No new avengers to rank-up; How can I progress in Avenger Objectives?!



  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    This Avenger’s content is meh - can’t get greater crystals because all my avengers are already leveled up. Thanks again Kabam - not enticed to spend.
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  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I have one!!
    Praise kabam. Lol

  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★

    I gotta be honest, I cant believe that everyone on here complaining has obtained and ranked up every avenger in all star levels. I get the principal, but this isn't like the change to act rewards we could never obtain. This is totally doable in 45 days, in at least a couple different ways. Good money says there will be an avengers only crystal coming up soon too.

    Most of the people who are complaining have been playing the game for 3+ years... you know, pre-12.0. Most of the Avengers are from 2015 and were top champs (Thor, SW, BW)... even War Machine was a halfway acceptable champ. We ranked them up willingly.

    Not to mention that when we had material expiring we would rank up champs instead of waste resources. I mean Kabam has been stating they are noticing many players are only ranking and using specific champs (hence why they have special nodes in Back Issues 2 Variant to make them viable).

    I have every 3* maxed out and my only 4* at R1 we’re recently acquired:

    2 are at R2.... That is out of 134 4* champs that I own. You may find it hard to believe, but there are several people out there like me.

    Not to mention that Kabam talks about unhealthy behavior of hoarding crystals, and I am sure they as would say that not ranking and using other champs is unhealthy to the game. Yet this decision punished those that open crystals, and rank up champs willingly and try to stop hoarding.

    My hoarding is from not having the T1A, T2CC and even T3 catalysts to rank up. After you clear Act 4, those materials dry up outside of T1A. T2CC are so rare and the daily quests do not provide us enough to rank up. In fact, I have a couple to rank up now and I don’t know if I should... what if Kabam release an objective in the next few months that requires me to rank one of my remaining champs? This decision does the opposite of what they are trying to do and promote people ranking up less coveted champs.

    They should reward those that keep a healthy game by allowing the objectives to be autocompleted.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    I also have 107 5* champs and I have been ranking them all to at least R3. It is much slower going due to T4B and T1A. People like me exist. My 5* focus was right after the release of 6*s. It is why I stopped ranking 4* past R4 until I have a restriction on 5* due to R4 requiring T2A.
  • MorosophMorosoph Member Posts: 100
    Suggestion: no reward, but unattainable blocking goals removed.

    Or: allow goals to be achieved out of order. In order to incentiveise getting then in order, unlock the blocked rewards only at the end of the event, so one has to be patient.
  • JohnnJohnn Member Posts: 19

    @Kabam, you guys had to have known this would be a problem for veteran players.
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  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    I'm not sure if this has already been suggested but a simple solution would be to offer a one time only purchase of a rank down ticket for each * champion hat had a #Avengers tag. That way anyone who has already maxed out all their avengers would be able to rank down and then rank them back up again. It's not a perfect solution but it would solve the problem. Any thoughts on this suggestion @Kabam Miike
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Give out Avenger Rank down tickets that give back all materials, people can undo some mistakes and complete the event as well, maybe only to those who are level 60 or above a certain amount of 4 or 5 stars.

    A possibility that will probably not happen.
  • Clay_JohnsonClay_Johnson Member Posts: 2
    Anyone else think they're gonna try to sell another $1000 vision?
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited April 2019

    I gotta be honest, I cant believe that everyone on here complaining has obtained and ranked up every avenger in all star levels. I get the principal, but this isn't like the change to act rewards we could never obtain. This is totally doable in 45 days, in at least a couple different ways. Good money says there will be an avengers only crystal coming up soon too.

    Most of the people who are complaining have been playing the game for 3+ years... you know, pre-12.0. Most of the Avengers are from 2015 and were top champs (Thor, SW, BW)... even War Machine was a halfway acceptable champ. We ranked them up willingly.

    Not to mention that when we had material expiring we would rank up champs instead of waste resources. I mean Kabam has been stating they are noticing many players are only ranking and using specific champs (hence why they have special nodes in Back Issues 2 Variant to make them viable).

    I have every 3* maxed out and my only 4* at R1 we’re recently acquired:

    2 are at R2.... That is out of 134 4* champs that I own. You may find it hard to believe, but there are several people out there like me.

    Not to mention that Kabam talks about unhealthy behavior of hoarding crystals, and I am sure they as would say that not ranking and using other champs is unhealthy to the game. Yet this decision punished those that open crystals, and rank up champs willingly and try to stop hoarding.

    My hoarding is from not having the T1A, T2CC and even T3 catalysts to rank up. After you clear Act 4, those materials dry up outside of T1A. T2CC are so rare and the daily quests do not provide us enough to rank up. In fact, I have a couple to rank up now and I don’t know if I should... what if Kabam release an objective in the next few months that requires me to rank one of my remaining champs? This decision does the opposite of what they are trying to do and promote people ranking up less coveted champs.

    They should reward those that keep a healthy game by allowing the objectives to be autocompleted.
    Like I said I get the principal for sure, and I've been on here for 4+ years so I've been screwed over by this stuff plenty of times as well. I'm just saying that there are some work arounds for this problem, even though it shouldnt be a problem in the first place because kabam chose poorly, and that we should pick our battles carefully. We cant get outraged every single time they do something disappointing, it just makes it easier for them to ignore us when we say they did something truly egregious like steal our gifting badges.
    The gifting badges were being abused and used for potential fraud. People were selling items at a fraction of the actual cash value in unit price. People were selling $100’s of dollars of items. There are a couple YouTube vids of what was happening. I 100% support the gift badge removal until Kabam is able to prevent exploitation and probable credit card fraud. It sucks because it hurts the honest users that were gifting within TOS.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    A lot of people seem to have a sense of entitlement and feel they should be given stuff for the sake of it.

    This a new feature in the game and they created a special section for this months event to celebrate Avengers End Game.
    Did they get it 100% right ? no they didn't
    Have they acknowledged they will take this into consideration for future events ? yes they have

    honestly i would rather they spent the time fixing the issues that affect the game rather then going back and revisiting this special event which will only last for 40 days so a small number of people who are locked out of the objective can get some extra shards.

    Not everyone will be able to complete all the objectives, I would say a lot of people won't be able to complete the obtain a 5 star avenger within the events duration.

    The objective to do with ranking up does favor newer players who don't have all their avengers at r2 or higher already, but in all honesty so what. Chances are they won't be completing the higher difficulty of the other events going on so in the grand scheme of things won't be able to acquire as many shards as the veteran players.

    At the end of the day this is all free stuff being given to you. Kabam didn't have to have this event, you are not paying for playing the event

    If you are so desperate for this people have suggested ways you could potentially complete this which include
    - sell a 4* champion ( Not worth doing in my opinion)
    - grind arena for ronin ( good chance he will be an avenger seeing as IW champs and Ragnorok champs have the tag)
    - Purchase ronin crystals with money or units in the hope of 4*

  • thebiggeasythebiggeasy Member Posts: 7
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