Corvus Glaive Bleed Immunity bug iN AQ ?!

Hey Kabam,
What’s going on ?? Just had a nice surprise while beating up Hulkbuster in an AQ map3... apparently Corvus Glaive is not bleed immune anymore, even while he has some charges ?! Nerfed or bug ? Anyhow... when can we play decently again ?
As you can see from the combo meter in the screenshots, I haven’t been
hit, so the charge were there continuously, but Corvus lost all of his health through a bleeding although he should be immune... this is really stupid.
If you don’t believe me and want the corresponding video, just let me know... the screens are taken from it.
What’s going on ?? Just had a nice surprise while beating up Hulkbuster in an AQ map3... apparently Corvus Glaive is not bleed immune anymore, even while he has some charges ?! Nerfed or bug ? Anyhow... when can we play decently again ?
As you can see from the combo meter in the screenshots, I haven’t been
hit, so the charge were there continuously, but Corvus lost all of his health through a bleeding although he should be immune... this is really stupid.
If you don’t believe me and want the corresponding video, just let me know... the screens are taken from it.
His signature ability prevents him from dying when he has charges and also if he spends them all in 30 seconds the cooldown timer is reduced by a certain percentage
This "bug" happens because of abilities that trigger at the start of the fight. If Corvus get's a bleed debuff after he gets his charges, he takes no damage from it. If Corvus gets a bleed debuff before he gets his charges, the debuff is purified/removed the moment the gets them. If Corvus gets a bleed debuff in the exact moment he triggers his charges, well ... nothing, he doesn't has that ability, and so he takes full damage from the bleed debuff.
What's meant to happen here is that so Corvus can trigger his ability before the battle actually starts, so that this "bug" doesn't happen when the bleed procs
I believe the intention of his ability is to counter the debuffs that trigger at the start of the fight, but for that to happen his ability needs to trigger in the first place, which is not happening constantly
So by the same standard you would say Nick fury cleansing multiple debuffs because they procced at the same time was working as intended.
This is basically an exploit, Corvus' design is to be immune to damage from these abilities while he has glaive immunity. When it goes on cool down then he will take damage. The fact it puries on disable and re-activation show the intention clearly to be immune to these debuffs while he has glaive immunity. The fact in this instance its not, is clearly a bug and needs to be fixed.
Like I said, it is starting at the same time in your video, and that's why Corvus doesn't do anything because his ability doesn't counter that. I'm not saying that is the intended feature (I clarified that in the previous post), I'm just telling you what is currently happening.
The "bug" is not his charges not countering the damage from the bleed debuff, it is his ability not triggering before the fight starts, or at least moments before the node kicks in. No. The synergy is meant to allow him to remove 1 debuff, not multiple ones. This isn't the same and doesn't work the same way as buffet or masoquism by the way, where it's meant to remove multiple buffs/debuffs triggered at the same time
Just leave him be the noob he always wanted to be
It's okay if people just don't want to accept it, doesn't mean I'm wrong
This bug is not consistent at all so I doubt it’s working as intended
It is not consistent because his ability (glaive charges) are sometimes not triggering at the right time, which I suppose it's meant to be triggered moments before the battle starts