Greater Last Stand Crystal results



  • Thekiller8967Thekiller8967 Member Posts: 323 ★★
    I got a decent chunk of t5bc so I can't conplain
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    at least you got 5*s sigs i got 4*s sigs and 10k gold everytime lol
  • HoliolioHoliolio Member Posts: 24
    ItsDamien said:

    Only one I've opened gave me 10k gold. Right between a 5* Skill Awakening, and a 5* Mystic Awakening. I nearly cried :(

    I got a gold too. But then I got five star shards. So it gets better. I keep dreaming of an Awakening gem but will probably never get.
  • MbizzMbizz Member Posts: 215 ★★

    I count my lucky stars I was fortunate enough to land an AG, that doesn’t make me feel any better about how big of a miss these “rewards” were for this once in a lifetime event.
  • BFritzeBFritze Member Posts: 34
    This just reiterates the issue of 3-Star Awakening Gems lacking the ability to be used as a mere +1 Signature Stones in the event the Summoner has all 3-Star Champions of the given Class awakened already.

  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,764 ★★★★★

  • Thekiller8967Thekiller8967 Member Posts: 323 ★★
    edited May 2019
    At first I was little salty on how bad these rewards are but then I realized just how many of these crystals I can get from the quest that you use the stones. Just 100% up to heroic very easily and hopefully you get something useful. So far I've gotten, t4bc frags x2, t4cc (science which I'm maxed on already), 10k gold, cosmic and tech 5* sig stone. All of that is kinda meh but I did manage to pull 1k 5* shards and 4500 t5bc frags. So for the tiny amount of work I put in I'd say it was well worth it.
  • RichardCraniumRichardCranium Member Posts: 94
    Trash trash and more trash. Nothing but the best from lovely rng based rewards 🤦‍♂️
  • StainsStains Member Posts: 26
    4-star sig stones, 4* shards, 100 units, 5* shards, 5* sig stones all once. And SIX 10k gold IN A ROW. That's when I gave up on the event. Absolute waste of time. Why on earth didn't Kabam use the same system we had with the Intel. These crystals are pathetic.
  • Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Member Posts: 416 ★★
    Just a bunch of sig stones and gold for me. :'(
  • Mdawood41Mdawood41 Member Posts: 19
    All I’ve been getting lately is 4 star sig stones. What happened to these pulls. These are garbage rewards for having to spend this amount of resources
  • FlintTheSavageFlintTheSavage Member Posts: 58

    Got myself a 5* mutant stone
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 824 ★★★
    edited May 2019
    I opened 29 of these in one shot. Figured I had a decent chance at a little t5b, wasn't holding my breath for an AG. Instead got utter and complete garbage. Nothing I could use at my lvl and stuff I already had on overflow.

    This is the absolutely last time I get suckered by these types of events. Too hard and too much work for basically non-rewards. I'll stick to the ones that reward per run or have a currency system. These gems and RNG rewards can get stuffed.

    Edit: Yeah... I'm still salty. Every time I see this thread I get salty all over again. Hopefully, I won't see it anymore.
  • johara84johara84 Member Posts: 145
    I've gotten some decent t2a shards...nothing great. But mostly 4* shards and sig stones.
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