Above Expert Level in Daily Quest? [MERGED THREADS]

The first challenge states you need to complete a daily class quest on expert or above. What is above expert?? Is this a typo or foreshadowing for another level of difficulty and rewards for the daily class quests?
My RNG continues though.
I have beaten the quest 100% on expert and did not receive the completion award in the sum. Journey
@Kabam Zibiit
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Lyra
@Kabam Porthos
See above question
Hi, question on this sum. Journey, complete rotating daily on expert or above. It has the skill fist so does that mean it has to be completed on skill day using skill champs OR any day using a skill champ to beat the boss?
I have beaten the quest 100% on expert and did not receive the completion award in the sum. Journey
And since most people here have probably already completed them by now and so can’t see them anymore, would help if you posted screenshot. You might have even gotten a reply in those 6 minutes if ppl could see what you mean,
It shows the SKILL hand to the left of the quest description
Think they just use the Closed-Fist Symbol as a generic symbol, otherwise the symbol would be in RED and would indicate SKILL Class in the description.