.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    Why would you auto-complete some objectives and not all? That makes ZERO sense. Think it through.

    We autocompleted the "Summoners Journey" ones. Those are made for brand new players. Event Objectives will not Autocomplete. They are meant to be completed during the Event.
    Ugh, you just don't get it.
    Maybe you don’t get it and that’s why there is a disconnect. You are complaining about 1 crystal you yourself have already condemned. A crystal that contains these odds at items.

    There is an Idiom for this rhetoric “making a mountain out of a molehill”.
    They have a crystal that has t5b, t2a and 5 AG and they've made it so I can't get the same amount of chances to get those rewards because of some garbage arbitrary rule. That is AWFUL for those who have put the most time and effort into their accounts. I get that you HAVE to be the contrarian but think it though.
    An advanced player has more opportunities/chances for those rewards than the vast majority of others who will be able to get the one crystal from the ranking objective those advanced players are pretending to be denied.

    You’ll be find handling the role of contrarian (you contradict yourself).
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