No new avengers to rank-up; How can I progress in Avenger Objectives?!



  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    So the only way to unlock the shards needed for a 5* AG is to complete all the lesser tasks? If so..we're screwed..not possible.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    JRock808 said:

    Regardless of shards or crystal chances, it is simply a bunch of poor design decisions that shouldn't have left the first brainstorming session.

    Unless the intent is to increase revenue, it does absolutely nothing to benefit players to have it set up the way it is.

    And if someone didn't come to the forums they would have no idea about claiming before progressing... which is like the vast vast majority of the player base.

    Just more bad ideas and poor implementation after a string of bad ideas and poor implementations over the last... gosh. Forever it seems.

    Don’t think they expect any revenue from people buying hero crystals to obtain a champ for one objective when people could just put that money towards gauranteed materials in one of the many offers Kabam puts out.
    You realize everything done in this game is to make money, correct? It's a business, they need money to make things work... Also their many offers rarely guarrentee anything, usually the only guarrenteed thing is Boosts, Gold, or whatever that comes as a bonus along side the main item(s) they're trying to sell.
    While many things in this game are done to make money (this isn’t a charity), Not everything in the game is exclusivley done to make money. There are aspects of the game that are purely done to keep players enagaged and to provide a game worth playing so they have the opportunity and inclination to spend money. I’m not sure what offers you’re speaking of but I am speaking towards thier regular offers of materials like t5b and t2a, they also on occasion sell 5* AGs.

    Now if those materials are your aim and you’re inclined to spend for them you’ll be wise to reserve your money for those offers rather than spending on crystals for a small chance at a small amount of those materials.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    Why would you auto-complete some objectives and not all? That makes ZERO sense. Think it through.

    We autocompleted the "Summoners Journey" ones. Those are made for brand new players. Event Objectives will not Autocomplete. They are meant to be completed during the Event.
    Ugh, you just don't get it.
    Maybe you don’t get it and that’s why there is a disconnect. You are complaining about 1 crystal you yourself have already condemned. A crystal that contains these odds at items.

    There is an Idiom for this rhetoric “making a mountain out of a molehill”.
    They have a crystal that has t5b, t2a and 5 AG and they've made it so I can't get the same amount of chances to get those rewards because of some garbage arbitrary rule. That is AWFUL for those who have put the most time and effort into their accounts. I get that you HAVE to be the contrarian but think it though.
    An advanced player has more opportunities/chances for those rewards than the vast majority of others who will be able to get the one crystal from the ranking objective those advanced players are pretending to be denied.

    You’ll be find handling the role of contrarian (you contradict yourself).
    You're not making any sense. How does someone who has every avenger in the game past where they can earn any points have more opportunities to earn rewards? Think it through.
    Wouldn’t think someone who is complaining about not being able to spend 8 t4b, 3 t4cc, and 4 t1a on a 3% chance for t5b or 5% chance at t2a or .01% chance at an AG not being able to understand. Think it through.

    There are methods outlined in this thread if that chance is worth it to you. Again thinknit through.
    Yeah, sell some champs or spend money on Ronin crystals! What a terrible, terrible idea.

    Proof that not all opinions should be respected.
    You just don’t understand do you? If the crystal is worth it that is what you can do to obtain it. And being that you’re apparently willing to spend the resources it’s not much more of an ask to sell a champion.
    And you apparently don't understand that the point we're trying to get across is it's ridiculous that is apparently the only option for most people... As well as what is so difficult or insane about giving someone who has already done that Objective in the past the Rewards they would've gotten from doing it today...
    Rewards are given out for completing tasks, it’s ridiculous to give out those rewards to players who have completed those tasks prior to the new event.
    How in any way is that ridiculous?! Why is it that someone, for example, Ranking Up a 4 Star Iron Man Infinity War a Week ago or even several Months ago is not worthy of some simple Reward when someone who did the very same thing today does? It just makes no sense...
    Makes no sense? Man if I could live in your world... but we agree it’s a simple reward and to that I would say (and have said) it’s not worth worrying about.

    It’s ridiculous because, in life and the world at large:

    You don’t get back pay for previous time worked when you get a raise.

    You don’t get a refund when something you previously purchased goes on sale or now sells for less.
    But what I'm getting at is the Rewards may not be as simple late (future events), also I don't get why people always bring up the "don't get paid extra for the time you've already worked when you get a raise" or "don't get a refund/money back when an item you bought goes on sale for cheaper" argument... (Obviously in real life those are understandable things) One it's a game and doesn't have nearly the same impact those examples would, and two if it's not going to cost them any money and will make the majority of the community happy and more inclined to continue playing, buying things, and such- Then why not just spread the little changes fairly to Everyone and not One or Two sub-sets of the community (wether that be the newer/weaker, intermediate/reasonably strong, or veteran/powerful sets of the community depends on the example)?
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    “Yeah....but....but....I ranked up my 4* Black Widow to rank 3 a couple weeks ago! I get like some PHCs or something, because I did it before this event was even a thing? Stupid game! Stupid life!”

    “I super duper promise, Kabam, that none of my Avengers rank ups since I’ve played this game have helped me obtain any rewards prior to this event, nor have they helped me progress in any way. Cross my heart! Gulk was useless for Variant! I should probably get one of these new crack crystals, cause I totally deserve it as much as little Joey who just pulled Black Widow for the first time!”

    Lolz. You guys are hilarious.

    MCOC, baby. Where the whole world is entitled to act like a child.
  • HandsomeJasHandsomeJas Member Posts: 24
    What makes you think a "brand new player" is going to get a 5* avenger this month?;-;
  • HandsomeJasHandsomeJas Member Posts: 24
    I'm FAR from an endgame player and this objective issue is even affecting me.
    Not even able to claim certain rewards because I was already using one of the Avengers a few days ago and ranked him up (Hawkeye) AND not being able to get other rewards because there's a 1 in 50 chance (Or more) to get a champion that I can actually use in this event. Also, if I'm being honest... if I didn't get a 4* Thor, Cap, BW, BP or other Avengers, I'm not getting them in 40 days either.

    This is not just affecting endgame players, this is affecting everyone.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Dtl7714 said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    Or the developers could have set these objectives to autocomplete too.
    That would be too easy. The Objective is to obtain and rank up Champions during the Event.
    I always wondered if one of you would be able to top Ad0ras “just adapt” comment from 12.0.
    Congratulations, you just topped it!
  • Only_AlonerOnly_Aloner Member Posts: 141
    You can get ronin from arena
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★

    Dtl7714 said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    Or the developers could have set these objectives to autocomplete too.
    That would be too easy. The Objective is to obtain and rank up Champions during the Event.
    Then it seems like you are saying “pay or grind to get Ronin”. I mean... you could offer a special RDT in order to allow “experienced” players the ability to rank down 1 Avenger of each rarity and allow them to rank that champ back up.

    And the rewards for 4* and 5* rank ups are hardly a SMALL part.
    It’s small in comparassion to all the rewards availble from the event. You’re comparing 18k shards of the 4 and 5 star rank objectives to the 300k from EQ alone (not going to be bothered to count the other objectives available and unaware of future sources).

    That is all relative... it is not a small thing for those on a competitive level. The extra 2 chances at an awakening crystal, T5B, and other material is a disadvantage.

    My opinion, these types of events should NEVER have rank up objectives, especially if Kabam knowingly considered that people in the Endgame would not have the ability to achieve these.

    On a business decision level, it is a bad one. You ever hear of a toy company called Kenner? They made Star Wars toys in the 80s. Games like this have a similar business model, enticing the collector aspect. Whether it is champ collecting, 100% content, achieving all awards... the consumer wants to achieve most if not all of these things.

    If they can’t they feel like the cannot achieve their goal. Now back to Kenner... it was the largest-profit generating toy company of the time period. They literally went from nobodies to the one of the powerhouse toy manufacturers. It all went South when they made extremely limited runs of figures for Star Wars. The minute they put a 1000 figure limit, collectors couldn’t complete their objectives and scrapped buying the Star Wars figures all together. That is a historical fact. Watch the Netflix special on the Toys that Made Us. The company went belly up and lost their licensing rights due to low sales.

    In video games, the ability to clear content is a similar goal (especially for those that have been playing since the beginning). Sounds silly, but look at the comment in this very post from someone expressing that very sentiment. I also said all of this due to comments that this is a company and they need to raise money... there is a thin line with the type of consumer they are dealing with. Even with limited champs (Thanos, Kang, Goldpool, Deadpool) the availability to achieve them does come around on Christmas, special events, etc as to all possibility to get them eventually.

    I am lucky on the 5*, I have 5* OG Thor to rank up. But the 3*-4*, I have to resort to hoping for Ronin. Kabam better learn quick before they damage their game further. We already went through a bug infested month, now we have temporary content based on ranking that most experienced players cannot clear (which are the ones that are the most competitive and have dedicated the most time and money in the game)... not a good business decision. That is especially the case with a comment from Miike of “Oh well... it is a small part of content.” It is the very definition of tone deaf and the company being out of touch with their consumers, especially those that already spend the most on the game. They are taking those players for granted that they will buy Ronin.

    Meanwhile the CEO released a video about if you build something fun, profits will natural follow... yet this game is becoming less fun, more of a job, and shows little compassion from Kabam due to the tone deaf responses, bug filled updates, and now releasing content that cannot be cleared without spending by their most loyal consumers. Just saying.
  • PerfectExamplePerfectExample Member Posts: 30
    I'm glad I didnt waste resources ranking 3's and 4's. I've hit all the rank up objectives.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Gambl0r said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    "Can't Cater to All"....What??
    So all your end game players, that have invested time and alot of money into the game, with all their avenger champs maxed out are just disregarded? While lower ranked player, that probably haven't invested any money at all, that play casually will reap the rewards of those objectives. Seems backwards to me

    And the excuse is 'we will certainly be learning from it', but we won't fix anything for the biggest event of the year.
    No, you are not "left out" you have a mission that will be difficult for new people to do, rank up a 5* avenger. Should the new players get upset that they cannot complete that one and feel disregarded?
  • BaguBagu Member Posts: 5
    At the very least, the rank 3-5 objectives should not be locked behind the rank 2 objective. This would allow most people to get some rewards from this objective.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,403 ★★★★★
    RKO_me said:

    I found sort of a big problem with the new Avenger Objectives. While I like the idea, it poses a problem and I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue: Whenever I get new 4*'s, I always try and get them up to 3/30 as soon as possible. That being said, for these new avenger objectives, I cant clear the first objective because I have all of the possible avengers as 4*'s and they are already at 3/30. This really stinks because I cant progress in that objective and attain more shards for the last stand crystals. HELP!!!

    I don't think you are missing much here. These objectives are designed to help new players, not experienced ones, and the rewards are not worth worrying about.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019

    RKO_me said:

    I found sort of a big problem with the new Avenger Objectives. While I like the idea, it poses a problem and I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue: Whenever I get new 4*'s, I always try and get them up to 3/30 as soon as possible. That being said, for these new avenger objectives, I cant clear the first objective because I have all of the possible avengers as 4*'s and they are already at 3/30. This really stinks because I cant progress in that objective and attain more shards for the last stand crystals. HELP!!!

    I don't think you are missing much here. These objectives are designed to help new players, not experienced ones, and the rewards are not worth worrying about.
    Aren’t the rewards shards for the Endgame event? While I would agree there’s a snowball’s chance of getting any of the upper end pRNG results from those Last Stand crystals, I’m not sure I would agree that Last Stand shards aren’t worth worrying about. In theory at least, more shards means more chances at Greater Last Stand crystals which would improve the overall odds of getting upper end pRNG results.

    That, I think, is at the root of the issue for some people.

    Dr. Zola
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    Lormif said:

    Gambl0r said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    "Can't Cater to All"....What??
    So all your end game players, that have invested time and alot of money into the game, with all their avenger champs maxed out are just disregarded? While lower ranked player, that probably haven't invested any money at all, that play casually will reap the rewards of those objectives. Seems backwards to me

    And the excuse is 'we will certainly be learning from it', but we won't fix anything for the biggest event of the year.
    No, you are not "left out" you have a mission that will be difficult for new people to do, rank up a 5* avenger. Should the new players get upset that they cannot complete that one and feel disregarded?
    There is a difference: In theory newer players can pull a 5* Avenger and get them to R2, considering the fact that 5* shards are quite easy to obtain now and it is possible to form a 5* crystal in over 40 days. OP can not get a 4* Avenger to rank 2 as he has already done that in the past. Do you see how your equation is completely wrong?
    you "in theory" is not exactly easy. And in theory you can sell a champion and try and get him and rank him up if the rewards are that important. Both sides are not considered reasonable, but that is what makes it equal.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Tayyab82 said:

    The idea of R2 an Avenger itself is idiotic. I doubt many lvl 60 players would even have a 4* for r2, unless its a new champ. Except one new hero, none of my 4* are below 3/30. And getting a new avenger hero (i.e. Ronin) will be total RNG based unless they bring him in arena. One more reason why I started loosing interest in this game.

    Oh he will be in the arena, just gotta put up about 12mil at a guess.
    Don’t really follow the featured 4* score trends anymore tbh though
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019

    That is all relative... it is not a small thing for those on a competitive level. The extra 2 chances at an awakening crystal, T5B, and other material is a disadvantage.

    Good news for those playing at a competive level who think 1 extra long shot at like 900 t5b and 3600 t2a is going to be advantageous, you can compete for Ronin in the arenas; they’ll be able to use those materials to compete against people who are lucky enough get more of those materials from map 7 crystals.
  • battleonebattleone Member Posts: 286 ★★
    edited April 2019
    Has it been mentioned you can sell the champs? I mean I know there are some hardcore ass arena grinders out here, but if youre going through like 120 4* champs a session, maybe you deserve to get rid of some 3.30s and make it like 108 lol, no guarantee but reasonable odds to pick 1 up, or if (likely will be) there is an old avenger in the arena, sell that guy and grind 6 mil and call it a day. The 3*s are going to be available in the side quest thing as well. so you can pick 1 to sell with lowest sig level and move on.......... this is if its worth it to you, as been stated 1 extra long shot at some meh rewards.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    Lormif said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    Lormif said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    Lormif said:

    Gambl0r said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    "Can't Cater to All"....What??
    So all your end game players, that have invested time and alot of money into the game, with all their avenger champs maxed out are just disregarded? While lower ranked player, that probably haven't invested any money at all, that play casually will reap the rewards of those objectives. Seems backwards to me

    And the excuse is 'we will certainly be learning from it', but we won't fix anything for the biggest event of the year.
    No, you are not "left out" you have a mission that will be difficult for new people to do, rank up a 5* avenger. Should the new players get upset that they cannot complete that one and feel disregarded?
    There is a difference: In theory newer players can pull a 5* Avenger and get them to R2, considering the fact that 5* shards are quite easy to obtain now and it is possible to form a 5* crystal in over 40 days. OP can not get a 4* Avenger to rank 2 as he has already done that in the past. Do you see how your equation is completely wrong?
    you "in theory" is not exactly easy. And in theory you can sell a champion and try and get him and rank him up if the rewards are that important. Both sides are not considered reasonable, but that is what makes it equal.
    You have absolutely no idea about the game, do you? Someone with a little bit of brain would not even consider selling a champion, no matter what star level or rank. Whereas getting 5* champions is something one should go for. With your consideration of selling champions you have disqualified yourself from any discussion that is about endgame players.
    Maybe you should learn to read before you become so super aggressive.. I said it was not a reasonable option, just like expecting a new player to RNG a 5* avenger with limited access to 5*s is also unreasonable. If you are not going to read what I state fully then you disqualify yourself.
    Oh, I´ve read what you´ve written. Difference between your suggestion and mine is: My suggestion implies that newer players are working on getting something which is going to help them in the future, you want endgame players to break the number one rule in this game: Never sell a champion! Now tell me: Why are you in denial?
    first if you read what I wrote you would not attack me by claiming I stated something I litterally stated the opposite of... So one of your posts is wrong..

    Second I never suggested you sell a character, which goes back to number 1....

    third, what is more unreasonable, that someone who gets maybe 1 or 2 5*s a month gets lucky with RNG to be able to get the the quest cleared or a person who does not need the 4*s (we are talking about end game players right?) sell theirs to get lucky on their insane amount of 4* pulls?

  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    That's really a cop out here.

    This specifically penalizes those that have been around for a very long time and have ranked these champs in the past by not providing a way for them to participate in the event.
    and by event, you mean one small quest in the event... Its not like you are unable to do any of the missions.... Just like new players are unable to complete some of the missions...
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    AndiYTDE said:

    Lormif said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    Lormif said:

    AndiYTDE said:

    Lormif said:

    Gambl0r said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    "Can't Cater to All"....What??
    So all your end game players, that have invested time and alot of money into the game, with all their avenger champs maxed out are just disregarded? While lower ranked player, that probably haven't invested any money at all, that play casually will reap the rewards of those objectives. Seems backwards to me

    And the excuse is 'we will certainly be learning from it', but we won't fix anything for the biggest event of the year.
    No, you are not "left out" you have a mission that will be difficult for new people to do, rank up a 5* avenger. Should the new players get upset that they cannot complete that one and feel disregarded?
    There is a difference: In theory newer players can pull a 5* Avenger and get them to R2, considering the fact that 5* shards are quite easy to obtain now and it is possible to form a 5* crystal in over 40 days. OP can not get a 4* Avenger to rank 2 as he has already done that in the past. Do you see how your equation is completely wrong?
    you "in theory" is not exactly easy. And in theory you can sell a champion and try and get him and rank him up if the rewards are that important. Both sides are not considered reasonable, but that is what makes it equal.
    You have absolutely no idea about the game, do you? Someone with a little bit of brain would not even consider selling a champion, no matter what star level or rank. Whereas getting 5* champions is something one should go for. With your consideration of selling champions you have disqualified yourself from any discussion that is about endgame players.
    Maybe you should learn to read before you become so super aggressive.. I said it was not a reasonable option, just like expecting a new player to RNG a 5* avenger with limited access to 5*s is also unreasonable. If you are not going to read what I state fully then you disqualify yourself.
    Oh, I´ve read what you´ve written. Difference between your suggestion and mine is: My suggestion implies that newer players are working on getting something which is going to help them in the future, you want endgame players to break the number one rule in this game: Never sell a champion! Now tell me: Why are you in denial?
    1) That’s not a rule, it’s a suggestion.
    2) A new Avenger will be available.
    3) If the rewards are worth it selling a champion you can immediately recoup is definatly an option.
    4) If you are an “end game” player with all Avengers ranked up you are easily in a position to recoup that loss.

    Your stance is unreasonable. But hey whatever it rakes right? Even if it means denying reality, cause you know “end game” player and all that, 1 of 30+ crystals is worth losing face while selling and immediately replacing a champion means something.

    Got more news for you, back in the day it was common practice for “end game” players to sell champions and replace them in the arena when 5* shards were deemed valuable.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,363 ★★★★
    While there are things players who have been playing longer can't isn't the end of the world. Instead to a certain degree it will help balance the game as it provides something for lower tier players can obtain.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    Lormif said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    That's really a cop out here.

    This specifically penalizes those that have been around for a very long time and have ranked these champs in the past by not providing a way for them to participate in the event.
    and by event, you mean one small quest in the event... Its not like you are unable to do any of the missions.... Just like new players are unable to complete some of the missions...
    New Players have the opportunity to do them, they are not getting cut out of it.

    Lets be clear here there's
    6 Get avengers
    8 Rank Up Avengers

  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    Lormif said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    In other words no one actually thought through these events and what it actually means for long time players....
    We did, but also know that we have to create content for a huge spectrum of players and player experiences. Just like there may be content that is not easily completed by Users with smaller rosters, there may be content that is not easily completed by those more experienced.

    There is a lot of great content this month, and these Objectives are just one small part of them.
    That's really a cop out here.

    This specifically penalizes those that have been around for a very long time and have ranked these champs in the past by not providing a way for them to participate in the event.
    and by event, you mean one small quest in the event... Its not like you are unable to do any of the missions.... Just like new players are unable to complete some of the missions...

    New players have an opportunity to do it, they have not been cut out of it.

    Lets be clear here:
    6 Get avengers
    8 Rank Up Avengers.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Lormif said:

    Gambl0r said:

    Hey guys -

    This is the first time we're really doing things like this and we will certainly be learning from it to keep in mind for future iterations. This content is designed for a variety of players, but can't cater to all, while some is a bonus to what is already going on. We're sorry for what disappointment this is going to cause, but please know we're readily taking all the feedback you're sharing.

    "Can't Cater to All"....What??
    So all your end game players, that have invested time and alot of money into the game, with all their avenger champs maxed out are just disregarded? While lower ranked player, that probably haven't invested any money at all, that play casually will reap the rewards of those objectives. Seems backwards to me

    And the excuse is 'we will certainly be learning from it', but we won't fix anything for the biggest event of the year.
    No, you are not "left out" you have a mission that will be difficult for new people to do, rank up a 5* avenger. Should the new players get upset that they cannot complete that one and feel disregarded?
    Difficult is a lot easier than impossible.
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