Why is Ebony Maw a Mystic champ?

So, I'll admit I didn't really read Infinity and am only aware of it from the periphery; I'm not a fan of when comic companies feel like dragging a long buried event back to life just to capitalize on the popularity of a movie (seriously, just let the Infinity Gauntlet rest guys). As such, never really blinked twice when EM was first announced, but after watching Endgame, the question came back to mind.
Did some digging about Comic Maw (who may or may not be a telepath or have some persuasion ability like Purple Man/Starfox/Daken) and took another look at movie Maw...neither version is ever mentioned as using magic, as far as I can find.
Did some digging about Comic Maw (who may or may not be a telepath or have some persuasion ability like Purple Man/Starfox/Daken) and took another look at movie Maw...neither version is ever mentioned as using magic, as far as I can find.
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Dormammu is a literal living furnace of magical energy. That's his race's whole hat.
Mephisto is a Hell Lord. I mean, yeah, when you get high enough up the food chain with Marvel, the distinction between Magic, Energy Manipulation, Technology, Psionics, etc. becomes more one of semantics, but Mephisto has never not been portrayed as a supernatural, magical entity.
Also russos confirmed he's a wizard.
And like the previous poster said, not every mystic champion is associated with magic
No ... he was right.
Some champions use magic and are not in the Mystic Class. Some champions don't use magic and are in the Mystic Class.
Just based on the movies, Maw for sure fits the mystic class. By reading his potencial powers and abilities in the comics, same thing. By reading his ingame abilities, for sure he is a Mystic Champion
Some champions use magic and are not in the Mystic Class. Some champions don't use magic and are in the Mystic Class.
Just based on the movies, Maw for sure fits the mystic class. By reading his potencial powers and abilities in the comics, same thing. By reading his ingame abilities, for sure he is a Mystic Champion
No, he was wrong.
Literally every Mystic Champ either directly uses magic, indirectly uses magic or is heavily empowered by magic.
Don't need to run this off topic by having to explain comic book lore to people who've only seen the movies or only played this game.
Literally every Mystic Champ either directly uses magic, indirectly uses magic or is heavily empowered by magic.
No, that is wrong.
Like someone else mentioned, some examples are Juggernaut and Unstoppable Colossus. What do they have, impact nullification? That's not magic at all. Is a power, or an ability.
All For One, from the Boku no Hero Academia manga/anime, has the same ability. And he is no magician or has/uses magic
Like someone else mentioned, some examples are Juggernaut and Unstoppable Colossus. What do they have, impact nullification? That's not magic at all. Is a power, or an ability.
All For One, from the Boku no Hero Academia manga/anime, has the same ability. And he is no magician or has/uses magic
Go actually google the characters before you spout incorrect information, please. Both are empowered by Cyttorak, just as Jane Foster is empowered by the enchantment by Mjolnir.
Willow, try googling the characters before spouting misinformation. Both Juggs and UC are empowered by Cyttorak, just like Jane Foster is empowered by Odin's enchantment on Mjolnir.
This is just one example I found
But Thor is definitely magic and has used magic.
As for a citation that the Russo;s called Maw a mage, the exact phrase is a "techno-mage" and it is in the infinity war commentary.
Jane Foster seems like the only non-magical mystic.
All the others directly cast magic or were given their powers by magical means (including Juggernaut's magical helmet from Cyttorak)
Most Psionics are mutant. Jean Grey is actually Phoenix, thus Cosmic (Jean Grey/Marvel Girl would be mutant and psionic)
They don't have a Psionic-only class, so they dumped him in Mystic.